Kuroba Kuito pouted and glanced at Heiji: "This guy, it's not just reasoning better, what's there to worship."

Heiji glanced at Kuroba Kaito lightly: "Miss Qingzi, is this your boyfriend?"

Aoko Nakamori blushed and shook his head: "No, we are childhood sweethearts."

Kuroba Kaito glared at Heiji: "Hitto Heiji, you are about the same age as us, don't always look old-fashioned."

"Kaito, don't be rude to Mr. Heiji."

"Che, he's not my idol."

Aoko Nakamori glanced at Heiji apologetically: "Mr. Heiji, I'm sorry, Kaito has always been this kind of character, please don't mind."

Heiji smiled politely: "Mr. Kaito is full of self-confidence. He should be a figure in school, right?"

Aoko Nakamori's eyes lit up: "Mr. Heiji is so right. Although Kaito has a very annoying personality, his subjects are very good. The most important thing is that his magic is very good."


Heiji's tone contained a hint of doubt.

Kuroba Kuito, who was walking in front, changed his face slightly and stopped: "Aoko, don't tell anyone my secret. My magic is only used when chasing cute girls."

Aoko Nakamori glared at Kuroba Kuito: "Hmph, your skill is nothing in front of Mr. Heiji. Mr. Heiji is the nemesis of thieves, even the phantom thief Kidd or Baron of the Night is not his opponent. Your little tricks won't do anything."

Kuroba Kuito was very upset, snorted coldly, and walked straight forward.

Aoko Nakamori glanced at Heiji apologetically again: "Mr. Heiji, I'm really sorry."

Heiji smiled lightly, and glanced at Kuroba Kaito with a deep meaning: "When Miss Qingzi said that, I suddenly wanted to see Mr. Kaito's magic."

"There will be a party tonight, Mr. Heiji, you must attend."

Aoko Nakamori looked at Heiji expectantly.

Heiji thought about it for a while, then nodded: "Well, then I'll trouble you."

"Oye, don't worry, our party will be very lively then."

Nakamori Aoko was a little excited, and hurried to Kuroba Kuito to ask for credit.

Heiji put his hands in his pockets and walked quietly behind him with a smile on his face.

I'm thinking in my heart...

[Kutoha seems to have a problem with me. 】

[Could it be because of the name thief's nemesis? 】

At the beginning, Hattori Heiji's identity did pass through many of Kaitou Kid's plans on the spot, and it was normal to have opinions.

Kuroba Kuito's opinion didn't affect him in the slightest.

Throughout the afternoon, Heiji seemed very comfortable under the warm reception of Nakamori Aoko. However, Kuroba Kuito was unhappy, and he had a black face all the way.

[When did Qingzi treat him so well? 】

"Qingzi, I'll pick you up tonight."

"No, Kuaidou's bicycle can only carry one person. Let my dad take us there today."

Aoko Nakamori shook her head and refused. Heiji was both a guest and an idol. Could he be asked to walk to the yard?

"Where will the party be held?"

Heiji sat on the sofa and smiled politely.

"At Egutian High School." Nakamori Aoko thought for a while: "Actually, this is a birthday party. The sister of one of our classmates invited us to party together."

"birthday party?"

"Mr. Heiji, I just called to confirm. It turns out that my classmate's sister is a sophomore at the University of Tokyo, and she is also very interested in reasoning. She very much hopes that Mr. Heiji can participate."

Seeing that Heiji's expression was a little strange, Nakamori Aoko quickly explained.

"Che, don't go if you don't go, no one is begging you to go."

Kuroba Kuito sneered uncomfortably aside.

Aoko Nakamori shook his head helplessly: "Kaito, you are very impolite."

Heiyu Kuito pouted and stopped talking.

Participating in this birthday party is purely to confirm an idea in my heart, an idea that suddenly arises.

Chapter 0618 Birthday Party Arson Incident: Detective Agency!

The detective agency at Egutian High School was brightly lit and the sound was very loud.

Fortunately, this neighborhood is not a residential area. It takes about ten minutes to drive to the city, and it takes five or six minutes to drive, so it will not disturb other residents.

A car parked at the gate of Jianggutian High School.

"Brother Heiji, if you have the opportunity, you must spend the night at my house. I have a lot of things to ask you, especially in catching the phantom thief Kidd. With your experience, I will definitely be able to catch him."

Officer Nakamori turned his head and said to Heiji who was sitting in the back seat, his eyes flickering with cold light, exuding a deep hatred for the phantom thief Kid.

Heiji nodded politely: "I will definitely chat with Officer Nakamori when I have the chance."

"Hahaha, that's fine then."

"Okay, Dad, I'll take Mr. Heiji first."

Aoko Nakamori got out of the passenger seat and glanced helplessly at Officer Nakamori.

"Oh, it's really troublesome."

Kuroba Kuito came out long ago, and glanced at Heiji, his eyes were full of displeasure.

"I'm really bothering you, Officer Nakamori."

In comparison, it is clear that Heiji's behavior and etiquette completely outweighed Kuroba Kaito.

This is not coercion!

This is a basic social etiquette.

Officer Nakamori's eyes lit up and he was very satisfied with Heiji's actions.

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