After receiving the mission to handle the Roran incident, Kaede quickly set off.

This mission is not alone. When Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Kaede if he needed to bring a team, Kaede thought about it and decided to take Kakashi with him.

It’s not that you need Kakashi’s help, but just take advantage of this opportunity to teach Kakashi the Lightning-Style Secret Jutsu you mastered this period of time one after another on the road.

After all, he is his younger brother.

At least we must cultivate an excellent Konoha sixth-generation Hokage.

“Father’s ninja sword I have stayed in the Weapon Shop. When you come back from Roran, you can just take this and get it. I don’t need it anymore.”

Kaede will A’number plate’ was thrown to Kakashi.

Kakashi reached out to catch it, and after a glance, he looked towards Kaede and said: “Why stay at Weapon Shop… Have you used Father’s ninja sword?”

Kaede smiled and gazed Kakashi said: “You don’t need to know that many, you can pick it up after you come back.”


Kakashi expression A stiff, weak nodded.

Kaede retracted his gaze and said, “Then next is the training session. This is the Lightning-Style Secret Jutsu of Third Raikage in Cloud Ninja Village. I have basically completed it. You can take a look first. Ask me if you don’t understand.”

While talking, Kaede took out a scroll and threw it to Kakashi.


Kakashi reached out and caught it.

Looked at the scroll in his hand, Kakashi couldn’t help showing a cautious look in his eyes. Although he hadn’t seen Third Raikage, he was also very clear about the existence that could be called’Raikage’ in Lightning-Style Ninjutsu There must be extremely high attainments, certainly not what he can compare now.

“Third Raikage’s Lightning-Style Secret Jutsu…”

“Thanks big brother Xie.”

Kaede patted Kakashi’s shoulder, suddenly thought of it What, said: “By the way, I asked you to ask Minato Jonin about Flying Thunder God Jutsu, how did you learn?” Kakashi said: “I barely learned it, but I can’t use it.”


Kaede looked Kakashi a little surprised.

After listening to Kakashi’s explanation, he was slightly surprised and realized that there was a problem with his judgment on Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Space Ninjutsu, until now.

Flying Thunder God Jutsu is not a Ninjutsu that he thinks is extremely difficult to master, on the contrary, its essence is actually the self-use of’reverse Summoning Jutsu’, even Genma Shiranui, who once served as the guard for Namikaze Minato Wait for Special-Jonin, have mastered Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

But the problem is that mastering does not mean you can use it.

Genma Shiranui and the others is because Chakra is not enough, so it needs three people to work together to start, and only one person can be teleported, so basically it is useless.

Kakashi is the same now, and it is also restricted by Chakra’s insufficient use, which is basically impossible to use.


The most critical point is that Flying Thunder God Jutsu this Jutsu is not that once you master the technique formula, you can immediately fly around like Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato.

Flying Thunder God Jutsu has two biggest difficulties, one is to sense the specific location of the’coordinate’, and the other is to distinguish the specific location of the’coordinate’.

According to what Kakashi said, he trained Flying Thunder God Jutsu, but he can only clearly sense the imprints he leaves within several hundred meters. Beyond this range, he will be extremely vague.

In addition.

If multiple imprints are left at the same time, it will cause confusion, and it is impossible to quickly and accurately determine which imprint corresponds to which position.

So with so many restrictions, he judged that even if his Chakra Reserves were able to use Flying Thunder God Jutsu, they would not be as good as the ordinary soil Body Flicker Jutsu and Water Body Flicker.

“so that’s how it is…”

“It seems that the power of Minato is that it can leave a huge number of Flying Thunder God Jutsu coordinates at once, and also It can accurately sense any coordinate in the split second, and it can sense it even at a distance that spans the entire Ninja World.”

Kaede muttered murmured.

This should be the so-called innate talent of Space Ninjutsu.

Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, as a developer, admits that he is inferior to Namikaze Minato in Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Obviously Senju Tobirama cannot be as precise and fast as Minato.

The induction of spatial coordinates, the reaction speed of nerves, and the precise grasp of the battle… Namikaze Minato has achieved all this to the limit of human beings, and it has almost BUG-rank and other fighting. Strength, can kill Jonin like cutting vegetables.


Roran is located on the joint border of Land of Fire and Land-of-Wind.

Located in a desert.

Kaede took Kakashi day and night, all the way towards Roran. He would only answer Kakashi’s questions when he stopped to rest and eat on the road.

Of course.

Because of the different levels, Kakashi needs to move at full speed to keep up with his speed. He has no time to train on the way, but he can be distracted by training while on the way.

Although Kakashi knew the many limitations of Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Kaede still learned the specific training method from Kakashi and tried it.

After all, it is also suitable to get in touch with Ninjutsu of space.

However, he also encountered great difficulties in training. It is almost the same as Kakashi. Both of them have inherited their physique from Hatake Sakumo. There is basically no difference. Kakashi does not have innate talent for space. His innate talent at the spatial level is also not very strong.

After judging that the training Flying Thunder God Jutsu may take several months to master, Kaede temporarily gave up the training of Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

In the past few months, he can open the Six Sect of Eight-Gates Lightning-Style.

It’s okay to wait. When I’m bored, I’ll do a good job. In fact, at close range, his speed is almost the same as Flying Thunder God Jutsu’s teleport.

He training Flying Thunder God Jutsu is nothing more than wanting a more appropriate “long-distance driving” ability, so that I can leave some coordinates in many places in Ninja World, so I don’t have to hurry.

As for the use of actual combat, it is basically meaningless.

After half a month.

Kaede and Kakashi arrived in Roran.

Seeing this town built in the middle of the desert and composed of countless tall buildings, Kakashi’s eyes flickered, and he immediately judged that this was not a town that an ordinary person could create.

“Sure enough, there is a very strange Chakra…”

As he approached the center of the town, Kakashi was wary.

Kaede nodded, said: “It’s Ryumyaku’s Chakra, go and follow me.

Now Kakashi encounters Mukade, who has mastered Ryumyaku’s power. There may be some danger. Mukade is now The state is basically the immortal Puppet body similar to Impure World Reincarnation, can be resurrected infinitely, and has almost infinite Chakra.

sou! sou! !

The two are facing the town Moving forward in the middle of the city, I quickly came to the center.

Here is an open square. There are a lot of silhouettes in the square. It seems that a bonfire party is being held. There are festive sounds everywhere, but Kakashi I quickly noticed that the people on the square were all Puppets manipulated by Chakra Threads!

“What a weird place…”

Kaede did not respond to Kakashi, but Looking up towards the top of the tall building in the center, I saw a girl with red hair, under the protection of several guards, came to the outer corridor, and waved at the’Puppet’ below.

And just at this moment.

The girl seemed to be pushed by who, staggering forward, and the corridor immediately ahead was like a tofu project. It was stepped on and collapsed. People suddenly fell from dozens of stories high towers towards the ground.

“Not good! “

Kakashi face changed, and immediately rushed out.

At the same time, in the other direction, a silhouette of golden hair also rushed out, and Kakashi greeted from high Roran Princess Sara who fell from the tower.


Kakashi noticed the silhouette rushing over. The subconscious thought that the other side was coming to take the life of Queen Sara who fell. He immediately threw the kunai out of his hand and tried to force back other side.

And the sillhouete also threw a Chakra knife.


Both of them contained the figure in the sky together, turned over and avoided the attack from the other side.

“Oops! “

After doing this action, both of them almost inwardly shouted a bad cry at the same time, because in order to avoid the attack from the other side, they failed to catch Sara who fell from the tower.

When Sara was about to fall to the ground, a silhouette that was so fast that she could hardly be seen, like an afterimage, flashed by instantly.

sou! !

Kaede held Sara and swept across the ground, and traversed an arc, unloading the gravity of Sara’s fall, and finally landed on another tall building nearby.

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