Xiao Lan hugged her long legs with both hands, rested her head on her knees, and sat quietly on the sofa.

Yuxizi came out of the room, changed into loose clothes, walked to the living room with her long legs, sat opposite Xiaolan, and pursed her lips with a smile.

"Xiao Lan, is there something you want to ask me?"

Xiaolan raised her head to look at Yuxizi, her beautiful eyes filled with confusion: "Sister Yuxizi, what was your reaction when you found out about Heiji and my mother?"

Yuxizi was taken aback, she did not expect Xiaolan to ask this question.

Think about it for a while!

"I was a little shocked, but at the same time I felt that there was no surprise."

Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, looked at Yukiko quietly, and waited for her explanation.

Yukiko stretched her waist and stretched out her long fair and straight legs. She lay on the sofa and quietly looked at the ceiling: "Xiao Ran, you should like Heiji too, right?"

Xiaolan's body trembled suddenly and looked at Yukiko in shock.

Why all of a sudden, she seems to have no secrets.

The atmosphere changed instantly.

Yuxizi sighed: "You mother and daughter, did you really owe him a lot in your last life?"

Xiao Lan's reaction has already explained everything.

Worry has come true!

[Shinichi, you are such an asshole. 】

For the first time, Yukiko was completely disappointed with her son.

Xiaolan, the daughter-in-law she had long been optimistic about, is now about to become her sister...

Yuxizi sat up, walked over to Xiaolan and sat down, hugging her gently.

"Xiao Ran, you're right, Yingri is right, and Heiji is right. If anyone is wrong, maybe it's God's will."

Xiaolan threw herself into Yuxizi's arms and cried silently.

"What should I do? Seeing Heiji being so kind to my mother, I feel so happy, at the same time, I feel so uncomfortable, as if I'm about to suffocate. Sister Yukiko, what should I do?"

"Then tell Heiji, tell him your thoughts and let him know."

Xiao Lan stopped crying, raised her head and stared blankly at Yukiko.

Yukiko was a little hairy when she was stared at by Xiaolan's eyes.

Xiaolan smiled slightly, with a strange smile: "My mother told me the same, Sister Yukiko, what do you think of Heiji?"

Yuxizi's heart tightened, and she seemed calm on the surface. She hugged Xiaolan and looked up at the ceiling slightly: "Heiji, when I first heard that he was in love with He Ye and Yuanzi at the same time, I thought he was a scumbag. Later It was a little shocking to find out that Kazuya and Sonoko knew each other's existence. In the end, I found out that he is actually a very good detective. He is very nice, but sometimes I feel that he always has a confident expression, and I can't help it. Hit him."

In the end, he laughed involuntarily.

The next moment, the smile immediately retracted, and she looked at Xiao Lan slightly.

Xiao Lan looked down at the carpet and didn't seem to notice anything unusual about her.

Yukiko let out a sigh of relief.

"Sister Yukiko, do you also like Heiji?"

"Um. What?"

Yukiko widened her beautiful eyes and looked at Xiaolan in shock.

Xiaolan lowered her head with a sad expression: "Actually, I should have thought about it. That night, my mother and sister Yukiko had an accident with Heiji. If it wasn't for you voluntarily, Heiji couldn't do that to you at the same time. ."

Yuxizi stood there, watching Xiaolan's head buzzing.

Xiaolan's brain hole is so big.

She was talking about one dragon and two phoenix!

Chapter 0604 Sister Yuxizi is sick?

Heiji opened his eyes, looked at Fei Yingri, who was still sleeping in his arms, lowered his head and kissed her thin lips, then got up cautiously.

Walking out of the room, his brows suddenly wrinkled.

Yukiko was sitting on the sofa, the TV was on, but the channel turned out to be Animal World.

Heiji was speechless and walked over.

"Yukiko, do you want to be a biologist?"

Yuxizi's long eyelashes trembled, she raised her head, her eyes were blank, and a look of confusion appeared: "Huh?"

Heiji was moved and sat next to her: "Did you tell Xiaolan?"

Yukiko slowly came to her senses, and when she saw Heiji next to her, she subconsciously turned her head to look at the kitchen.

I just remembered that Xiaolan went out to buy groceries.

Yukiko stood up, sat in Heiji's arms, rested her head on his shoulder, and closed her beautiful eyes slightly: "Heiji, Xiaolan seems to know."

Heiji leaned on the sofa, wrapped his arms around Yukiko's waist, and was stunned for a moment: "Now that you know everything, you don't need to hide her anymore. When He Ye and Yuanzi come back, it's time to tell them."

Yukiko pressed her face against his, her skin was as smooth as silk, and she exhaled like a blue orchid: "Will Kazuha and Sonoko accept me and Eri?"

Heiji smiled slightly and turned to kiss her sweet thin lips.

"Don't you know the characters of Kazuha and Sonoko? They may have to want to separate from you."

Speaking of He Ye and Yuanzi, Yukiko smiled slightly, lying in Heiji's arms, somewhat comforting: "Well, I really don't worry about the two of them, but Xiaolan..."

Xiaolan made her very complicated.

The girl who was supposed to be her daughter-in-law actually fell in love with the same man as her.

Great change!

She couldn't react.

Heiji took Yukiko in his arms and smiled lightly: "You haven't told her yet?"

Yukiko shook her head: "She may have guessed it, but I don't know how to say it."

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