"Brother Heiji, my daughter Qingzi doesn't have a boyfriend yet, how about making her your girlfriend?"

He sat in the car and yelled from a distance.

Kuroba Kuito almost fell, and his heart was full of unhappiness.

Aoko Nakamori was stunned for a moment, then his face turned slightly red, and he sighed helplessly: "Mr. Heiji, please don't mind. My father is such an impatient person, don't take it seriously."

"How could he be serious. If I remember correctly, the second lady of the Suzuki consortium is one of his girlfriends."

Kuroba Kaito deliberately emphasized that one, with a very serious tone.

Heiji glanced at him: This guy is exactly the same as Kudo Shinichi, just a jar of vinegar.

There was no change in Nakamori Aoko's mood.

For a while, calm down.

The three came to a small warehouse, which was made of wood and used to store sundries.

"This used to be a utility room, but after we set up the detective agency, this has become our base. It has everything in it, and it's like we've set it up as an office."

Aoko Nakamori was a little proud.

"Cut, isn't that just adding a few sofas, putting a desk, and getting a fax machine, is that an office?"

"Quick fight~~~"

Nakamori Aoko gave Kuroba Kuito an unhappy look, a little unhappy.

Kuroba Kuito shrugged and stopped talking.

Heiji smiled lightly and looked around: "Miss Qingzi, why are there so many bamboos around here?"

"Because this place is relatively remote and there are few people at ordinary times, these bamboos seem to be planted only for the landscape, so as not to make this place seem so empty."

Aoko Nakamori explained.

Heiji frowned: "So that's the case, but this log cabin must be some years old. These bamboos are much taller than the log cabin."

When I first got out of the car, I couldn't see the log cabin at all because of the bamboos blocking it.

"Well, I heard it's been a long time. But it's also because of the remoteness here that our detective agency can successfully apply for this place as a base."

Aoko Nakamori continued to explain.

At this time, there was a burst of cheers from inside, very loud, and spread far away.

The wooden door opened, and a long-haired beauty came out.

"Qingzi, Kuaidou, you are here, come in quickly."

The woman was overjoyed when she saw the three, and hurriedly called them in.

"Ikeda Bingya-senpai, this is Mr. Hattori Heiji."

Aoko Nakamori quickly introduced Heiji to the protagonist of this party, Ikeda Bingya.

Heiji nodded politely: "My name is Hattori Heiji, I'm sorry to disturb you this time."

"It really is an idol."

Ikeda Bingya screamed in surprise, walked down the stairs, walked quickly to Heiji, and circled around him.

"Hey, Mr. Heiji is here."

She suddenly shouted into the house.

The cheers disappeared.

The next moment, five or six people rushed out, some men and women.

"It's really Mr. Heiji."

"Ahaha, I actually met my idol."

Heiji looked at the group of people in front of him, dumbfounded.

Seeing Heiji's demeanor, Ikeda Bingya smiled: "Mr. Heiji, we are your loyal fans, fans of ultimate reasoning. The detective agency was founded by a few of us, and now it has grown to tens of thousands of people."

"Yes, Mr. Heiji, my name is Shirao Renzhi, and I'm the vice president of the detective agency."

A young man wearing glasses said excitedly.

"My name is Akira Tanaka, and I'm the director of the detective agency's planning."

A chubby young man looked adoring.

"My name is Eno Yumi, and I'm the publicity director of the detective agency."

A woman with glasses said gracefully.

"My name is Takemura Asami, and I'm the head of the detective agency's organization."

A tall and thin girl laughed.

"My name is Yamamoto Shou, I'm an investor in the detective agency, and at the same time, Mr. Heiji, your most ardent reasoning fan."

A young man with a big belly, covered in famous brands, had red light in his eyes and was full of enthusiasm.

Ikeda Bingya stood next to Heiji and smiled confidently: "Idol, my name is Ikeda Bingya, I am the president of the detective agency, and I am also your fanatical fan."

Heiji was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I didn't expect that I actually have fans. It seems that I can make a lot of money by singing now."

A few people were stunned for a moment, and then they burst into laughter.

"Idol, with your reputation and strength, those singers are not your opponents at all." Ikeda Bingya said confidently.

"That's right, if Mr. Heiji makes his debut, what about those stars?"

Takemura Asami nodded sharply from the side.

"Yes indeed."

The rest of the people nodded violently and strongly agreed.

A person walked out of the wooden house: "Sister, there are a few more, it's time to come in and eat."

That is Nakamori Aoko's classmate and Ikeda Bingya's younger sister, Ikeda Lanqing.

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