Cosma Empire

Chapter 227

Durin met the old Fuller at the last banquet, but he didn’t say anything. Old Fuller was the first real estate developer of Irian. They hoarded a lot of land when the land was extremely cheap. After Irian developed it, they built a lot of shopping malls and houses on those sites, and they became a fatty in one breath. . This kind of person is not investing, but is speculating. They bet that Irian can develop.

Not every speculator can get rich overnight. Most speculators may end up with nothing, but dozens of times and dozens of times of profits are still attracting many speculators to put all their assets into a certain area, a certain field. in. This kind of person is not a minority, for example, the couple of farms in the neighboring state, are they not speculators? Only their speculation failed, and they bought a lot of cheap land but did not wait for the rapid development of the city. As a result, they turned themselves into rich farmers, businessmen, and students.

For them they are lucky because they are not bankrupt, at least the land is still their own. Maybe one day the city will gradually catch up with other regions, and the farms in their hands will become a huge gold mine, but no one knows when the day will come back, they may not wait, and their children may wait. If not, let their grandchildren and descendants sigh the ancestors’ “smart” decision-making and “long-term” gaze!

More information about Fuller father and son soon came to light. Irian’s intelligence network was much faster and faster than Tenel City’s intelligence network. Durin looked at the intelligence in his hands and left it for a long time.

Old Fuller was indeed a far-sighted speculator who bought heavy chunks of land when Irian had not made a fortune. His idea is that Irian, one of the three deep-water ports of the empire, will have a huge change, so he sold all the assets he could sell, carrying a box of money from the bustling city to the poor and backward Irian, at Irian. I bought all the land I could buy. He built a house here, and his wife became the same farmer as the old man of the next city, and then waited for great development.

He mortgaged part of the peeling to the bank, borrowed money from the bank, and built a building in the first district close to one third. Relying on this huge income, he quickly filled his land with shopping malls, houses and other facilities. After becoming a rich man, Old Fuller seems to have no courage and ambition to continue to expand and continue to speculate. He is willing to live a luxurious life here, indulging in daily social and entertainment.

His son naturally learned the old Fuller’s attitude towards life, only pursued enjoyment, never considered what he should do. Already eighteen years old, in addition to being fooled around with women everywhere, is to get drunk with a group of wine friends. For the son’s negative attitude towards life, the old Fuller is not very concerned. He laughed more than once and said that his money is enough for him and his son, his grandson and more descendants to live a profligate life. There is no need to let himself The children went to live for life.

Plus the little Fuller is the only child of the old Fuller, and he must have spoiled him. No matter what he wants or does, he has the old Fuller to clean up the mess. Someone used to take the opportunity to extort the old Fuller. Some have succeeded and some have failed. Although Old Fuller has no further ambitions, his wealth is destined to make him a famous figure in the city.

With a very wide network of contacts and wealth, there are very few things that he is not doing. For him, everything is actually one thing, nothing more than spending money!

There is also a very interesting piece of information. In order to be angry with people, Little Fuller has self-directed a farce and kidnapped himself, and successfully deceived the frozen thousand from the old Fuller. Later, Old Fuller knew about it and didn’t say much. He even thought that Little Fuller was really smart.

The good life made his former lion lose his sharp claws, sharp teeth, his life, his life and everything he has is full of decaying taste.

The old Fuller, who holds a lot of real estate and real estate in his hands, can extract an amazing rental fee every month. He is the real “rich family”!

As for whether he could withdraw a little money from his pocket through this matter, Durin considered it, but finally gave up. What he wants in this matter is “name”, not “profit.” Only Guartian understood the existence of him and his fellow countrymen and recognized him as the president. The following things will develop. If you want money, Juan will give him a lot of money, and there are others who will give him a lot of money.

In fact, there is another important factor, that is, the money is not so good.

The old Fuller has only one elder sister, but has not been contacted for a long time. Since he sold all his family, Irian has not been contacted as a farmer, and he has long lost contact. There seems to be no one in his wife who still keeps in touch. No one has visited their husband and wife during these years. The only ones who have a relationship with them are their sons. Once their son dies, the old Fuller will definitely break out. Regardless of the final result, his property and his money can only be cheaper for the City Hall and the Imperial Bank.

It is too difficult to insert a hand, and time is not allowed.

“You have to arrange this to make sure you can’t leave any flaws, but let Old Fuller know.” Durin stuffed the information files to Dufo. He didn’t have time to do this recently, and this little thing. Dufo can do it well. He is now going to execute the second step of the plan to see the girl, Nasha George.

When Durin drove outside the hotel, the hotel’s concierge took the key from him, parked him in the garage, and handed the key to the front desk. People may not know who Durin was before, but since that dinner, many people already know who Durin is, so don’t worry that those people will mistake the keys.

Standing in the elevator, Durin passed the plan in his mind again. I came to see Nasha today… Accurately, I came to see Nasha’s secretary. The main purpose is to convince her that in the southern part of the empire, Durin and Juan have taken the lead in starting the process and expressing their ideas, wanting to be with the George family. Cooperation. He does not need a small secretary to respond directly to his request, as long as the small secretary does not deny this matter is enough.

Even the rich and imposing George family needs to be as cautious and careful as possible in the face of an industry layout.

The elevator opened with a slight vibration and immediately two men greeted them. They wore very well-dressed suits, and one of them also showed a holster hanging on the strap.

“Sorry, this is currently a private territory. If you don’t have an appointment, please leave now.”

In the face of the two-door bodyguard Durin, there is no feeling of anger. People can only praise and do nothing, and he does not need to make these mistakes. “I have made an appointment with Ms. Chris. I am Durin. “”

I don’t know if the name Durin is particularly useful, or the appointment played a role. Two bodyguards let go of the aisle. One of them went into the suite at the end of the corridor in front of Durin, and soon he came out again and invited Durin. Go in.

This suite belongs to Chris, the little secretary. When Durin entered the room, he saw what Chris was recording on his desk. She didn’t lift her head and pointed to the chair next to it. “I’m sorry, I still have a little more to review. You should sit for a while.”

After Durin sat and waited for a while, Chris took the wrist and put down the pen. She apologized first, then packed up the things on the table and gave Durin a cup of coffee. “Hello, I remember you. Is there any project that wants to work with us, is it?”

Durin smiled, nodded, and took a sip of coffee. “I heard that the George family intends to invest more in the film industry, especially in the cinema, is that true?”

Chris didn’t hide anything from Durin. Everything like the giants of the George family couldn’t escape the sight of people’s visits. If you look at it with your heart, you can definitely find it. It’s better to admit it than to lie without interest. Come down.

“It is true, then what you mean is…”

Durin quietly put the coffee cup down. “I currently own a share of 50% of East Coast Entertainment, and I have also built about 120 new cinemas elsewhere. It is difficult for me to stand alone against George. Family, my idea is that if we don’t fight, why can’t we cooperate?”

“Cooperation?” Chris pushed his glasses. “What form do you want to work with?”

“To build a new company, we distribute the shares in the yards and values ​​held by each of them, and ultimately they are operated by professional managers. The financial situation is completely open to the public.” In the face of Durin’s ideas, Chris did not directly refute But the smile on her face sold out the real thoughts in her heart.

“Mr. Durin, you may not know, we have already arranged about 400 cinemas throughout the empire, and this number is constantly rising. We are not short of money, and there is no shortage of businessmen who provide us with land. We have the ability. Complete this project independently, then why do we have to work with you?”

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