Cosma Empire

Chapter 228

“Ms. Chris, I know the financial strength of the George family and I understand your determination, but I don’t think that the idea of ​​cooperation is a stupid and ridiculous proposal.”, Durin said this when Chris What I want to say is stopped by Durin. “Perhaps in your eyes, the George family omnipotent, no one can stop you from moving forward.”

“But in my opinion, you are rushing into a new industry and have a very serious impact on practitioners in this industry. If all the people who are doing the theater are united, then you think the George family can overcome the whole. Industry? I think it is impossible.”

“You need helpers, and some people need to share the pressure for you and complete the layout of the whole industry faster. I, Juan, have a lot of theaters in hand, if we can become partners, George family The layout plan can be completed at least half a year in advance. Money is not important to you, prestige status is not important to you, but time is important!”

“There has been more than half a year for you to do more things, not for more than half a year. In order to protect ourselves, we always have to be together and eventually form a horrible giant…” Durin said here. I suddenly laughed. “Ms. Chris, have you heard of the cinema union? It may not be there yet, but it may not be in the future!”

When Durin said the word union, Chris’s face changed rapidly. The initial birth of the trade union was that the working class spontaneously formed a special non-profit social organization in order to protect its own interests. The main duty was to protect the rights of workers from illegal infringement by capitalists. Trade unions may be like that in the eyes of most people. However, in the eyes of senior officials, trade union organizations are the most powerful means of countering the rapid expansion of capitalist capitalism, and the “forced war” between trade unions and capitalists often wins. .

At this stage, it is difficult to have an emerging field or industry completely mastered by a certain family or consortium, because of the existence of a trade union organization. For example, the actor strikes that broke out some time ago, and the actor union that was established later, is a kind of war on the bottom of the low-class society that over-intervenes the capitalists in the film industry, and is a victorious war.

If you don’t talk about it, then you won’t have any food. Anyway, most of the trade unions are the lowest-ranking actors. They often don’t have jobs. Even if there is, there is only a modest salary. The impact of strikes on their lives and work is not great. It is precisely because these low-level actors strike that many movies are difficult to continue shooting.

The same is true for theaters. The large and small theaters feel the high-pressure threat from the George family. If they form a union, the George family will fall into the passive. Especially in this trade union there may be a group of rich people like Durin and Juan, then this will have a devastating blow to the George family’s plan.

In the final analysis, the means of monopolizing an industry is nothing more than continually annexing and pursuing the industry as purely as possible. If there is only the George family in the field of cinema lines, then this is a monopoly. But if there is a large group of theaters in the industry that have more theaters and even more theaters than the George family, this is not a monopoly. Without monopoly, there will be no huge profits, and there will be no right to speak that no one can resist. There will be no enough political benefits!

However, if Durin, Juan, and other rich people with many resources in their hands become partners of the George family, they will be meaningless even if they form a union. There is no problem when the number of players can be crushed.

Chris didn’t immediately answer Durin. It’s not something she can do. She can take charge of Irian and the surrounding things, but she can’t handle the layout and planning of the entire family. She needs to report the news of Durin to the core members of the family. . Even if it is a core member of the family, facing this problem will require an extended discussion before giving an answer.

Chris’s attitude is obvious, and Durin closes his mouth. His purpose is achieved, and there is nothing to say next. Chris got up and took Durin to the door. When he said the scene, Durin turned and saw Nasha standing behind him. He snorted and then nodded to greet him, bypassing Miss Nasha and walking past.

Nasha took his eyes back from the closed elevator door until Durin disappeared into the elevator.

“who’s that person?”

Chris was a little surprised. This was the first time Nasha had asked for a local person after coming to Irian. She was not sure where Durin had attracted Miss Nasha, but as the secretary of Miss Nasha, she had to answer This question – Durin.

“Durin?”, Nasha recalled some doubts. She didn’t have a special impression on the name, but she always felt that she had heard the voice somewhere. “What is he doing here?”

Chris had already been surprised. She ushered Miss Nasha into the suite and prepared a cup of coffee for her. “Mr. Durin is here to discuss cooperation with the family. He himself said that he has certain resources in his hand. I hope that we can achieve mutual benefit with us. I have no way to answer Mr. Durin immediately and intend to report this matter to Mr. President.”

“Check this person, I think he should know something that I am interested in.”

For Miss Nasha’s request, Chris has no room for rebuttal. Besides, is it not a simple matter for the George family to check a person? It’s just that Chris is a bit curious. Since Eldest Young Lady came back, there hasn’t been such a concern for everyone like today. She left a mind and prepared to report this incident to Mr. President, perhaps for other uses.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner. Two days passed, and Durin also welcomed the two people Kevin introduced to him.

A lawyer who is also very famous at Imperial Capital is only required to take a break for a while because he has not met the employer’s request twice in a very difficult case. For these lawyers, winning and recent performance are two important indexes. Lawyers like Kevin who can maintain 1% winning odds are very rare. At the level of Kevin, his selection of the agent of the case was exceptionally rigorous. He would not accept any case that might break his golden body, no matter how much the other party gave.

Another financial agent from Imperial Capital came to Durin. The main reason for this is to make a comeback. This guy named Joshua is notorious. He worked with someone to make a money-raising project before he went to prison. Finally, he was a companion. Selling, he became a scapegoat for five years and confiscated all the property. The most terrible thing is that what he did was known to Ritz Street, and some of the tycoons on Ritz Street had already spoken out, forbidding anyone to cooperate with Joshua. He could only contact some old friends after he had nowhere to go, and finally got the line of Durin through Kevin.

Durin hosted two people in Irian’s most luxurious restaurant, with expensive dishes filled with a whole table and two bottles of precious red wine worth hundreds of pieces. Everyone was very satisfied with the meal. Durin showed respect for the two and showed their financial resources. Not everyone can stop eating a meal of seven or eight hundred, which is more than the ordinary rich level. After the meal, the three returned to Durin’s estate. After a short break, he invited the two into his study.

“I believe in the professional ethics and professional ethics. I invite you to come here. There is one thing I want to discuss with you to see if there is room for operation.” Durin opened the music box on the table and took it out. One gestured, the lawyer Jia Wen shook his head clearly, but Joshua asked for one. “I have a project recently, I plan to cooperate with the George family, but there may be some gaps in funding, I think Ask two people, can this company I set up not be listed to raise funds?”

Gavin did not move, Joshua came to the interest, he nodded and said: “Mr. Durin, there is no doubt that your idea is very compatible with the operation of capital advanced concepts, listing financing for enterprises, for investors It is a great choice. The company has obtained sufficient funds from the stock market for its own development, and investors can also make profits by purchasing stocks and other investment activities, which is indeed feasible.”

Durin laughed, tilted his legs, and he looked at Gavin. “Mr. Gavin, my company has only applied for less than a week, is it eligible for listing?”

In fact, Joshua can answer this question, but Durin asked two people instead of one, so Joshua closed his mouth.

Gavin nodded. He has been in the legal profession for many years and has a very good understanding of the law. It is normal to fail to fight a lawsuit. He does not think that he must lose. After waiting for this paragraph, I will pick up a few small cases and return to the industry of first-class barristers. Of course, if you can operate a project that is very much concerned during this time, it will be more beneficial to his current and future development.

“In the new legal provisions on financial issues issued seven years ago, any company must operate for two years and the financial report is sound, and companies with potential or technology frontiers can be listed. Your company can’t apply for it… One week, but it can be listed by way of acquisition of a small company.”

Durin smiled with satisfaction. “I don’t know if the two have any requirements for pay?”

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