Step on, step on, step on,

Kaede is bathed in lightning and walks casually towards Three-Tails.

Looked step by step Kaede approached, Three-Tails finally couldn’t hold it back, a sharp flash flashed through the huge eyes, and the three tails suddenly thrown out.

Condensing the three tails of the turbulent Chakra, the penetrating force contained was enough to easily shred the steel, break through the rocks, instantly swept through the air and hit Kaede’s body.

oh la la! !

Kaede did not evade, letting Chakra’s condensed body within-the-body Three-Tails hit, only a small part of the body split second was hollowed out, but soon after there was a large amount of Chakra Gathered, gathered again into a complete body, without the slightest change.


Three-Tails was surprised.

Noting Kaede’s indifferent eyes, as if simply didn’t care about its power, it couldn’t help but get angry again, and roared at Kaede.

Immediately after its huge Chakra gathered in front of his head, massive Chakra gathered, and quickly condensed into a Chakra Ball of indescribable quality.

Tailed Beast Ball!

“You dare to look down on me…human beings…try this!!”

Three-Tails roared and released the Tailed Beast Ball, With an arc of light, it ejected towards Kaede, and the split second came to Kaede.

Kaede did not dodge, because Rin is right behind him, and there is no need to dodge, so he stretched out a hand and pressed it directly towards the Tailed Beast Ball.

bang!! !

The earth-shaking explosion came from split second.

In Kaede’s palm, almost infinite Chakra surging out, under the unbelievable gaze of Three-Tails, that huge Chakra forcibly drowned its Tailed Beast Ball!

“Such Chakra Reserves…impossible!!”

Three-Tails’ eyes widened, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

Kaede, the split second of Chakra, has completely surpassed the Chakra Reserves it owns. You must know that it is Tailed Beast and part of the ancestor of Chakra!

Rin also showed an extremely shocking look, and she could also feel the huge Chakra that almost filled the entire space. The turbulent Chakra even drowned Three-Tails, even more in terms of quantity. On top of Three-Tails over there!


The aftermath of Tailed Beast Ball dissipated.

In the center of the explosion, Kaede’s silhouette reappeared. He maintained the posture of reaching out and pressing, slowly lowering his palm, and looked towards Three-Tails calmly.

“It seems that the division of Yuyi is not even. Your Chakra seems far less than one-ninth of the whole, Isobu.”



This sentence, which was a little confusing to Rin, fell in Three-Tails Isobu’s ears, but split second exploded directly in its mind like a thunder roar.

The impact of split second on it is more than anything it has experienced in the past thousand years!

Besides other Tailed Beast, no ninja knows its name at all, but Kaede just called it out, and also mentioned another person’s name.


I don鈥檛 know how long I haven鈥檛 heard this name, but it knows whose name it is. That鈥檚 the name of Sage of Six-Paths-Otsutsuki Hagoromo!

“Who are you?!”

Three-Tails looked horrified Kaede.

The previous violent imposing-manner has long since disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by a panic and a retreat of a faint trace. Its character is the most retreating and weak among all Tailed Beasts.

“I’m someone who doesn’t exist…”

Kaede’s gazed Three-Tails with a deep gaze, the silhouette flashed, came to the back of Three-Tails, and Three-Tails Tails felt a horror in his heart, subconsciously retracting his head into the turtle shell.

It can feel the heaviness of Kaede.

There is no entity in this World, so the weight comes from Chakra. At this time, Kaede lightly falls, almost equivalent to all Chakra is pressed on its body, which is far more than it Chakra, and it seems to continue to grow.

Kaede knelt down and gently patted the tortoise shell of Three-Tails, and said: “The time for Yuyi to wait for you has not yet arrived, so please settle down a little… by the way, there is My younger sister, you can live with her peacefully.”

This sentence of Kaede makes Three-Tails split second almost certain. This youngster is definitely not an ordinary ninja, even It may be the ninja reincarnation of the era of Sage of Six-Paths!



There is no Chakra in Hamura either.

It can’t think of the origin of Kaede, but it was separated from Sage of Six-Paths in his later years. Not much is known about Sage of Six-Paths before.

“You and the Six Paths…”

Three-Tails poked out a little head, huge eyes cautious and solemn looked towards Kaede.

Kaede interrupted it and said: “Don’t mention the past, I have nothing to do with him, but my younger sister doesn’t know this, and don’t talk about it with her.”

It’s okay to have ghosts!

Three-Tails Isobu complained in his heart.

Although it is relatively slow, it still makes up many things in the past. Maybe Kaede was a friend of Sage of Six-Paths? Or is it the enemy? But no matter which one, obviously it can’t deal with it, and the other side doesn’t seem to plan to do anything to it.

“I understood…”

Nodded of Three-Tails cautious and solemn.

Kaede smiled and patted its tortoise shell, then the silhouette flickered, and returned to Rin’s side, saying: “Okay, go and say hello to it, by the way, its name is Isobu. “

“Hey, hey?!”

Rin was stuck in place, unable to understand the situation before him.

Immediately afterwards, Kaede pulled her directly in front of Three-Tails, pulled her hands up, and reached out to Three-Tails.

Three-Tails cautious and solemn stretched out his paw.

Kaede held Rin’s small hand into a fist, and leaned it against the huge claws of Three-Tails, and said: “From today on, you are partners. Get to know each other…”

Notice the scared expression on Rin’s face, Kaede looked she said with a smile: “Don’t be afraid, Tailed Beast is the same life as human beings, but it has some powerful powers. You can treat it as your partner Summoned Beast in the future. Now.”

Rin: “…”

Three-Tails: “…”

The One-Tails beasts are a bit stiff there.

Kaede sighed in her heart, secretly thought that this parent is really difficult to do, then let go of her hand, and said: “I’ll go out first, you guys will get to know each other.”

The large amount of Chakra gradually dissipated.

Kaede’s silhouette disappeared.

Rin and Three-Tails big eyes staring at small eyes, they looked at each other like this, until more than ten seconds later, Rin cautious and solemn said: “That, that… my name is Nohara Rin, please enlighten me.”

“My name is Isobu…”

Three-Tails start to talk dull.

It is actually a lazy Tailed Beast. The reason for berserk is because the unfathomable mystery was controlled by Sealing Jutsu, and it was sealed to Rin’s within-the-body, so it was naturally in a bad mood.

At this moment, it has no anger, and Rin’s appearance is completely different from the Jinchuriki he has encountered before. The timid appearance is quite interesting.

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