Cosma Empire

Chapter 113

When the word “sincerity” was heard, Orlando’s eyelids apparently jumped, and the hot 10,000 pieces were still in the safe behind his remote real estate kitchen cabinet. This is not because he dare not spend a lot of money. In this semi-discrete Tenel City, there is not much that he dare not do. He just thought that this 10,000-piece failure might be returned to Durin at some appropriate time in a way that he himself did not know.

He has this kind of hunch!

So when he heard Durin say the word sincerity, it was obvious that some eggs hurt. The first time I was so afraid of accepting bribes was really unprecedented!

“It has nothing to do with sincerity!” Orlando pushed the door of the office, held the doorknob and walked to the door, waiting for Durin and Mason to enter, and then closed the door. This is a signal to tell the little secretary at the door. If someone comes to visit, you must first notify Orlando. There is also a room in the office of the director, which is a lounge. If necessary, people can go in and avoid it.

He went to the bar and took out three cups. When he was ready to pour the wine, he found that it was already empty. Looking at the cup in his hand, he had to walk to the side of the coffee machine and poured three cups of coffee.

Mason stood up and took over the coffee handed from Orlando. Although the performance was somewhat cautious, he couldn’t help but be proud. This is the coffee that the Regional Police Chief himself personally poured. When he saw his face, Durin didn’t stand up, and Orlando took the initiative to bring the coffee down to him.

The three men re-sit.

“It is true that there is a director who wants to retire, but you should understand that I can’t freely send a new person who has no foundation at all to the position of the branch secretary according to his own preferences. The police officers may not say anything.” I am afraid that my heart will be shaken. When they are upset, they are turning away from me. It is also a huge loss for me, so I said that this has nothing to do with money.” He took a cup of coffee and took a sip of coffee. Looking at the face of Mason, I couldn’t figure out how the two men might have blood relationship. He continued: “But if it is the sheriff, I can guarantee that there is no problem at all, anytime, anywhere. Yes, even now I can take office.”

Durin lowered his head and held out his hand to pinch the edge of the glass of wine, as if he had not heard Orlando’s explanation.

The director of the Regional Police Department is actually quite powerful. The police investigation bureau’s agent does have the power to challenge the local police chief, but it is only necessary to obtain the permit signed by the important personnel of the State Bureau of Investigation. Even if Orlando is ridiculous to hold a dog as the branch director, no one will dare to say anything. Obviously, everything he said was to deny this.

Mason didn’t understand why Durin wasn’t satisfied yet, but the sheriff! He once gave himself a life plan when he was not far away. The first goal was to become a sheriff from a police officer within three years. He thought it would take a long time and cost a lot of money – about 50 or so, to complete his dream. But what happened now has to let him have doubts about his own World and himself. They are all family members. Why is the gap between brothers so big?

He couldn’t wait for Durin to agree immediately, but he looked at Durin in silence, and he didn’t speak. He knows that being able to sit in this office can be said to be the power of the younger brother Durin, and he has no reason to change Durin’s original decision.

Durin is like an old man who loves antiques. His eyes are all the glasses of one dollar. Orlando frowned, when he wanted to say something, Durin looked up.

He has a very envious smile, and the streamer in the eyelashes is full of praise and ambiguity. The voice is full of praise and praise. “Orlando Director, I really envy you, really!”

Orlando has a tight heart and no change in his face. He doesn’t know what the kid wants to do, but there is a chill along the gap in his buttocks, and he draws his head and makes his hair erect. Uneasy movement A bit of the ass, “Oh? Is it? I am a small local director, can I have any envy?” He put the glass on the table in his hand. “It’s you, young and promising.” “I am very handsome, I am still very handsome, I should envy you, right?”, his self-deprecating and a series of laughter after the talk is very infectious, but unfortunately, it can’t infect Durin.

“Orlando, you have won the prize.” Durin’s politeness, Orlando’s more embarrassing, he stared at Durin with a smile, wanting to see how he made a move, but Durin’s next sentence, Let his face change color.

“I heard that the Director of Orlando is very happy with your family, beautiful wife, and lovely child. Isn’t that enough to envy?”

The next moment, Orlando slammed the glass on the floor, the turbid coffee splashed everywhere, and he pulled out the pistol in his hand and pointed at Durin. “You are monitoring me and my family?! I am slaughtering.” “You!”, has always been a smiling director, the face is a bit stunned, the voice is also revealing. The family is his reverse scale, although many powerful people have a very weak concept of “family”, but it does not prevent them from maintaining the sense of sacredness and mission of the “family.”

Maybe the secretary outside the door heard the cracked glass, wanted to find out, or came in and cleaned it, knocked on the door, and in exchange for Orlando roaring – “roll!”

The whole person who was frightened by Mason stood up halfway. He pressed the back of the sofa with his arms, and his body tilted very backwards. Looking at the Orlando, who suddenly ran away.

On the contrary, Rossi, who caused this conflict, still looks like he doesn’t care. He took the wine glass for the first time and took a sip of the coffee. He also commented on the footsteps: “The taste of Mai Ren Tang burned, I just don’t drink. Habit.” He put the cup back on the table and adjusted his orientation, as if he had not picked it up, then leaned forward and held his forehead against Orlando’s muzzle.

“This is the first time, someone pointed a gun at my head, you can try to pull the trigger, maybe everything will end.”

“But I promise that you will experience a wonderful trip that you may not find yourself!”

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