Cosma Empire

Chapter 1294

Many believe that it is certainly not a problem to break the total value of the competition, but that the time will be extended, and that the accumulation of the next few days will not be as fast as that of the first day.


first day of speculation scares many people, and no one ever sees such crazy game games and gamblers, and sometimes they even doubt that these data will be fake, that a region, a city, or even a state, has a total annual output, and why is it just a gambling game that can make money less than money?

Maybe they’re just fumized by a special atmosphere, some irrational, and they’re using the only, special, unusual word to make themselves less sensitive.

However, those who stand on the “off-site” evaluation site will never be real gamblers, and they will never know what the gamblers think.

At a time when it is thought that investing at the heart of the Western fugitive will reduce the rate of bidding, it will be possible to hit the total bid of Star Coin in in the next week or even longer, the next morning, at 9.30 a.m., a joint statistical office from Otis City and Ambilo states slaughtered the fiercely.

Yesterday’s full day breakthrough 60 million quotas have been exceeded by 40 million hours in less than two hours after the start of the next morning’s acceptance of the bid, which has deprived everyone of their ability to speak.

Including His Highness First Prince, who stared at the dogs at this time and looked at the aggregate information, a blank in the brain.

People often describe millions of dollars of wealth and sometimes billions of dollars, but not so much, because this unit represents more than many people’s imagination.

100 million dollars to do what nobody knows, but that’s definitely gonna do a lot!

As economic recovery slows up the inflation of Star Coin, not to say that the Cabinet of Ministers wants to print bills, but rather to have more goods in the market, more circulation links, and more individuals and organizations involved in this financial competition game are multiplying, the empire will certainly need to print bills to meet the needs of the various circulation links.

The money itself is a commodity, but it is only given more meaning, and when the money flows more on the market, the value it embodies is actually slipping away.

And even so, 100 million is a promising and daunting figure, but it’s really done, and Durin, the one who has grassed the fortunate Goddess, is the miracle, and he’s done another miracle that is unlikely to be done in the view of others!

Even Durin himself had an accident, because he didn’t think that he could actually do it!

A growing number of people began to understand how this game was playing, how to play, and how the first day someone was phased out for a variety of reasons, which also gave rise to an urgent psychology, and the constant fluctuations in the single-stage compensation rate was one of the main reasons for pushing those eyewitnesses out.

According to the current momentum, Durin’s Ambilo state government, and his constituent committee can take the benefits of not less than 50 million or 100 million dollars from this game!

The use of money is really too large, with tens of millions of capital, as well as income from future sources, where Durin is no longer a problem, and how long he’s going to go is a problem.

The busy telephone calls have made contact points from all regions busy, and constant calls have been made to Durin’s office, hoping to meet with Durin about a time to talk about the future development of Ambilo and the future development of the new party.

Capital pursuit is never a firm position and justice, and they will always seek profits, as long as people can bring them the profits they want, change the flag’s position, as if they were wearing pants and taking off their pants.

But Durin did not reveal any attitude to it, and he looked at the game all day, and talked to some friends about something that had nothing to do with those phones.

Far from Imperial Capital, Barr just finished reading today’s news, and there’s still some noise on TV about the big escape.

He goes to the hospital every day to talk to Marcus, and he’s scared of this old friend because of some of the current circumstances that gave up hope and then left them.

Marcus, as long as he survived, even if it became the case now, his deterrent to the empire and to the world as a whole would exist, fearing that he would die, would be a big problem.

So Barr came every day, and he’d come with some newspapers, read some news to Marcus, say something about Marcus’s interest, or complain about bad luck he met.

This has almost become a practice, and Ophelia has recently seen less time to watch Marcus, and the proximity has prevented her from doing something for a long time, most of which is lying in bed and watching TV, or walking around the grasslands with several nurses.

Today is the first day for Marcus to be treated, and after more than a month of preparation, the results of the first clinical experiment have come out – indeed, it is not true, because a large number of people are beginning to change well, but it is far from the outcome.

It can only be said that their projects are effective and have little side effects, which is enough for Marcus to start trying.

“You’re ready, Old Partner?” Barr’s holding Marcus’s back, “We can wait, and when more information comes up, we’ll decide, it’s still very risky.”

The absence of side effects and other complications does not mean that these things are non-existent, and, in fact, in the clinical trials of many medicines, only one of the thousands of people has a side effect in medicine, and there are many.

If the risk and terrifying of the side effects are ignored only because of the small rate of side effects, it will only be accepted by ordinary man, who, for those who are very special like Marcus, should not be able to meet the unknown risk, even if there is only one tenth and one million chances.

Marcus’s body got two moves, and this is what he would do when he objected, Barr laughed at sighed, he stood up and walked to the door, and he said, “Hopefully our choice is right.”

Subsequently, with the assistance of the President of the hospital and the Group of Experts, Marcus left the room and was sent to the medical laboratory, where he would receive medical treatment for a period not less than half a year.

Through that magical crystal injection, let his damaged brain tissue return to the stage of development and again try to grow up in order to repair the behavioural deficiencies caused by the impairment of brain tissues.

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