
Rin opened his mouth and started to talk hard, trying to tell Kaede about his situation.

Kaede’s eyes fell on Rin’s chest. Although there was no Byakugan and Sharingan, he still knew that Rin was out of control at this time. It was a spell implanted by Uchiha Madara in her heart, manipulating her body. , Manipulate her within-the-body’s Three-Tails Chakra berserk.

“I know.”

Kaede showed a relieved look at her, and stretched out her hand to pat the Three-Tails Chakra coat that escaped from her body, which was becoming a scarlet The Chakra collapsed instantly.

The Chakra of Three-Tails continues to escape from the within-the-body of Rin.

Kaede glanced at Chakra, who continued to dissipate, his gaze fell to Rin’s heart, and said: “Do you trust me? Rin.”

This question is basically equivalent to a fake, Rin’s The eyes answered everything.

Glanced at Rin’s eyes, Kaede slightly nodded, waved his hand to break the Chakra of Three-Tails again, raised his right hand, and said, “It may be painful… but just be patient.”


Under Kakashi’s stunned gaze.

Kaede’s right hand was in the shape of a hand knife, and it pierced forward suddenly, penetrating Rin’s chest, through the manipulation spell buried in her heart, and destroying the split second spell.

Rin also stayed for a while.

Kaede…Do you want to kill her?

“En? ”

When Kaede confirmed that the spell left by Uchiha Madara had been completely destroyed, right hand looked towards outside, and directed a ray of time back to Rin’s Inject into the chest.

But at this time, he suddenly noticed something, his eyes flashed slightly, his left hand was raised, and he waved in a certain direction in the distance.


A silver crescent wrapped around the lightning flew out.

In that area of ​​the woods, the split second was completely destroyed, revealing a silhouette that was entangled in the body by a weird tree branch.

The blow just now didn’t seem to have any effect on it, it penetrated the past directly.


Kakashi complexion changed, looked that silhouette.

I saw that the face on the other side was completely wrapped in a spiral-shaped weird mask, her eyes were a scarlet color, and the inside was a weird pattern completely different from Sharingan.


The weird vortex suddenly appeared, and then the entire silhouette disappeared.

It was about this time, Kaede’s right hand was pulled out of Rin’s chest, and the blood sprayed from her chest also quietly turned into countless blood beads, flying into the wound, and then the wound Completely bridged and disappeared.

Gazed the direction in which the silhouette disappeared.

Kaede was lost in thought.

“Uchiha Obito? You’re quite something, Uchiha Madara…have found the most’right’ time for White Zetsu to bring him over?”

Kaede considered that Uchiha Obito, who fell into the hands of Uchiha Madara, would be completely blackened under Uchiha Madara’s guidance sooner or later, but didn’t expect an approximate plot.

I don’t know what will happen if Obito finds out that Rin is not dead.

Albino on the spot?

Or is it just going straight to the end?


Rin has already recovered at this time, she looked at her chest in a daze, and couldn’t help but extend the hand, gently touching I took a look at the skin there, revealing an incredible look.

There should be nothing wrong with what I felt before, and I am not in Genjutsu now, but such fatal wounds can be healed — no, cannot use healing to describe it, almost like It’s back to the state it was in when it was intact!

What is Medical-Ninjutsu? !

She also reacted suddenly at this time.

No wonder Kaede asked her, no wonder Kaede said that it might be painful, but just bear with it. It turned out that it was indeed the case. A trace of shame emerged in her heart for a while, because at the split second, She still had a slight hesitation in her trust in Kaede.

“It’s okay, the spell in your heart has been destroyed by me.” Kaede retracted his gaze in the direction from which Obito had disappeared, looked towards Rin again, and directed her slightly nodded.

Kakashi also looked over.

Although the silhouette that appeared in the forest gave him a sense of familiarity, and the way it disappeared was very strange, he was still more concerned about Rin’s state than that.

Seeing that there was no trace of scars on Rin’s chest, and even no blood on his clothes, Kakashi was a bit at a loss for a while and couldn’t help wondering if he had just hit Genjutsu.

“Thanks, thank you…”

Rin looked Kaede, with countless emotions surging for a time, countless words want to say, but I don’t know where to start. In the end, his eyes trembled with start to talk.

At this time, her gaze suddenly changed again, the seal of within-the-body became restless again, and the Chakra of Three-Tails surging uncontrollably again.

This time it is not a spell control.

This time it was because the seal was repeatedly rushed out by Chakra of Three-Tails, cracks and breakage appeared, and it was an unstable seal itself, and it became more unstable at this time.


Seeing this scene, Kakashi suddenly complexion changed and said: “Is this…Tailed Beast’s Chakra? It is Mist Ninja who sealed the Tailed Beast seal. Your within-the-body?”

At this time, even if his reaction was slow, he guessed Rin’s situation.

Mist Ninja mostly wanted to use Tailed Beast to attack Konoha, using Rin as a container, sealed Three-Tails within-the-body, and sent her to Konoha before making Tailed Beast berserk .


Rin gritted her teeth and responded to Kakashi. She was doing her best to suppress the within-the-body Chakra of Three-Tails and Three-Tails. The power of Tails fought against it.

But her strength is too weak. At this time, she is still some distance away from Jonin. Chakra is only Chunin Level, not equivalent to Three-Tails, even if Three-Tails only escapes a small part. Chakra is hard to control by her.

Kakashi’s expression becomes tense, looking towards Kaede.

Kaede stretched out a hand, put it on Rin’s shoulder, and glanced at Kakashi, calmly said: “Don’t worry, you go help your team member first, Rin gives it to me here .”


Kakashi nodded.

He still trusts Kaede completely, and he does not have a way to deal with Tailed Beast. In this case, he doesn’t know how to deal with it, so he can only leave it to Kaede.

Kakashi quickly walked towards Inuzuka and the others, assisting Inuzuka and the others in emergency treatment of the serious injury companion and cleaning the chaotic battlefield.

Rin here.

Kaede wrinkled frowned and found that the use of time reversed, only the Chakra condensed by Three-Tails could collapse, but the Chakra condensed by Three-Tails could not disappear. The other side would continue to condense continuously, and then lifted Hand, gave up the plan to suppress Tailed Beast Chakra with time.

“It looks like I’m going to have a good talk with you, Three-Tails.”

Kaede picked Rin in one hand, and split second took her away from the center of battlefield , Came to a tree trunk, laid her down flat, and then stretched out her hand to press the seal on her lower abdomen.

His Chakra split second poured into it, rushed into the seal, and came to a dark space, where it condensed into Kaede’s silhouette.

Look up.

I saw a huge blister in the sky floating in the blister. Inside the blister was the body of Three-Tails Isobu. The blister seemed a bit small. Part of the tail of Three-Tails had fallen into the blister. outside.

Rin’s silhouette is standing on the other side. She releases her Chakra with both hands, trying to prevent Three-Tails from coming out of the blisters, but obviously unable to push Three-Tails’ tail back.

Three-Tails was staring with huge eyes, Rin and Kaede outside the gazed blisters roared, saying: “Humans…don’t think about…binding me…”

“Don’t resist, Rin.”

Kaede glanced at Rin next to him and said, “Let it out.”


Rin was taken aback, with a look of uncertainty, as if confirming Kaede’s instructions.

That’s Tailed Beast!

Once you completely break free of the restraints, the damage caused is unimaginable!

Kaede gently nodded at her, motioning to do so.

Looked at Kaede’s trustworthy eyes, Rin took a deep breath and slowly put down his hands, no longer restraining Three-Tails.

Puff! Puff! !

With the slow tail of Three-Tails, the split second becomes agile, tumbling frantically on the blisters, causing the water in the blisters to continuously splash out, and the whole blisters become smaller and smaller.

Immediately under Rin’s somewhat horrified gaze, he saw the blisters completely shattered, and Three-Tails’ body came out of it, fell in front of her, and roared at her.

crash-bang! !

The Willpower of Tailed Beast that split second impacted, together with the surging Chakra, made her feel like a candle in the wind, and the next moment was about to be blown out.

“This is…The power of Three-Tails…”

Rin trembled in his heart.

And at this time, Kaede took a step forward, came in front of her, and stood between her and Three-Tails.

crackle! !

A terrible Chakra wave surges.

This huge Chakra is like a monstrous ocean wave, continuously surging out. Split second completely separates her from Three-Tails and turns it into a lightning, covering Kaede’s body.

This is the core space of Jinchuriki and Tailed Beast. Only Sealing Jutsu and Chakra can be used here.

Kaede has a very average grasp of Sealing Jutsu.


This is not a big problem.

Because he can continuously extract Chakra, inject Rin’s within-the-body, and enter this space.

Here, his Chakra is equivalent to infinity, let alone Three-Tails, even Nine-Tails, it is impossible to compare with him!

Crack, click,

Bathed in silver rays of light, Kaede’s eyes are indifferent, right hand clenches a fist, and his left hand presses on the right hand fist, letting several joints emit The voice of ka ka, and then just walked towards Three-Tails.


Three-Tails looked Kaede came by, with rays of light flashing in his huge pupils. It thought Kaede would make up for a stronger Sealing Jutsu, the result didn’t expect other side to use Chakra to fight it.

The last ninja that directly used Chakra against it was a long time ago. It was called Senju Hashirama. The ninja had Chakra with Asura on his body. It really couldn’t resist.

But the ninja in front of me…

Besides Chakra Reserves seems to be a lot, there is no other special place, not at all, and there is no power of Indra.

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