The room was silent.

Very weird!

After a while, Heiji came back to his senses, looking at Masako Qianying with her beautiful eyes closed, her frowning brows loosened: Forget it, since this woman doesn't care, I won't suffer.

Feeling relaxed, he simply hugged Qianying Masako's waist and fell asleep.

Chikage Masako clings to Heiji tightly, feeling the heat from this man, her mood is very complicated.

It would be a lie to say that you are not angry.

But, in this matter, Heiji was not wrong.

The cause of everything was caused by Belmod.

[That nympho! 】

She gritted her teeth secretly, Qianying Masako was so angry that she couldn't let it out.

Three poles in the sun, the sun outside shines in the bedroom through the curtains.

Heiji opened his eyes, Qianying Masako was no longer in his arms, and the sound of the TV sounded outside the living room.

Qianying Masako was wearing a thin pajamas and was sitting in the living room watching TV.

"Cough, good morning."

Heiji was a little embarrassed: That woman in Belmod would cause me trouble.

Hearing his voice, Qianying Masako tilted her head and glanced, then picked up a bowl of rice porridge on the table and drank it silently.

Emotions are terribly calm!

Heiji walked to the side and sat down a meter away from her: "I won't explain what happened last night, and I won't make excuses. Belmod's mistakes can be blamed on me."

Qianying Masako's movements paused, Xingyan glanced at Pingji, her eyes flat: "I'm too lazy to remember what happened last night. However, Belmod did this, obviously, she took me as compensation for you. From another At one point, her memory will soon be restored."

Heiji smiled lightly: "Recover as soon as you recover, what should come is still to come."

Qianying Masako frowned: "Aren't you worried? She has a special status in the Black Organization. After recovering her memory, those memories will only become her shame."

"Shame?" Pingji smiled lightly: "You don't know Belmode, and you don't know me. My woman, you can't escape."

"what about me?"

The living room quieted down.

Heiji was a little dumbfounded, and looked at Qianying Masako blankly.

Qianying Masako looked at Heiji, her thin lips pursed, and there was a strange look in her starry eyes: "Although I was unintentional last night, I am your woman, what are you going to do with me?"

"This... are you sure?"

Heiji felt that the current situation was a little strange.

Qianying Masako didn't speak, and quietly stared into Heiji's eyes.

Heiji's scalp was a little numb: "I think it's better for us to calm down. After all, we're not familiar with each other."

"Do you want to eat clean?"

Qianying Masako's face turned cold.

"Or, are you going to be irresponsible? You can be responsible to the nymphomaniac, am I worse than the nymphomaniac?"

There was a hint of anger in his voice.

[Not bad, each has its own merits. 】

Although he took medicine, his figure was still comparable to that of Belmod.

Of course, Heiji definitely wouldn't say these words, otherwise the woman in front of him would definitely go berserk.

"What responsibility do you take, do you dare to hold me accountable?"

Heiji's words made Qianying Masako frown: "What do you mean?"

"Your state of mind is exactly the same as Belmod's at the beginning, and you are full of confusion about that kind of thing. Otherwise, when you wake up in the morning, it will not be so quiet. Sleeping with me in your arms proves that your state of mind has messed up."

The living room became quiet.

Qianying Masako withdrew her gaze, hugged her long legs in both hands, and quietly watched the TV screen.

"Want to know my identity?"

Heiji was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't want to know."

Qianying Masako was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Heiji, her beautiful eyes filled with doubts.

Heiji smiled lightly: "I only know Masako Qianying now. As for your real identity, it's not my woman, I'm not interested."

Qianying Masako pursed her lips and smiled, like a spring flower blooming, and the dull atmosphere in the living room instantly dissipated.

"Heiji, I suddenly understand why those women are so committed to you."

Heiji shrugged: "No way, it's very charming."

Qianying Masako rolled his eyes at him, picked up the remote control, and pressed a button: "I've always wanted to watch this ghost movie, but no one accompanies me to watch it. Come watch it with me today."

Heiji looked at the screen, and his face turned dark: I'm rubbing it, why is it a ghost again.

He and his concubine Yingri watched this ghost movie three times.

Qianying Masako suddenly sat up and leaned in his arms: "Don't get me wrong, I just don't dare to watch ghost movies, so hug me and accompany me to watch these two movies."

Forget it, there's nothing to do anyway, so just spend one day with this woman.

He stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around Qianying Masako's slender waist.

Qianying Masako fell into his arms, her slender beautiful legs were clinging to his feet, her expression was very calm, and she quietly watched the TV screen.

Heiji was a little surprised when he smelled the delicate fragrance.

[The mood is not the slightest strange, very calm. 】

He was really surprised by Chikage Masako's reaction.

Of the few women he owned, apart from Concubine Yingri and Yukiko, none of them could be so calm. Even Fei Yingri and Yukiko could not be so calm.

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