Cosma Empire

Chapter 1268

Dolly was still working at the office after 4 p.m., and she had been living in the office for some time, and had been busy with these public texts and talking to members of the new party’s intermediate organization, without time wasting time on the road and leisure family life.

Now, those mayors, governors, members with specific practical controls are doing well, mostly because their power now comes from the new parties, and even if the Dili party has given them better conditions, they cannot immediately enter the period of return.


Dili party had just been formed and had no basis for loyalty, and there were some minor news that His Highness First Prince was approaching Old-style aristocracy in the north, and he intended to hold the Dili party in the north.

Most of the nobles of the empire lived in the north, and in the past only the degraded nobility and the punitive nobility had placed their seals in the cities of the South or on the eastern coast, where the “poor” and “losers” had gone.

This is also the main reason why the empire has historically ignored the South and is a source of history.

This has also made the environment of the North more appropriate for the development of the Dili Party, and the nobility system and the building of the emperor are a good brother who complements each other and who loves each other, and cannot simply interpret the whole relationship as one thing.

In order for the royal power to empower the local population, the nobility also needs to mediate the contradictions between nobility and nobility in royal residence, where both parties have cooperated and conflict.

In any event, however, cooperation and tache between nobility and royal monarchs are non-existent elsewhere, and First Prince, if he is able to commit some benefits, does not necessarily help him, and at least the royal authorities have never promulgated any rule on “abolition of the privileged class”, but Marcus and the new parties have done so.

At this point, however, those officials who have been standing in front of the stage, who have some power, will not have any real benefit from the Dili Party, and they will have to wait a few years, and then on a landscape of nobility, the dominant party will think of it as a joke.

And the nobles will not let them put their hands in their land, and whoever stretches his hand, they will break their hands.

So this is not a good option, but it is one of the central cadres that have not yet had real authority to bring each other together.

These people have had many years of good working experience within the new party and are very good at the daily work and maintenance of political parties, who may not have any loud reputation on the political scene, but are also an important part of the new party.


long as these people are pulled away, the Dili party will soon be able to be well founded and immediately put into operation, many of them not only can dominate the party, but also may enter into marriage with the local nobility, which is the most attractive thing!

Dolly’s looking for those who talk, most of them in the middle of such a party, have no official cadres.

More than four o’clock to send a spokesman who was tired on the chair, looking at the sunset outside the window, and what Marcus was experiencing was really distressing, and even more frightening was that the new party was not as good as anyone imagined, just because Marcus was injured, there were so many problems.

What if Marcus died one day, old man, and new party?

She suddenly came out of Durin’s silhouette and what he said before leaving…

“A leader is not strong, powerless, incapable, intelligent, political party on the political stage like spreading delicious barbecue, and everyone comes over and bites a bite, and they don’t have to worry that the barbecue will retaliate them.”

“Bower is too weak, and his heart is no longer on political parties, and His Excellency may have his own thoughts, and others are watching and awaiting the final outcome.”

“No one cares what we’ll face after the new party fails, and they only care how to protect our interests from harm, Dolly, and only if we really care about this party, what the new party does, then we should take care of it!”

Yes, no one cares here, and the empty office building is locked up with the last manager leaving the door, and there’s no noise here, like an empty building that has been abandoned for many years.

Each room, every walk, will not have a single voice, except for itself, and they don’t care about it, especially after Marcus gets hurt.

And that’s when Dolly screamed out the phone bell suddenly shaking, and she looked at the “Spirit Spirit Spirit,” and some laughed at herself, “This is the Dolly office of the New Party Committee.”

“Yes, I know, Dolly. Do you have time at night? I booked a room at Imperial Capital’s best hotel, inviting some friends, and some of you know that we’re together at night?” The other voice on the phone is magnetic, and even the other side of the phone can think of the other side of the telephone line through the audio league, it must be a charming man.

But this man’s invitation, Dolly doesn’t want to answer, because he’s His Highness First Prince, the despicable attempt to steal the strength of the new party’s 30-year-old bone, a real little man!

But sometimes something like that, you can’t like a man, hate him, hate him, but when you face him, you smile and make him feel like you’re friends with each other.

Once the mask is put on, it’s hard to take it off, even if you want to take it, in exchange for another mask.

She refused First Prince’s invitation, and she didn’t want it to be a bureau, much less to be stupid, “I’m very sorry, Your Highness, the doors of the building have been locked up, I can’t leave, and I have a lot of papers to deal with, you know, that we’ve been in trouble for some time in recent years.”

She thus rejects what Her Highness First Prince has done and has suffered some problems, and no one knows more about what they have encountered than His Highness First Prince, but rejects him on such grounds, as well as the firm determination within Dolly.

Your Highness First Prince laughed, who didn’t care about inviting at night, but still didn’t give up, “Unfortunately you can’t come at night, we’ll be disappointed, but no matter when you’re free, we can date the next time!”

Once again, the invitation was rejected, and His Highness First Prince demonstrated in a special way his hard attitude, as well as his inclination, and he did not even reveal Dolly’s lies.

No gates are locked out, no windows are going out on the first floor, and security measures outside the office building of the new party headquarters are much worse than the palace, even if all doors are opened and there is no need for thieves to steal.

But someone really wants to go in and steal things, whether the window is open or not there are security guards outside the door, it’s useless.

He knew that it was just a ground for rejection, so he did not reveal it, instead of issuing a second invitation.

Dolly was silent for a moment, and she knew it could not be pushed away, and if it continued, it would lead to the immediate reversal of the face of both.

As a woman, she had the advantage that all women deserved, gentle, decent, careful, and compassionate, but she also had many shortcomings, lack of vision, lack of determination and hesitation when necessary.

If it’s Durin, Durin just hung up the phone and turning his face, the Cosma family never feared to turn over the word.

But now after all is Dolly, the Old Lady, a lady, she hesitates to say, “Well, then, I’ll have about ten o’clock in the morning to work at about two hours.”

First Prince hahaha laughed, “Great, then we agreed, 10 days after the morning, I sent someone to pick you up, and I look forward to meeting you, ma’am.”

After the phone crash, Dolly had some anger on her face, and something else, she didn’t know how complicated her face was at that time.

On the other side of the telephone line, His Highness First Prince hung up the phone without thinking about laughed, and then raised the phone and dialed another number with a number on a note.

Wait till the sound rings, a young voice rings, “This is Durin!”

His Highness First Prince had organized a small banquet to bring Dolly together, and the three souls of the new party, in addition to Marcus and the Chairman of the New Party Committee, had nothing to name, and Dolly, who was rarely known outside the party.

Dolly’s strength is that she maintains a good relationship with the middle and lower layers of the new party as a whole, and even more of these people, who join the new party only through Dolly’s signature, and that woman, in any case, is emotional.

Some of the people who are shaking have stabilized clearly after Dolly’s conversation, thus seeing her potential influence on the new party, not under Marcus, but most people are not aware, including herself.

But First Prince found out that he also understood where the focus of the next job would be, and if Dolly’s woman were to be able to take her to her camp, there would definitely be a group of people in the new world who would surrender immediately, for example, to the civilian faction.

Bower, after taking up his post, has done a little more than the previous half of the year, and since then he has been paid all day, even if there are meetings, there is little representation, and, of course, he will do what is necessary to safeguard the interests of the civilian community.

But this is the political arena, not the warmth of the family, the cold.

A short-sighted leader is far from having the capacity to lead a more far-reaching leader that is more responsive to the demands of these people.

As long as Dolly can dig away, these civilian factions that already feel a little ahead will immediately follow up.

Indeed, in Marcus’s plan, which also includes Durin’s plan, Bower will immediately take up Bower’s position and become a flag for the civilian population in the new party.

He complied with the demands of the new members of the civilian faction for self-valued positioning, and now some members of the new parties do not believe that it is correct to confront the noble faction, and Schöld does not deliberately maintain his image as Bower, and clearly has the money to live in a hidden house and has the right to pretend that nothing can be solved.

He belongs to a new faction, a real party.

However, that was the future, and now he lacked some qualifications, and when he worked for four to eight years, he moved to work within the party to serve as the eighteenth party whip and put him in position, and would be sufficient to unify those civilians.

Now he can’t.

So as long as Dolly is tied up, not to dig all the bones of the new party, at least one fifth decided to surrender to the Dili Party.

But this woman was unintentional in rejecting the request of First Prince this evening that the same little chat dinner First Prince invited a lot of people, the fame of both traders, a few stars, and some influential ones.


value of these people is to make Dolly feel a special atmosphere and eventually become more susceptible.

It is

difficult for one person to persuade another, but more people to persuade one person that it is not necessarily that difficult.

She doesn’t come here, it can’t be wasted. No matter how much stopped dinner is worth tens of thousands, it’s too wasteful to eat him alone, so he called the second target, Durin.

Many might think Durin must be a heart with Marcus, but that general view often means error.


marriage between Durin and Timamont families was based on the road out of Durin, and in other words he was forced to choose a way out, when Marcus also considered allowing the royal to intervene in the marriage and marry Princess to Durin.

At that time, neither Marcus nor Durin had a complete look at each other, and they might be defending each other, concealing each other and keeping a distance.

But by the end, Marcus and Durin can only choose as they are now, after all the other options have been removed, so does Durin have to be willing?

Even if he liked his wife, even if he did make great progress now, if he had a beautiful future, would he be happy?

It is not mercy, not charity, it is an insult to be given to a ladder on his knees and on his knees to drink water on his feet.

Everyone thinks Durin is Marcus’s successor, his good partner, and First Prince’s preference is to pull up Durin’s test.

No, no one knows what’s going to happen, but what if it’s done?

Grab Marcus’s followers, Timamont’s most potent son-in-law for the future, and strike on the new party will be irrelevant for Marcus!


nothing in the world that doesn’t exist, and First Prince doesn’t believe it, and if he wants to promise Durin to be the leader of the Dili Party, he won’t trust Durin if he has the opportunity to be the first Prime Minister of the Dili Party!

It’s really a party to build a man, and the new party won’t give him such a chance!

“Mr. Durin, it’s me. Yes, I want to talk to you at night.”

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