The only explanation was that she didn't feel anything about him in her heart.

A whole afternoon!

Masako Chikage watched two ghost movies in Heiji's arms.

"Heiji, my mother has a stomachache, come back and help me."

As soon as it was connected, Xiao Lan's voice with a hint of crying came over the phone.

Chapter 0590 Xiaolan's amazing discovery!

A red shadow galloped down the road.

Heiji's face was a little heavy. This time, Fei Yingri's fetal movement seemed to be a little serious.

The accelerator goes all the way!

The pupils contracted slightly, and the scenery outside the car was already like a line. However, the car was still as stable as Mount Tai.

Whoosh~~~! ! !

Constantly overtaking, without the slightest deceleration.

"Dad, that car is so fast."

"Son, do you see it? It's just a new luxury car. Is it necessary to be so dazzling?"

"Dad, your tone is sour."

On the highway, there are countless conversations going on, but Heiji doesn't care at all.

No one can stop him.

Xiaolan's face was full of anxiety, looking at Fei Yingli lying on the bed, she was a little confused.

"Lan, I'm fine, don't worry."

Feiyingli's forehead was slightly dripping with sweat, obviously not as easy as she said on the surface.

"Mom, let me take you to the hospital."

Xiaolan held Fei Yingli's hand with a pleading expression on her face.

Feiyingli smiled slightly: "No, this is a normal fetal movement. If you walk around casually, it will easily cause a miscarriage. I can't take the risk."

For this kind of thing, she has experience.

"But, you are in so much pain now, and I'm worried."

Tears flowed out.

Xiaolan is very worried now, this is the first time she sees Feiyingli in such pain.

Fei Yingri's thin lips that were rosy had turned pale, even a little chapped.

She still shook her head: "It's okay, Mom can hold it."

Jade hand reluctantly caressed her belly and smiled softly, full of maternal love and happiness.

Xiao Lan felt angry in her heart: "Mom, who is that man, why did you keep it a secret? You are in so much pain now, he doesn't know yet, is it worth it?"

Feiyingli smiled slightly, held Xiaolan's hand, and shook her head gently: "Mom will tell you later, but not yet."

Xiaolan's tears flowed out: "You are so uncomfortable now, and you have to speak for him. I will never let him go when I see him in the future."

Fei Yingli was stunned for a moment, and held Xiaolan's hand tightly without speaking.

My heart is a little complicated!

Suddenly, there was a sound of a door opening from outside.

Xiaolan's face suddenly showed a look of vigilance.

Feiyingli was overjoyed, a smile appeared on her face, and she held Xiaolan's hand tightly.

Heiji walked in quickly, frowning: "What's the matter? Does it matter?"

The concerned expression did not hide at all.

Feiyingli blushed and smiled gracefully: "Heiji, I'm really sorry to have you come all the way here, Lan Zhenzhen, actually called to inform you."

The fine sweat on his forehead was still coming out.

Heiji frowned, looked at Xiaolan and handed him the key: "Xiaolan, you go down first, the passenger seat is flat, and I will carry Yingli down. You must go to the hospital."

Xiaolan took the key from Heiji and hurriedly left.

There were only two people left in the room.

"You, Xiaolan is still here, what if we let her know about our relationship?"

Feiyingli smiled softly.

Heiji carefully hugged Fei Yingli in his arms, lowered his head and kissed her thin, chapped lips: "At this time, I can't take care of that much. Why don't you ask Xiaolan to take you to the hospital."

Fei Yingli buried her head in his arms, her eyes were very firm: "If you exercise too vigorously, it may cause the placenta to shift. I'm afraid of miscarriage."

Heiji was stunned for a moment, with a touch of tenderness on his face: "Don't do this next time, I care more about you than the unborn child."

Feiying gave him a white look: "It's not right. However, I would rather keep the child. Besides, it only hurts a little bit, it's alright."

Xiao Lan has already arrived in the car and made all preparations.

Leaning in front of the car door, there was a deep doubt in her beautiful eyes.

[Why does Heiji have a key from his mother's place? 】

[Why is Mom so happy about Heiji's arrival? 】

[Why does Heiji look so nervous? 】

[Why didn't Mom tell me who that man was? 】

His face was slightly pale, all the questions gathered, there was only one answer: that man was Heiji.

Xiao Lan was stunned by her discovery, she stood there dumbfounded, her eyes glowed with blue light, her body was shaky.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is!

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