Cosma Empire

Chapter 1295

Barr and the hospital conveniently talked to the doctors and nurses, and they set Marcus up on a wheelchair and pushed him out of the room.

Just the last second he left the room, he was doing his best to control his body’s image on TV, where he was broadcasting a program related to Durin – The Myth of Wealth.

After more than 40 minutes of driving, the wheelchairs used to transport Marcus were advanced in the lab, where he saw a lot of “sick friends”, some of whom were also very kind enough to smile at him and greet him.

The whole lab is transparent walls, which make Marcus somewhat embarrassed, and he doesn’t want to see the body in such a transparent cage as other people see as animals.

Perhaps in view of the fact that the former Prime Minister like Marcus should not be seen in the same way as other ordinary people, they have prepared a non-transparent house, but in order to ensure Marcus’s safety and that his pathological development can be quickly detected, observed, the room will arrange for one male and two female researchers, and the young are already doctors.


laboratory has attached great importance to Marcus’s arrival, and after his arrival in his room, many instruments have begun to work and, after more than 40 minutes of inspection, the head of the laboratory believes that Marcus’s body and his current situation can begin to be treated.

“Your health, Your Excellency, is very healthy, and some older people will suffer less from disease, and I agree with all researchers that you can now be treated, and if you do not object, we will start shooting at you later.”

The head was a medical expert over 60 years old who looked at Marcus after those words, confirmed that he had no objection, called a number of telephone calls, and nurses also started pushing narcotic drugs into biosalt water.

With a long time of illusion and dilemma, Marcus, who swing around the sky, was quickly caught in unconscious coma, and the research room started treating it.

In fact, the process of treatment is very simple and brief, and they will be made up of a fibre at the top, followed by a needle that is not rusty steel, inserted in Marcus’s nose and then injected in the leaf.

It was an injection, but it was just spraying the medicine in the head, and it did not involve the injection of the brain tissue, which was clearly a murder.

Marcus, the other patient, was not too guilty, and some people had to operate before being treated, and left a short window on the skull so that treatment could be available at any time.

This brain opens the window is, in fact, very dangerous, but if there is a slight level of bacteriological contamination, it is likely that even if medical groups provide these volunteers with sterile bedrooms, the human body is itself a large workshop for bacteriological production, and it is always produced and excluded from the body.

So Marcus just needs to inject back instead of suffering and trouble in the leaf, and it’s lucky.

The first injection was very successful, and everything was very normal except for the short fluctuations in the brain, and the researchers left two experts behind after leaving to observe Marcus’s reaction, which would also be preserved as important clinical data.

About four hours later, Marcus woke up from a coma, and he took a slight breath in his eye, and his face returned to the wooden, or called expressionless.

After checking some data, the two observers wrote this phrase in the observatory text – the observers were temporarily overrun during the first time of the awakening, the blood pressure had risen markedly and the physical form had not changed significantly…

The time has always been so quiet that Marcus has been in the lab for 20 days, and Barr will come by every time in these days and read Marcus a newspaper, like before, saying what has happened recently.

Marcus’s wife went to take care of Ophelia, didn’t have that many time to run back, so Marcus was sometimes very cold, and Barr sent him two television calls, one news, and the other news.

“Are there still no clear signs of improvement?” Barr walked into the office next to his room for a while, and talked about Marcus’s condition with the head here.

Some embarrassing actions by the heads of State to ignore this issue have, in fact, not so far seen a better side from Marcus’s performance, and, like before, he has not changed too much, with no clear subjective and correct capacity to act.

This is a little embarrassing, and he does not believe that their research will be successful only on ordinary person, and that it will be of little use to noble people like Marcus.

Ten thousand medical studies against ordinary people are far more valuable and more important than a medical study for noble people!

in addition to paying some of the money that they can afford to pay for these research results, ordinary people are not able to pay more, but the privileges are different, and they can not afford more money to the research room.

Once this medicine declares null and void on Marcus, it is very likely that a series of questions will be raised, first of all, that Prime Minister Barr will not be happy, and then some of the capital that has been tortured to chopper will start with them who have lost their umbrella.


year there will be a lot of capital to enter the medical field, but it is no longer a matter of money to feel that anyone who can stretch his hand in this area, which has been completely closed, must face the siege of the five major medical groups.

Once some people’s programmes have been lost because of the failure of this treatment, those capital will tear them apart and then step on their bodies and enter this area.

So anyway, Marcus has to show a good side, even if he cannot recover, and to prove that the treatment he receives is effective for him.

“Mr. Barr, in fact, the situation of His Excellency Marcus has changed significantly compared to before. Did you not see that His Excellency Marcus’s eyes have recently become more vivid?”

Barr frowns thought, some confused looking at the head of the eye, and then slightly shook the head, “That’s not enough. I need more change, and if anything happens to inform me in a timely manner, I may not come in these days.”


inauguration of the Imperial Assembly took Barr for a few days, and it was very good to travel around two days in accordance with the normal process, but the problem was that there had been some changes in the Imperial Parliament.


Dili Party and the Labour Party all got seats, turning them into their people by bringing together members of the Imperial Parliament, and then the Empire and the Labour Party came to the House and entered the Imperial Assembly and had the right to vote.

It’s just a very terrifying thing, which in the past was confined to new and old parties, and if Marcus or Barr believed that the adoption of a resolution would bring greater changes to the empire, it would never have been possible to adopt a full vote on any issue.

But now, the changes in the color of those seats in Parliament make Barr very worried that about one quarter to one third of parliamentarians have been brought together by the Empire and the Labour Party, making the old party and the new parties very passive.

He needed to focus more on the matter in order to deal with the problems that were most likely to occur suddenly during the session.


head of the laboratory, together with the nodded, pledged to accelerate the pace of research and treatment, and then personally sent Barr away, and he took a decision.

Barr’s disappointment has led the head to increase the dose of Marcus medicine at night therapy by 30 per cent, apparently exceeding the planned dose, but this is also a matter of no way.

Can’t do anything, and then follow it, what if there’s the worst situation?

As for whether to do so would be problematic to allow Marcus to meet with the Lord in advance, it was no longer more authoritative than those of the heads of State, as the authority of the imperial brain sciences and the World brain science.

How to explain Marcus’s damage and even death, the answer they gave is truth!

Even the cold and wrestling are likely to cause death, and the sudden death of this brain disease is no longer normal?

More at night, Marcus from the coma opened his eyes, some distortions in his room, or some spinning around.

Narcotics, which mainly use ghost mushrooms as a core material, do not produce excessive symptoms, which are safer and reliable than those of chemical agents, and do not have terrifying consequences, except for some illusions between the full past of pharmaceutical effects.

This is also why medical groups and a large number of interest groups attach special importance to ghost mushrooms, which brings about a huge chain of interests, so anyone who dares to touch these things will be killed by them.

Marcus, who woke up, was a little uncomfortable in his head, and there was some slight spinning in the eye, the lights in his room had been extinguished, television had opened, and the contents of the rolling out of the picture had begun to repeat the day’s show.

There are no sound television outlets spreading fresh light sources, which make room seemingly anonymous, and two of those responsible for observation fall asleep in the bench.

His eyes turned a few circles, his fingers started to slight, and even finally he was able to slow his arm up.

As one of the two observers woke up, Marcus’s eyes became more rigid.

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