Cosma Empire

Chapter 1267


was an accident on Marcus, and the circle that was about to enter the top, which allowed Durin to stay in Imperial Capital for a little longer, and Ambilo, where he could temporarily leave him alone, as long as he was the governor of that state.

Ophelia will accompany Marcus in the morning, and Durin has also opened a special ward for Ophelia to rest.

The high-file special care units are cleaner than the hotels’ high-profile suites, with only two people eligible for admission to such clinics, one rich person with a very serious illness, and the other with a very serious illness.

The beds that are switched down every day are directly burned and replaced with a new set of fungical processes.

Twenty-four hours of specialist care, the clinic opposite the hospital’s doctor’s class and office, any emergency will take only 10 seconds and all relevant doctors will be able to reach the hospital for professional rescue or treatment.

Ophelia had been pregnant for five months, and she was more pregnant, and sometimes had a relatively shallow stomach, and it was very easy to eat.

Durin is often not home, it’s hard to take care of Ophelia, and steward people who, while each and everyone can count on it, are always difficult to be completely reassured.

When people are uncomfortable, there is always a potential panic manifestation that may not be recognized by most people, but indeed exist.

For example, suspects think that their body is in trouble, touches the liver’s location, senses some rise in their bladder, touches the waist’s suspicion that there’s a sense of pain in their stomach, and that things are not at all there.

Similar situations are basically true for everyone, and when it comes to health, it shows stigmatization or fear of two extreme emotions, which, in the final analysis, are strange.

It is not possible to resolve such emotional problems, and the simplest way is to stay in the hospital, and those who do not recognize them in their mouth and who strongly deny them will be quiet at the moment when they enter the hospital.

Because there’s a confession, there’s a heart, called a doctor right.

Ophelia took care of Marcus at the hospital, and by the way, he needed a reassuring place to rest, while Durin ran outside.

Many of the problems are now exposed on a case-by-case basis, particularly with regard to the new parties, where Marcus’s influence on the new party is too large to reach a large number of people using Marcus as a necessary condition and pillar for the new party’s presence.

Now he fell, making some people panic, creating a new party’s idea to end up, and that idea was spreading rapidly.

This idea, mainly because of the first loss of this new party to the old party for the first time in the new general election, has allowed many people to start looking at a problem, why the new party loses.

Regardless of the rationale that those social commentators have drawn up to justify this, in fact, most believe that the new party loses primarily and Marcus resigns directly.

His resignation led to a reduction in the expectations of the new party to the lowest point and gave the old party an opportunity to stand at the top of the empire.

As a result, Marcus’s influence on the new party, how terrifying it is for society as a whole, and even more terrifying’s current external claim that Marcus has been in hospital because of gunshot wounds and some other old diseases, and refuses to interview, which gives people a lot of unexpected space.

The false news that Marcus has been slaughtered has been disseminated in private, and some believe it is precisely that the Dili party has been drilled into empty space, and the number of members of a low- and middle-ranking new party who have approached the Dili party will at least consider the possibility of a referral to the Dili party.

Politically, the replacement of parties and positions is not a major event, so long as it can bring real benefits to itself, there is no problem!

The failure of the Dili parties to go to the top level of the new party to discuss the issue of convergence is primarily due to the personal interests of this group and to the early integration of the new parties, bringing them together at a much higher cost than a hundred and a thousand low-ranking politicians.

Dolly has begun to talk to people on a case-by-case basis over the past few days, stabilizing the internal heart, and the effect is good.


decision to send her to the Development Office as the first and the highest department officer was made personally by Marcus, who felt that Dolly was very personal and able, and that the voice of speech was very good, and that it was really a waste of people who could not go to development without knowing.

Over the years, a large number of members of low- and middle-ranking organizations and Dolly have had some kind of intercourse, some of which are more closely linked to Dolly, as in Schöld, all of whom are Dolly personally excavated from the missing sea and led by this rays of light ten thousand zhang broad and open road, which is their mentor and their leader.

So Marcus’s original decision was very correct, not only to arrange Dolly’s early work, but also to adjust Dolly to such a position as Vice-Chairman of the New Party Committee after his retirement.

With her sitting in town, the new party’s middle cadres are basically stable, and as for those who have lost something at the bottom, the framework is not too important, the rest is filling in it, okay, or bad.

This arrangement, which was originally prepared for Bower, was not thought to have been used in the plans of the Dili Party and First Prince, was also mistaken.

Durin saw Dolly in her office, and she met with Durin empty and with Durin after she had a conversation with the top organizer in the last party with an appointment.

When Durin closed the door, Dolly started scratching her own solar cave with her wrist, and she shaved her head and watched her slow down to Durin, sitting opposite her, “What happened to His Excellency Marcus? I hear you’ve been over there for two days. What’s he doing?”

At the time of “lost” Marcus, it was felt that his resignation would not have been too much influence, and after all, he was just one person, no matter how great he had, and how great he was.

But only when the true “loss” of him is realized that the individual has created an invisible but reliable image in the hearts of each of them, a belief.

Now, faith is a little skewed.

“The doctor says his body is very healthy, and his wounds are getting better, and maybe soon, he’ll be able to come back.”

There are

few people who are now able to reach Marcus and, in addition to two nurses, only the expert group at the hospital can reach Marcus and know some details.

Beyond that, there are a few very limited people, including Barr and Durin, who, for the outside world, are not aware of how Marcus has been fog, which allows Durin to simply say something about the problem and not to be afraid of being shattered.

He didn’t play a good comfort, and Dolly still looked at Durin, and two lips moved like what she wanted to say without saying that after hesitation, she asked her questions about her doubts.

“There are some little news out there that is less worthy of reference, and they say that His Excellency Marcus has been”, and that she said very slowly, very carefully, with eyes focused on Durin, it seems that it is true or false to be sure of what he’s about to say next by changing his face. “They say that His Excellency Marcus is dead. Is that true?”

She said she couldn’t help but ask another question, “Is that true? I mean, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

Durin laughed a few times, and he shrugged his shoulder, “All rumours and rumours will eventually be physically crushed, yes, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Marcus Uncle, he’s alive, he’s good, he’s very healthy.”

Dolly, like sighed in relief, smiled and put his hands down on the solar cave, “Hopefully he’ll be back as soon as possible!”

After that, both of them were silent for a while, about 34, 65, 7, eight-nine, and Durin suddenly asked, “What happened to my last recommendation?”

Dolly went on, and she met Durin’s vision, and quickly moved it away, “You know, so much has happened recently, and I didn’t think about it.”

She was still avoiding this more acute problem, but Durin didn’t really want her to be confused this time, had a hard chance, and that was uncertain, and there would be other variables in the back.

He changed his strategy by pushing his hands on the two sides of Dolly’s desk, slight forward, giving people a very offensive feeling, “so we need to discuss the outcome as soon as possible, accepting the proposal or rejecting it.”

“From Marcus Uncle’s wound to now, Bower is still dancing with his consortium friends, eat, drink and be merry, and I’ve never seen him in more than one newspaper attending at least three different bars of organizers and dancing with a young lady.”

“His Excellency, to date, there has been no stereotype, and he has been insisting on his work, and I admire that, whatever happens outside, he can be regarded as not seeing.”

“Only you, Mrs. Dolly, only you’ve been busy dealing with these matters in the party, and no one can help you, only yourself.”

Dolly slightly rejects, “These are all my work, you know, we have a clear division of work within us, and I do what I should do, and others just don’t take me away, and they’re not on the side of the indifference.”

Durin laughed and said, “Mrs. Dolly, do you believe that yourself?”

Next is the silence in the big part, like Durin asked this question, and you said it yourself, do you believe it?

Indeed, Mr. Chairman of the New Party Committee and Marcus are all people of the same age, and he and Marcus are peers, too old, and there is no effort on that many to do all day.

And this position is important and can be said to be the “stabilizing force” of the new party, whose role is more symbolically than his actual work in terms of the word “pillars of the heavens”, while his main defense is also those of Bower and the civilian factions in the party.

As for the other vice-chairperson, as Dolly said, the division of labour varies from one person to another, and others do not easily interfere with the work of others, not as a sign of friendship, but rather as a manifestation of overriding power.

The vice-chairperson’s work is external, as if it was linked to the diplomatic role of a number of organizations or groups within and within the new party.

But that is just in the normal past, and now there is a difficult problem within the new parties, which must be the problem if they remain so.

This, of course, does not mean that they betrayed the new parties, that all of them were linked long ago to the new parties, but that the idea in everyone’s minds was different, that no one knew why they did that, and that nothing happened.

loyalty to this thing is sometimes really cheap, especially in the face of great temptation.

Dolly himself knows these things, for example, when Mr. Chairman of the New Party Commission invited three guests to make a simple barbecue in the backyard last night.

Bower’s more active swim between consortium and capitalists, even if it’s self-relinquished to meet some of the commercial figures, has exchanged a good deal with each other.

Everyone has their own ideas, some of which may be different from Dolly, but there is absolutely no conflict.

There are, however, some that are likely to exist, and they are still intense.

“That is why we need to agree on these matters as soon as possible. If there is one more firm party, willing to pay for the new party, and think of the new party as the president of his own cause, that would be far more than one masterpiece.”, Durin retrieved his hands and looked at Dolly, “I decided to be honest with you, Marcus’s body is healthy, but he now lost part of his ability to act, in other words, that he may no longer appear in the face of the public in a short period of time, and that the timely appearance of a wheelchair, brief remark, and very short time, you know what I mean?”

If those words were just a little upset to Dolly, and there was some motivation, then that would be to give her a notion that she couldn’t even say it.

Durin’s voice is deep and magnetic, and he continues to say, “I am sure Marcus Uncle will be very pleased to know these things, and what we need to do is not make this a garden, just to keep it alive until Marcus Uncle’s day of recovery.”

Dolly thought about it for a while to ask, “But doing so has not changed anything about the current situation, and we are still in a disadvantage.”

Durin smiled, and he already knew it was the last question, and Dolly started to slip into him, “Not long enough, you’ll understand.”

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