Cosma Empire

Chapter 1290

Pete saw Eric when sighed in relief, and everybody relaxed.

In these days Pete found himself really starting to believe in Mother Audrey, who has been praying to this Goddess, who was purely fabricated, to confess and try to get the lady’s forgiveness.

He did a lot of wrong to face a situation where he might have to die, where he feared, struggled, angry and disguised, but eventually he lost his desire to earn a living.

He doesn’t want to die, he’s got a lot of money, and there’s a lot of people in the power, as Durin said before, so long as he’s hiding, it’s better than anyone else.

In this world in which capital dominates society, money is the engine of social development and the source of evil, and whoever holds the money, it is the age that he has.

He’s rich, and he can totally spend the time he wants, and he has these wealth that he can even subvert a small country.

He really doesn’t want to die, but he doesn’t think it’s up to him to die in Durin’s hands, unless he ends his life in advance and mocks Durin with it, which is not capable of absolute control of anything, but the problem is old, he doesn’t want to die, and it’s impossible to kill himself.

He thought he might have been treated quietly, even though he had already been very close to some of Durin’s demands, but he himself considered that if he was Durin, he would not have had to live with a lot of useful information, and his next appearance could have been known.

But at this point, when the door opened to his prayer was not the Death God, who had lost his life, he suddenly felt that the Mother of the Earth, Audrey, was not necessarily there. She must have heard her prayers and confessions, forgiven her own mistakes and given her a chance.

Simon laughed when Eric took his own papers and asked Peter to cooperate with his job, and he had to save it!

There is no need to be a good day in the hands of the Imperial Intelligence Service, and the crowd is likely to leave him in a secret prison after all the rest of his value has been harassed, and then watch him die in it.

Liberty goes away from him, but he doesn’t care if he’s alive. What does freedom have to do with it?

That is all the issues that will be considered after eating enough to survive, and it is now the most critical thing to live.

Eric, some don’t understand why a man who should have been afraid of himself saw himself spinning a happy smile like a relative, and he talked to Peter in the basement, and then watched Pete raise his hands and put him in handcuffs for himself, and Eric always thought there was something wrong here, but he couldn’t find a problem.

He and Durin left with Eric directly, and three people opened a secret passage, travelling directly to the southern city of the Empire, where Peter would be accidentally discovered in a small city in the south and then formally arrested.

It is clear that there has been enough experience in making Eric a part of his work, and that all those who belong to his faction and who have a heart and heart will benefit very much from it, which, in addition to his own, belongs to him.

They’re going to forge a complete, without any broken process to cope with the inquiries, from discovering, arresting, interrogating, getting enough information, all of which are designed.

On the other hand, after Durin’s receipt of the list, three “Knight Chiefs” of Cannes Province were transmitted to the past, where they did not use formal military or non-military organizations, like the Military Intelligence Service or the Security Council, to form a class, but rather adhered to past traditions and, after a relative reduction in the stairs, divided organizational structures by hierarchy such as “Knight“, “Knight Long Knight”, “Big Knight” Knight Knight Knight Knight “,” Knight Knight Knight Knight “.


lowest level of implementers is Knight, while the middle manager is Chief Knight, who can sit in the town Imperial Capital in charge of overall mediation and command at the main Knight level.

As for Knight, it was not a class name, but it represented the highest class in the Javier Knight group, that is, the head of the Knight.

This is a seal number for Knight, distinguishing from the royal seal and the other jazz, which, according to the past tradition, can be done by Knight, which is sealed by the royal royal royal royalty, and is known as the “Crown Knight”.

These people will only seal them after they have received a great medal and swear to be loyal to the royal family, and they are also royal people who cannot even be “princess” or even noble class because of their royal servants.

In fact, there is no difference between this and the other noble and Knight, and the Knight sealed by the nobles belongs to their families.

The Knight class is a privileged class, but they are not noble, and they are family servants of nobility, who are the strongest, most faithful, and will become family guardians of Knight and the most core armed members of the heart.

According to this relationship, Violet Knight is actually the royal custodian of Knight, while the Violet Knight is the “Riley Ridge” in the hands of the Crown Knight.

They have served the royal family for many years, and even the holder of the seal Knight has changed a lot. So far, there are things that have kept tradition, and there are things that have begun to change quietly and better to meet this new era.

The three mid-level personnel in Cannes Province belong to the head of Knight, who belongs to the middle of KKT.

The three of them are responsible for the operation and operation of the entire Cannes Province organization, which can be described as Cannes Province Spirit, who also have sufficient competence to learn some deeper information.

The capture of these people would certainly be shocked by the Violet Knight, even First Prince, but he and First Prince, and the Knight, who had previously refused to let go, had a direct conflict of interest, or cared if they were found and knew.

Less than an hour after Durin hung up the phone, the Cannes Province people started to move.


first target of their arrest was more than 20 different identities, some of which had been abandoned after their use, but some were in the process of operating maintenance, which was called Simon’s thirty-ninth year-old middle age age person, who, according to Eric’s information, was a director of the Ordo Journal.


President of the Order of Ordo immediately used his hand to investigate the individual, and according to the personal information he currently displayed, he moved from elsewhere to Ordo more than 10 years ago as a journalist, edited, eventually joined the Ordo Journal nearly six years ago and became the editor of the daily newspaper one year later.

He has some authority in the daily newspaper and has some influence in society, and, after all, as the chief editor of the Ordo’s largest publishing journal, he has been able in some respects to join some capital or even political activities.

In the course of the investigation of this man, the gods found that he had a very good structure of social relations, such as his family, a wife, child went to school in the field, and he even had relatives from a distance, and it was likely that the hypocrisy that he had created would be deceived if the identity of the individual was investigated without knowledge.

Unfortunately, however, the perfectly perfectly perfectly perfected performances cannot be done by people who eat outside of it…


whole group waited outside the newspaper at over 8: 00 p.m., and Simon had been overtime until now, and it was clear that his treatment was very serious and waited for a second, and the lights of the office on the third floor had been extinguished.

Simon locked up the office door with a handbag, and he spoke to the doorman, and frowns went to the parking lot, and he was wearing a circle of black box glasses, which were very common, and there were others that were serious.

The sudden loss of contact between the two men has shocked him with some headaches, reducing things like this when they never really happen, as people often use “even if I do” to express their views.

But really when he met these things and happened to him, he was stupid.

Simon’s problems are the same. As one of the three directors of Cannes Province, there is a major problem with the disappearance of intelligence personnel without any intelligence support, he must ascertain whether the disappearance of these two persons was accidental or premeditated, and he has been looking at the investigation manuals submitted regularly before the disappearance of these two persons, hoping that it will be possible to find anything, but so far there is no valuable clue.

He stood on the side of the car, pulled out the keys, twisted the car lock and was just about to pull the door off, and suddenly saw a black shadow from the window, and he didn’t turn his head back and hit him with a handbag, while pointing out a pistol.

At this particular juncture, any anomaly may expose him to the accidents encountered by the two disbanded persons.

When he sees what’s behind him, he slows down, puts his gun on the ground, kicks his feet to some distance from him, but not far away.

After him, four young men armed with assault rifles used new types of weapons, little or even some sophisticated gunshots, which left Simon cold in his heart.

“Don’t talk, don’t be misunderstood, and our orders are not necessarily to bring you back alive.”, implementation of Captain’s performance is very cold and very careful.

Such internal workers often have terrifying reactions and combat capabilities, and their experience and experience are many times higher than those of the gods, and the ship will be overturned in a vagina.

In order to avoid something like this, they will have a proper disposition – a clothing that will be used to restrain mental disorder disorders – which is really very useful.

When Simon saw the clothing on the ground, he knew that it might be planted this time, not as hard as that of a binding person, but rather as a result of different power structures, which allowed people to restrain their own actions and forces.

No one can fight with a bunch of gunmen in a closet, even if this man is a Sopo!

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