In front of Building 3, only Heiji, Belmod and the security guard were speed climbing.

"Mr. Speed ​​Climbing, what floor is the crime scene?"

"The thirteenth floor!"

"The thirteenth floor?"

"Well, all crime scenes are on the thirteenth floor."

Heiji frowned: "All floors are on the thirteenth floor?"

"Thirteen, this number is not auspicious."

Belmod frowned.

"Mr. Speed ​​Climbing, restore the power of this building, I need to go up and have a look."

The security speed rock climbing is a little embarrassed: "Mr. Hattori, I'm very sorry, this month, due to the large-scale power grid maintenance nearby, after 8 o'clock in the evening, there will be power outages."

Heiji was stunned for a moment, looked left and right, and the entire neighborhood was plunged into darkness. Except for the solar street lights that are on, the rest of the place is dark.

"Please help me find a flashlight."

"Okay. There are emergency lights on the stairs. Although they are not on, they are enough for two people to go up. I have to be on duty, so I won't go. This is the key to room 1302."

The security speed climber left the hall and returned to the security booth.

At the entrance of the stairs, under the dim light, it looks even more eerie. Like a big mouth of blood, it can devour them at any time.

Chapter 0581 Ghost Murder: Terrorist Reasoning!

The entire hall was silent, except for the dim light of the emergency lighting.

Belmod frowned, walked over to Heiji, and held his hand.


Heiji's voice kept echoing in the empty hall, looking a little weird.

Belmod leaned even tighter and pouted slightly: "Scumbag, now is your best chance to be a flower guardian, don't let me go."

Heiji was slightly stunned, although he had seen the appearance of a little woman like Belmod more than once. At first glance, it was still a little uncomfortable.

Now Belmod is his woman.

With a slight smile, he stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the slender waist, and walked into the stairwell.


The light in the stairwell was very dark, and the sound of Belmod's high heels hitting the ground was clear and loud, echoing above and below, like a deep empty hole.

Looking up, it was dark.

In the stairwell, there were only the sound of each other's breathing and the sound of footsteps.

Belmod held Heiji's hand tightly, looking back from time to time, a worry flashed in the depths of his eyes, very afraid that something terrifying would suddenly appear behind him.

A small space, dim light, and a black staircase winding upwards...

Kind of like a ghost movie.

The loud phone rang, startling Belmod.

Heiji reluctantly hugged Belmod, for fear that she would suddenly fall.

"It should be Masako Qianying, take it, this will ease your mood."

He didn't expect that Belmod after amnesia was actually afraid of ghosts.

Even if Belmod doesn't lose his memory, he is afraid of ghosts. Although mysticism is pursued, mysticism does not equal terrorism.

"Hey, Qianying bitch, why are you looking for me?"

Belmod's voice was undecided with a hint of fright.

"Nympho, you secretly went out with Hattori Heiji without telling me, you're mad at me."

Qianying Masako went out for a trip, and when she came back, she found that the two had disappeared, and she was immediately upset.

"Yo, that's weird. I'm boyfriend and girlfriend with a scumbag, isn't it normal to go out on a date?" Belmod's voice slowly returned to calm, and his eyes flashed mischievously: "Oh, yes. I forgot, you too I like my scumbag. How about it, do you want to lend it to you for one night?"

"No, don't you want me to keep the empty room alone? Let's go to my room at night, how about we make the scumbag fun together?"

Heiji's face darkened, and he pinched Belmode's upturned beauty, signaling her to be careful.

"I hate it. Heiji pinched my ass, and he was excited when he saw it. Qianying bitch, you agree."

On the phone came the roar of Qianying Masako's shame and indignation.

Heiji also turned black and glared at Belmod.

"Oh, forget it, let you chat with my scumbag."

After speaking, Belmod directly handed the phone to Heiji, his eyes turned to the back again, and his heart was a little cool.


She felt a strange chill in her heart, and the chill behind her.

Heiji took the phone: "Do you have something to tell me?"

The voice was flat.

"I didn't look for you..."

Suddenly, Masako Qianying paused, feeling a little helpless: "It's that **** again. But forget it, I happen to have something to ask you."

"Tell me."

"Does Gin wear glasses?"


"Well, I went to ask about it today. According to the autopsy, he was a myopic patient, and he was born with myopia."

"Natural?" Heiji's eyes flashed with light: "So, gin is not dead?"

"It's very possible, after all, Belmod can survive."

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