Cosma Empire

Chapter 103

Mason’s smile is a bit embarrassing. The main reason for him to become a sheriff is actually a direct relationship with Durin. Durin successfully left Mr. Cosma’s management, gained freedom, and lived the life he wanted, which has a huge impact on older children in the family!

As an elder son, Mason feels that he also needs to do something, not silently watching Durin and everything that might happen to him. The “Rotten Rule” night has been torn apart by Durin, who needs to continue to tear this hole away and let the sun shine in – in fact most children will think that stereotypes, seriousness, stubbornness and dictatorial parents are The party to the evil camp is understandable. After all, people are born with freedom.

Therefore, Mason bravely became the second family member to stand up against “tyranny”. He thought of himself as eldest son. This is his mission and his task, but now he dare not say it.

So he compiled a reason to pass, and explained his longing for the police emblem, his desire for police uniforms, and his dream of a just cause.

Durin took his eyes back and looked at Mr. Cosma. In the past, Durin didn’t dare to look directly at Mr. Cosma. In this family, there is no doubt that Mr. Cosma is the existence of the pyramid apex. He is the one who said the best, but after a period of social turmoil, Durin suddenly felt In addition to his barely maintained majesty, Mr. Cosma is actually a very amiable guy, but he used the wrong way. He stubbornly believes that his life experience and experience can be applied to everyone, but neglects that some people are born should not be acknowledgment allegiance in fate, they are warriors who challenge the sky.

Mr. Cosma took a sip of smoke, and the inferior tobacco tasted a bit pungent, not as fragrant as a cigarette with a filter in an iron box.

Durin took a roll of money from his pocket, but there wasn’t much, a thousand. This money is not a great talent figure in terms of production and sales. The eyes of Mr. Cosma and Mrs. Cosma were immediately attracted by a thick sum of money in Durin’s hands, and their brains were blank at this time.

They know the numbers and know that the outermost one is ten denominations of banknotes. If a thick one is a banknote of ten denominations, how much more? Three hundred pieces? Still five hundred?

At this moment, the metal friction sounded when the car was running was far and near, and it stopped at the door of Mr. Cosma’s house. Two young people moved two heavy boxes out of the trunk, slowly mentioning the steps and knocking on the door.

Mr. Cosma’s expression was very complicated. He took a deep look at Durin and said that after I went to open the door, I got up and walked to the gate. I didn’t even look at it and opened the door. Two fifteen-year-old young man politely shouted “Hello,” and dragged in the box and walked in.

Mr. Cosma looked at the beautiful car and said sincerely: “It seems that you are really rich, Durin!”

In addition to some private wines, there are some clothes and some small things in the two boxes. Every member of the family has it. For Mr. Cosma, there is a full box of cigarettes – about one foot long and half a foot wide and half a foot high. The iron box, which contains a box of cigarettes, has a total of fifty boxes, which should be enough for Mr. Cosma to take a while.

In addition, there is a small wooden box that looks ordinary. Durin took the little wooden box and hit Mason with his shoulder. Then he glanced at Mr. Cosma and walked to the second floor.

After the two men squatted for a while, they immediately followed.

After entering the sacred “Imperial Palace” of Mr. Cosma, Durin closed the door, then placed the small wooden box on the table and opened it cautiously. Mason and Mr. Cosma were curiously surrounded, and they didn’t know what it was to be treated with such care and care.

There were two small pockets of flannel in the box, and Durin took one of them and poured the contents out, a pistol. Some scratched pistols seem to have been used for some time, but fortunately, the usual maintenance is not bad, the catalyst replacement is also very timely, and there is no leakage and corrosion.

After seeing the pistol, Mr. Cosma’s brow slightly twisted and his expression became heavy. He lowered his voice and had a terrible murderous face on his face, like the expression of the children who had done something wrong in the past decade. He reached out and took the pistol from Durin’s hand and opened the insurance. He felt his face worse when he felt the grip on his hand start to heat up.

In addition to the two pistols in the wooden box, there are four box bombs – in fact, bullets can be done in many places, the simplest is to use a good steel brazing clamp to break into a section, as long as it can be stuffed into The ammunition is fine. Although such bullets are simple, they have limited lethality and are not very strong, but they are easy to make, so Durin only brought back four boxes.

In addition, there are two sealed metal boxes that emit water when swaying, a catalyst for the action of twins, and two twins that are cut for pistol use.

“Where did you come from?” Mr. Cosma threw the pistol back into the box and glanced at Durin’s eyes. “Don’t tell me what you got, and, you brought these dangerous things back, What do you want to do?”

Durin didn’t hide everything that happened, including what he did not. If you have to lie to your family in such a major event, it is definitely not a good lie, but a problem with personality. His narration of 1510 made Mr. Cosma and Mason even close together.

What happened in just three months is like a novel. When Durin finished speaking, the room was silent, until about ten minutes later, Mr. Cosma asked in a complicated way: “So what do you want to do this time?”

“Father, I love you and love every brother sister in my family, so I can’t sit on the danger and approach you but I am indifferent, and I can’t deceive you with lies. Everything is fine. No matter how careful I am, as long as those people are willing to spend time. Come find, they will find you. The two pistols are left to defend you, I will find a way to get some rifles, you need to have the power to defend against danger.”

“Additionally…” Durin looked at Mason and said sincerely: “I hope to leave Mason together!”

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