Cosma Empire

Chapter 104

Mr. Cosma’s gaze looked at his eldest son with Durin’s words, revealing a faint sorrow and worry in his eyes. To be honest, he felt that Durin’s career in Tenel City was dangerous, otherwise he would not need to send two pistols back to his family at this time, which meant that the enemy might cross Durin and work with Mr. Cosma and his family.

Mr. Cosma knows the word, but he has not received a higher education, but the life experience and experience of these years have told him that when you intend to give others a punch, others may also consider whether to give you a punch. .

He hopes that his children can grow up safely and normally, and then form a family that may be disharmonious or not happy, but absolutely flat and warm, and give birth to two or many children, although ordinary but happy for a lifetime. Even if life is not rich.

Durin is destroying his wishes, but he also knows that calling the timeout at this time is tantamount to placing his head under the sickle, waiting for the last second. Mr. Cosma is a very good farmer and a pretty good hunter. He knows that when the hunter is still a hunter, the prey is still a prey. But if the hunter loses his identity and loses his hunting spirit, the hunter will become a prey and the prey will become a hunter.

This is a road that never stops, can never turn back, or is like a hunter who is excellent and will become better, killing all the carnivores nearby, or changing the role, hunting more hunters, Try to escape the danger range as much as possible.

Mr. Cosma is a stereotyped person, a stubborn person, a person with a “dictatorship” spirit, so his love became a failed hunter in the prey, and he is not willing to be a stupid prey in the hands of hunters.

“Have you hurt someone’s family?” asked Mr. Cosma.

Durin wants to lie, wants to say no, but Mr. Cosma’s rigid education still has a great impact on him. He hesitated, nodded, “Yes, father, I used to hurt a guy’s wife and peeled her off.” The skin was inserted on the pole. A group of people who deceived me and caused me a lot of trouble were sent to hell.”

Mr. Cosma did not tremble like Durin’s imagination, nor did he get angry. He gave Durin the feeling at this time, like a wise old man, quiet and peaceful.

“I haven’t seen any confession from your face, nor have you seen your fear. Is the woman who was peeled off by you a Guartian?”, Durin nodded, Mr. Cosma actually showed a smile that was almost indistinguishable. “If Guartian, then I won’t blame you, because everyone who betrays King Otello bloodline must pay for his actions and must be tried.”

“The one who deceives you, caused you a lot of damage, or caused you any trouble? Are they Guartian?”, Durin was nodded first, and shook his head again, but Mr. Cosma was able to I understood it. He patted Mason’s shoulder. “Go and clean it up. Let’s get out of town with this bastard tomorrow!”

Durin was really surprised. Surprisingly, Mr. Cosma was able to interpret and understand the information he needed with his unique wisdom and methods. He also felt Mr. Cosma’s deep sense of responsibility and love for him, Mason and the whole family. This is what he has never felt before.

Mr. Cosma agreed to let Mason leave here and go to Tenel with Durin. It is not because Durin is rich now, he can let eldest son go to the spicy and spicy, because Durin is in danger, he needs a person who can help him behind him and let him A person who can wholeheartedly charge forward. This person can’t be a stranger, can’t be a friend, can’t be a very good brother, can only be a loved one, has a bloodline to contact each other, can fully trust each other’s loved ones.

At the same time, this is also protecting Mason himself, protecting every member of the Cosma family.

Mr. Cosma is a farmer, but he has his own knowledge and wisdom. He knows that only Durin is constantly strong and their talents can be truly safe. Instead of expecting others to put down the butcher’s knife, it is better to send them to hell before they lift the knife!

Squeezing Mason’s neck, Mr. Cosma suddenly felt a burst of fatigue. He licked his hand and drove the two bastards out of his “Imperial Palace.” Looking at the little wooden box on the bed, he simply cleaned up and put the little wooden box with the pistol in his secret treasure house, the “treasure house” that everyone knows!

The atmosphere of the dinner was a bit strange, and under Cosma’s expressionless full of majestic coldness, it suppressed the turbulent intense emotions. The children already know that Mason will go to the metropolis with Durin tomorrow, which makes the children who have never left the town feel the temptation unprecedented.

No one does not want freedom, no one does not yearn for freedom, especially when the ones around you have already gained freedom first!

Through the constant exchange of eyes, the children also kicked and kicked under the table. Mrs. Cosma squinted at Mr. Cosma, who pretended not to see.

After a long wait for the family to regroup, all the atmosphere was destroyed by Mr. Cosma’s face without expression.

That’s enough!

The dinner was very simple, the ingredients came from the farm and a small paddock with only two cows, four sheep, a dozen geese and twenty or thirty chickens… almost forgot, and one old man couldn’t move, only An old dog who can watch his descendants running on the grassland, and its “family”!

After eating the dinner that I was familiar with, I said the anecdote in the city, the atmosphere finally began to heat up. In the eyes of the brothers and sisters envy and expectation, the sumptuous dinner was over.

After Mrs. Cosma cleaned up the table and left the restaurant with each and everyone child, she felt that Durin and Mr. Cosma had something to say about father and son.

The atmosphere of solidification is like the air becoming tangible and tangible. It can’t be done for a while. After a long time, Durin grinned and took the money out of his pocket.

In addition to the one thousand pieces that were given to Mr. Cosma before, there are still 5,000 pieces here, all of which are fifty yuan, and a hundred.

“What is the use of this money?” Mr. Cosma did not pick it up, nor did he directly install it. Instead, he asked such a question.

Durin nodded, “I need to ask you to help me a little!”

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