Cosma Empire

Chapter 1291

Simon was very sensible and had no choice but to react and pretend to be very innocent, just as he had a handgun with him and a body with a high length of time just now was purely used to defend itself.

He can explain that he can also choose not to believe that Simon did nothing blind in the face of the apparent presence of murderous aura gunmen in these eyes, and that he was more sophisticated than the two missing young people, and that he was ready to sacrifice at the moment when he put his pistol on the ground.

From the beginning of this secret job, he has been screened at a layer and eventually asked if he would choose to escape when he had to face death for reasons of confidentiality or other reason.

He’s not as fast as anyone else is, but after considering some time, nodded.

His family was represented by the royal family, his ancestors, his grandfather and other family members, all of whom believed that the royal service was honoured and that their families had benefited greatly from it.

there will be no unreasonable gain in the world, and there will always be a payment and a heavy payment.

He decided to work with those people and then to figure out who was behind them, which organizational forces were looking for their problems and how to find them.

Only by clarifying these things can the message be transmitted in a number of other ways, so that the Vivian Knight team can react quickly.


whole group disappeared in the night with Mr. Simon, and had been standing up with blind security, and he looked forward to returning to the calm streets, and then stood up and walked to the yard of the newspaper and locked the iron door that few would lock.

He did not choose to call the police, nor did he choose to share this different message with anyone, and he was well aware that, apart from being aware of himself, others would not keep this secret, which might kill him, which was just a conversation among other populations.

After not long passage, two vehicles entered a pet food processing plant on the outskirts of Ordo.

The factory at night is spectacular, and the lights hanging on the roof are occasionally blown by a little bit of a powerful, squeaking, loud voice, and keep the light in the factory moving, making things blurred and shining.

Simon was scheduled to sit on a chair, and he saw all around, with bloody steak in the air, all of the raw materials from pet food, that is, the meat of animals and their internal filth.

There are cattle sheep internal dirt, and there are other animal meat, such as fish, which have a common feature, which is cheap and easily accessible.

These include other crops and vegetables, such as wheat powder, potatoes, maize, etc., which, in fact, are strictly calculated and whose food is more scientific in terms of nutritional equilibrium than human consumption.

This is a very terrifying site, and Simon’s first time has been determined, and this may be a place where the other side has been used for a long time to deal with the aftermath. Anyone who breaks into these stinky internal organs, breaks up into meat into pet food, then eats by cat dogs or whatever else, pulls out, even if a piece of fragment is found, it is not possible to obtain more valuable information from it.

They are old hands, and it is likely that they have some relationship with the owner of this pet food processing plant, even the factory.

His calm looking towards several other shooters around all around, and then looking towards people standing in front of him, “I don’t know where I’m guilty of you, and I need you to kidnap me here as a mainframe, and sometimes my views and positions in the newspaper are not my boss, and many people can interfere with me, and I think these…”

The man before him raised his hand to stop him from continuing, and he closed his mouth in due course. “As we all know, Mr. Derek, the game of words does not allow you to escape this crisis, but with honesty, I hope that we will have a happy communication process, and I hope you will understand that we do not like using violence to achieve our goals.”

When this guy screamed out the name “Drake”, Simon knew that there was a problem within the Tibetan Knight Corps, that information from the middle cadres like him had been kept very well, and that no one in normally could access their identity information if there were not more than three large Knight heads to sign at the same time.

He was silent for a long time, and then he said, “What do you want to know?”

The executive Captain has some odd name Simon, actually called Mr. Drake’s pain and direct, how much more smile he has on his face, “You guys in Tenel City have been very active lately, and what are they investigating?”

De Rocca looked at this executive Captain, and the eyes of the two had been approached for a while, and he slowly said, “We lost two, and you did it?”

“Answer the question, Mr. Drake, I would like to point out to you that if there is another wrong answer, you will be punished!”

About an hour later, Mr. Drake, who had been very miserable, had been wrapped up by two young people into a blender, while others had washed the ground with water pipes, and some of the clues that had been left in less than a few minutes had disappeared.

More than 10: 00 p.m. Durin received this call and found out what happened to the original committee.


reason for relaunching the investigation was two, the first of which came from First Prince’s drive, and he was reluctant to confront Durin too much with regard to the parties’ total confrontation, but at least he hoped that he would be able to get the important leverage on Durin.

He did not know or could not know what Durin had to do with the former Blood Dawn, which was a purely ordinary investigation, and if Durin had been identified, he and the royal will certainly rise again for First Prince, and no one could resist it.

Durin’s fall means that Marcus’s followers have been laid down by the Dili party, regardless of whether there are some non-combatant crimes here, and eventually falling into the eyes of the new party’s opposition, and that the new generation of leaders, Durin, has suffered a tragic failure.

If Durin had nothing to do with Blood Dawn, there was nothing to lose for First Prince, they would be leisure, and if there was a little harvest.

Others, such as Durin’s conspiracy to rob, fight land, smuggling alcohol, etc., is not a matter of any kind, and when the power of a person reaches a certain level, the law, the custom’s characterization of mistakes, is not enough for these people.

As long as the routes are wrong, these little problems are really small, and that is why no one uses them to attack Durin, and everyone knows that these things are worthless.

The second reason for the reopening of the investigation stems from the internal presence of the Vivian Knight Mission, where they found a sealed document in the process of collating the confidential document, which facilitated the resumption of the investigation.

The holder of the document was Anna herself, who had sealed a laptop into a secret room five years ago and issued a five-year confidential archive label.

Every year, the Vivian Knight Corps will have a large number of documents kept confidential, and a large number of archives will reach the dissolution period, and documents that will be removed from the archives will be read out from the archives, while not less than five analysts will read the confidential documents and then be processed according to their value.

The overwhelming majority of Anna’s laptops were Amber’s analysis of the case in her hand, inserting a part of her own guess and Amber’s irresponsible guess, which included ideas about Durin and Blood Dawn.

In Amber’s analysis, it was observed that Blood Dawn appeared in front of one after another former “senior” Mennon, which would necessarily have some connection with the main bone members of Blood Dawn, and that, during the investigation of Mennon and his social network, Amber accidentally discovered that Mennon had two unintended telephone records, from Tenel and Irian, according to the information left by the Telegraph Service at that time.

According to the tracking of Durin’s activities at that time, Amber discovered that the two phones occurred when Durin coincided with Tenel and Irian.


is never a coincidence in the detection of cases, and since there is a problem, it is necessary to find evidence of the existence or absence of evidence to prove or reject the problem.

Durin was also a son of a rural farmer in Amber and Anna’s eyes, the head of a criminal organization, and there was no direct relationship between him and a notorious proponent of the forward party, leader Mennon.


is absolutely no need and relationship between the two people that could allow them to communicate without seeing each other, and if so, why would they call?

So is there some other unknown news in this, or is it just coincidence, for example, that Durin knows something about Blood Dawn?

And no matter whether these are coincidental, Amber believes that the continuation of the investigation into Tenel City and Purple Alfalfa Town will certainly be able to find some silk horses that may not be found by everyone.

And then Anna did, and was killed, so the analysing room found it very likely that Amber’s analysis had been established and that, regardless of whether Durin or not had any relationship with Blood Dawn, Anna alone had been killed in Tenel City, and that the unbridled notebook was sufficient to illustrate the problem, and Tenel City had been very serious and had not yet noticed the loopholes that had not been identified.

The relevant cases organized by Blood Dawn have been at the forefront of the Mission’s reconnaissance sequence, together with the requirements of First Prince, and the Violet Knight Research Unit has reopened the investigation of Tenel and activated the full range of isolated features.

Just because they didn’t think about it, it was a little bit moving, and there was a big problem.

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