Noting that Sara was caught, Kakashi relaxed and fell to Takahashi aside.

Although I can’t see the silhouette, I can make movements at that speed. There is no doubt that Kaede must have made the move.

At this time, Kakashi had time to pay attention to the opposite ninja, and found that the opposite ninja was wearing a Konoha headband, which was a Konoha ninja!

another side.

Because of Ryumyaku’s energy distorting time and space, Naruto, who was shuttled from the future, was rescued by other people, and Sara, who was looking down, was suddenly relaxed.

“It’s okay…”

As he relaxed, his eyes tightened slightly.

That speed.

so fast!

In this period, Naruto has only mastered Rasenshuriken of semifinished products. He has not yet practiced Sage Mode, has not had the experience of Six-Paths of Pain, and strength has not yet reached the level of Kage Level.

Of course, if the power of Nine-Tails breaks out, then another cup of tea. The complete Nine-Tails is directly the strength of the super shadow level. If there is another Asura Chakra, it will alarm Sage of Six. -Paths, it is not impossible to have six levels on the spot.

But in Kaede’s view, Naruto’s most terrifying thing is Mouth-Style, one of Ninja World’s stunts.

Even Big Boss such as Nagato, what Kakuzu Hidan, Deidara, and Sasori are the Gyuki snake gods. After being caught in Mouth-Style, they gave up their lives directly. Resurrected all the enemies killed before, it is even better than Kotoamatsukami!


Kaede fell on the corridor of a tall building.

The girl in her arms was so scared that she closed her eyes at this time. After realizing that she seemed to be fine, the eyes of cautious and solemn were opened.


When she saw Kaede’s appearance, Sara stayed for a while, and then it took a few seconds to react, her cheeks flushed, and she said, “Let… …Let me go.”


Seeing Sara’s state, Kaede couldn’t help but sigh. I remember that under normal plots, Naruto received two palms on the spot, and his reaction suddenly changed.

Sure enough, with different looks, is the trigger of plot completely different?


It seems that there is another girl who greets him.

Sure enough, wear a mask like Kakashi?

“Thanks, thank you for saving me…ah, yes, who you are?!”

Sara, who was put down, looked a little bit afraid to meet Kaede , Looked away slightly to thank you cautious and solemn, and then suddenly reacted, looking towards Kaede and asked.

Kaede looked and she said: “I’m the ninja of Konoha. I heard that something happened in this town and I received a mission to investigate here.”

“So… “

Sara nodded, I was about to say that nothing happened here. When everything was normal, the two silhouette swept over from a distance and fell to the side.

It is Kakashi and Naruto who had a trick in midair confrontation before.

Kakashi pointed at Naruto with his thumb crooked and said, “Big brother, this guy says he is the ninja of Konoha, but I have never seen him.”

Naruto I looked Kakashi and said dissatisfied: “I haven’t seen you two, and what is the situation now, are you here to perform the mission?”

It’s okay not to say this. .

As soon as I said it, Kakashi immediately changed his face, and the Kunai in his hand was instantly placed on Naruto’s neck, saying solemnly: “You are not the ninja of Konoha!”

What about the ninja of Konoha? May not know Kaede!

Not to mention Konoha, even the ninja of Five Great Countries, I’m afraid there are few people who don’t know Kaede, they can’t recognize Kaede at all. I’m afraid it’s only those scattered among the people and not organized It is possible to isolate the ninja.

“What are you talking about…I think you are not Konoha’s ninja!”

Naruto looked Kunai, who was standing next to his neck, his eyes tightened instantly, and he immediately started to talk said.

Kaede looked this scene, shaking one’s head, and said: “Let him go, Kakashi, he is indeed Konoha’s ninja, but not the’now’ Konoha Ninja.”


Kakashi was stunned for a moment. He didn’t understand what Kaede meant for a while, but he still followed Kaede’s words, took two steps back and let go of Naruto.

Naruto touched his neck, and then suddenly reacted, looking towards Kakashi in a little shock, and said: “Your name is Kakashi?”

Just say what’s going on…

This guy and Kakashi teacher are indeed very similar, but they are much younger.

“What’s wrong?”

Kakashi frowned looked Naruto.

Kaede slapped a hand seal at Kakashi, signaled Kakashi not to speak, and then slowly said: “It seems that the information in the information is correct. The Ryumyaku energy has indeed distorted time and space. This guy should be from Coming in the future… By the way, it is Konoha forty-five years now.”

“Wood…Konoha forty-five years?”

Naruto listened to the first half of Kaede’s words , Could not help being a little confused, but when he heard the last sentence, he immediately showed a look of stunned expression, and said: “Isn’t it sixty-four years?”

Naruto didn’t immediately understand the situation, but Kakashi gradually woke up. , Showing the look of so that’s how it is, looked towards Naruto and said: “What is the relationship between you and Kakashi?”

“Kakashi is my teacher…”

Still in a daze Naruto is forced to replied.

Hearing this answer, Kakashi’s expression suddenly collapsed, and he said: “Huh?! You are my dísciple? How can I accept your stupid dísciple in the future!”

In Kakashi’s view, Naruto, who has not understood the situation so far, IQ is simply questionable. How could he receive such a dísciple in the future!

Naruto was completely dizzy when he heard Kakashi’s words.

It wasn’t until Kakashi weakly explained to him a long time that he finally understood it, and then looked towards Kaede in shock and said, “Does Kakashi teacher have a big brother? Why have I never I heard about it.”


Kakashi was suddenly startled when he heard Naruto’s words.

Then his complexion slightly changed.

Ordinarily, even if it’s not his dísciple, it’s impossible to have heard of Kaede. Could it be that something happened to Kaede, so the world has disappeared after twenty years? !

“Stop asking about the future, Kakashi.”

Kaede noticed Kakashi’s gaze, interrupted Kakashi’s thoughts, and calmly said: “I know too much. , It will cause a huge change in the timeline.”

Naruto from the future has never heard of him. There are nothing more than two probabilities. One is that he disappeared because of something before Naruto was born. As a result, Naruto has never heard of him, but the probability is not great.

After all.

Even if he disappears in Ninja World from now on, Naruto has never heard of his name in 20 years. It is a matter of very small probability.

The other greater probability is that the future Naruto is in belongs to the parallel space-time formed by the distortion of Ryumyaku’s energy. Everything is developing on a normal trajectory, not at all his existence.

Kaede guessed that this is probably the case.

The reason is simple.

The “unreal clock” combined with his consciousness is the only one, doesn’t exist the second and third. If time is described as a ruler, then it is free from The carving knife outside the ruler can leave engrave on the ruler, but it doesn’t exist inside the ruler.

There is only one such “carving knife”.

This Kaede is the cognition of Unreal Clock after so many years of understanding it.

Naruto stood by and watched Kakashi, his eyes getting more and more wrong, and finally couldn’t help but start to talk: “Kakashi teacher at such a young age…puffchi…hey hahaha…”

“Shut up, don’t call me teacher, it will make me stupid.”

Kakashi rolled the eyes.

Naruto laughed for a while, then recovered and said, “By the way, let’s act together. The ninja of Mukade is very dangerous. You may not be able to deal with it now.”

The current Kakashi should be only ten years old. Kakashi’s elder brother should be a bit older, similar to him, but I have never heard of the name of the other side, and it should not be the Jonin in the village.

He should be the strongest here now.

It’s time for him to lead the team!

Take Kakashi teacher and his elder brother to do a mission-thinking of this, Naruto feels his blood is surging!

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