Cosma Empire

Chapter 114

Orlando didn’t dare to shoot, even if he was sure that the gun would definitely kill Durin, and he didn’t have to take any responsibility. But he didn’t dare to gamble. He didn’t know what kind of backhand Durin had arranged, and how he would retaliate against him and his family. Wood, Gothor, is the role model, the most bad luck should be Gothor, he did not know why he was abandoned when he died, and it all comes from this person.

It was Wood, pulling Gothor down the water and making him feel that it was as simple as removing a bug that didn’t have any advantage. The erroneous estimate of the situation, and then inexplicably dying, can be seen in the rigor of the Durin plan, as well as the violent anger at launch.

“I don’t like anyone using my family as a slogan!” Orlando’s pistol pulled back a bit, which represented his compromise. Durin naturally leaned back on the sofa, and his face never changed drastically from start to finish. Orlando slowly inserted the pistol into the gun bag and sat down. “It’s not an example. I promised this, but I have to appease the people below. Every time the personnel changes in the branch, it’s a kind of Incentive. Now you have to take this incentive, you have to make up this part.”

Durin took a checkbook out of his pocket, wrote 20,000 yuan, and signed his name. It was a very sorry word, just like the third grade child just learned how to write it out. Coherent words are full of irresistible and unknown edges. He tore off the check and placed it on the coffee table between the two and pushed it over.

“The check of the Imperial Central Bank can be redeemed anytime and anywhere, valid for one month.” More than one person told Durin that he should not put money in the bank, but Durin did not listen to them. Do you hide your money in the cellar and wait for them to get wet, moldy, and rotten? In addition, money should not be used to accumulate. Money can only prove its value when it is “circulated,” rather than hiding it somewhere.

For this, he got enough information from his dreams. Those Big Mac families or companies either put money into new projects or disassembled them for others, never put money in the bank. Become a World class family or business.

Orlando glanced at the check on the coffee table, sighed, folded it up and put it in his pocket.

At this time, Mason also sat back again. He remembered what Durin said in the car. Orlando couldn’t accept Durin’s money. He said nothing! When she thought of it, Mason’s body shook a little. Indeed, Orlando showed that he was unwilling to collect money at the beginning, but now he’s collecting it, and he’s not talking about it.

Just as he was afraid of Durin’s control over the horror of the situation, he felt that Durin was standing up and he stood up.

“Then I am waiting for your good news, Director of Orlando.” Durin stretched out his hand as he got off the bus with a warm smile on his face. Orlando stared at him for a while and then reluctantly reached out and shook hands.

“Next month, let your big brother go directly…”

See Orlando for a pause here, and Durin added a very polite way, “East City Branch!”

“Go to the damn Dongcheng branch and report that I will arrange all of this. Now I have something to do, so… I will not send you.”

Durin didn’t get angry because of Orlando’s indifferent attitude. He just threatened him with his family. How could he give himself a good face? He smiled nodded and left Mason with his office in Orlando.

After leaving, Mason whispered, “Durin, I don’t quite understand, you should be friends with the Secretary, why should you threaten him?” This is something that Mason doesn’t understand. “And if you do, will you? Will it have other bad effects?”

The two men walked toward the police station and Durin whispered, “Friend? Don’t be kidding. I have never heard anyone say that knowing a friend must first give 10,000 yuan, so he needs to give two things. Wan, he is not my friend…” When he spoke, Durin’s brows were slightly twisted, one was full of alcohol, the dress was not perfect, and it was obviously drunk, and the guy who didn’t even walk the road suddenly slammed into him.

He reached out and gave it a hand and said a word of caution. The other person returned a thank you.

An episode.

The episode broke Durin’s talk here, and the two speeded up and returned to the car. Durin continued: “Even if he doesn’t face him now, he will look for opportunities to turn his face and face me. There are many things you don’t know. My acquaintance with Orlando is the cooperation between the two sides. I only use him more often. He has no place to use me. Plus he was also involved in Gothor not long ago, almost in trouble, in my heart. I don’t necessarily think about it for me.”

“Under the same time, Dufo and Mrs. Vivian got involved. The mayor must have to wipe out the things that made him lose face. The flames are not necessarily good, but with the police station, there is definitely no problem. When the time is given to the other party, It’s better to get the benefits now, and when the two sides want to go to war, they won’t be too bad.”

Mason’s brain couldn’t be turned a bit. He couldn’t figure out what kind of causal relationship it had in the end, and the confusion reached this point. He smiled and asked: “What if he repented when he got there? Kick me out of the branch, isn’t the two thousand dollars given?”

Closing the door, Durin shook his head. “You are wrong. You don’t have to worry. You are my own person. As long as I don’t die, Orlando won’t move you a hair. He cunning!”

As Durin said, Orlando cunning, if Durin had not yet died, moved Mason, which would lead Durin to more violent revenge, and secondly lost the final buffer. So he will wait, wait until the final dust settles to deal with Mason, as long as Durin is dead, he will be able to arrange a crime to make Mason live a less than ten years.

Now he can endure Durin’s threat to him. In addition to really not knowing what the little madman has to do, he is waiting and is also investigating. It is impossible for a person to suddenly be strong for no reason. There must be something that has changed him in some places. After he has checked Durin, he has determined that there is no thorny possibility to ensure that Durin is not a chess piece arranged by a big man. After that, he will start.

The tycoons who were killed by Orlando are not one or two. Those who threatened him will remember for a lifetime!

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