"Then don't speak."

Yukiko looked at Heiji in confusion.

Heiji smiled mysteriously: "After raising it for so long, it should be slaughtered, otherwise it will be cooked."

Yukiko was stunned, and suddenly, she felt a big hand reach into her clothes, and she was frustrated somewhere...

Suddenly softened.

Lying weakly in his arms, winking like silk, exhaling like Lan: "Bastard, Xiao Lan will be back soon."

Xiaolan came back with a bag of ingredients, glanced at Heiji who was sitting in the living room, and smiled softly: "Heiji, I'll have dinner later."

Heiji breathed a sigh of relief: What a risk!

In the room, Yukiko winked like silk, her face was flushed, she rested on the bed for a while, then went to the shower to brush her teeth.

In the kitchen, Xiao Lan is cooking.

The door of the master bedroom opened, and Fei Yingri came out sleepily, saw Heiji sitting on the sofa, walked straight over, sat directly beside him, and hugged him tightly.

Without glasses, the loose nightdress looked a little messy, and the long golden hair was scattered over her shoulders, very casual.

There was something wrong with Fei Yingri's demeanor.

"I had a dream. I dreamed that my daughter was crying and calling Dad in the crib, but you never showed up."

Feiyingli's voice was a little frightened.

Heiji was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly, wrapped his arms around her waist, put her in his arms, and stroked her slightly bulging belly with a big hand.

"Perhaps, it's the daughter who wants to come out to see her father soon."

Fei Yingri put Heiji's hand on her stomach, felt the heat on her big hand, and sighed softly: "Heiji, if the case is too complicated, you won't be involved. There are so many cases in this world, you don't have to. Everyone needs to be involved.”

Yukiko came out of the room with a pretty serious face: "I agree with Yingri's point of view. You are not alone now. There are many people who care about you behind you. You cannot let those people worry about you."

Long legs strode, walked to the opposite side of the two, sat down, crossed his legs, and looked at Heiji seriously.

Concubine Eri looked back at the kitchen, frowning slightly, feeling a little strange about Yuukiko's attitude towards Heiji.

Too casual!

Aren't you afraid of being discovered by Xiaolan?

Heiji didn't explain, he gently stroked Fei Yingri's stomach, feeling the little life inside, a feeling of blood connection arise spontaneously.

Yukiko blinked mysteriously towards Concubine Yingri, her beautiful eyes showing a hint of shyness.

Fei Yingli was even more confused: Did he say it or not?

dinner time!

"Mom, is there anything on my face?"

Feiyingli glanced at her from time to time, which made Xiaolan a little strange.

"It's okay, let's eat."

Fei Yingli shook her head and smiled gently: "It's okay, Xiaolan, let's eat."

Xiaolan nodded and ate silently.

In the bedroom, Fei Yingri came out wrapped in a large bath towel after taking a shower, lying on Heiji's arms.

"Tell me, what are you arguing with Yukiko?"

The loose bath towel slipped slightly, revealing the beautiful scenery.

Heiji hugged Fei Yingri in his arms, lowered his head and whispered in her ear.

Feiyingli widened her beautiful eyes and looked at Heiji in shock: "Did Yukiko agree too?"

"Heiji, after three months, I'll be fine too."

Feiyingli's face was very red.

Heiji was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly: "Well, I'm waiting for that day."

Xiaolan lay quietly on the bed in her pajamas, thinking about the afternoon conversation with Yukiko.

[Although Sister Yukiko didn't say it clearly, has she already made it clear? 】

[Could it be that Yukiko sister also became Heiji's woman? 】

[What about Shinichi? 】

Although she no longer has feelings for Kudo Shinichi, she still cares. She really can't imagine the consequences of letting him know about such a thing.


A strange sound came.

Xiaolan frowned: Is there a thief?

His face suddenly became serious, he stood up and walked out of the room.

The voice became clearer and clearer, with a strange charm that made people blush.

[From Yukiko's sister's room? 】

Xiaolan's face changed, thinking that something happened to Yuxizi. He walked over quickly and slammed the door open.

"Sister Yukiko, are you alright?"

Chapter 0605 Belmod's call!

The night was dark, it was already early morning.

Xiao Lan was lying on the bed, covering her head with the quilt, her face flushed red, but tears could not stop flowing.

Akiko's room!

Heiji looked at Yuukiko below him, dumbfounded.

"Why don't you close the door?"

Yukiko's face was very red, and there was still a hint of spring in her eyes. However, more is unbelievable.

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