Heiji directly held Belmod's jade hand and shook his head slightly.

Belmod's beautiful eyes gleamed, nodded silently, followed behind him, glanced around slightly, and his eyes flashed.

"Mr. Hattori, do you have any clues?"

Officer Hyuga was a little overjoyed.

Heiji shook his head: "This should be a mimosa. It's the first time I've seen it, so I'm a little curious."

Officer Hyuga stayed for a while, then smiled awkwardly.

If he changed one, he would just start spraying. When handling a case, how could it be so casual.

The person in front of him is different.

[Perhaps, this is Mr. Hattori's unique way of handling the case. 】

Officer Hyuga continued to lead the way.

Soon, the three of them came to a building, and the whole dozen floors were completely dark.

"Mr. Hattori, this is where the first incident happened. Originally it was full of people, but when this happened one after another, many residents were scared away."

Hearing Police Officer Hyuga's words, Heiji nodded, raised his head and looked at the building, his eyes narrowed.

"So, no one lives in this building?"

"No, there are security guards at the door. The resident just moved out and didn't abandon the place. Someone still needs to be guarded."

"security guard?"

"Well, I'll let them come over now."

Although Police Officer Hyuga is a police officer, he has the right to temporarily mobilize the security here with the consent of the manager of the community.

Six security guards came over.

"One security guard in each building?"

When Heiji came in, he noticed that there were a total of five buildings in this community, and with the gate, six people were needed to guard it.

"Well, that's true."

Officer Hyuga nodded.

Heiji looked at the six people and frowned, "Are you members of the Extreme Sports Association?"

Police Officer Hyuga was taken aback.

"Everyone has the word "extreme" tattooed on the back of their hands. As far as I know, only people from the Extreme Sports Association in Jianggutian have this tattoo."

A few days ago, Heiji happened to read the report of this association from the news.

"Yes, we are all fans of extreme sports."

One of the people who looked like a captain nodded.

Heiji nodded: "Introduce yourself, you guys, we should meet more in the future."

"The name will be messy, so let's call it our code name in the extreme sports association. I'm their captain, code name Skateboard, and I'm in charge of Building 1."

"My code name is Difficulty Climbing, and I'm in charge of Building No. 2."

"I'm speed climbing, Building 3."

"My name is Water Ski, and I'm in charge of Building No. 4."

"Bungee jumping, Building 5."

"My code name is the block obstacle course, the gate."

Heiji silently memorized the names of these people and the corresponding building numbers, and nodded.

"I'll trouble you in the future."

"Our boss asked us to cooperate with the police, and we will naturally cooperate." Skateboard said lightly.

Belmod frowned, and an uncontrollable flash of coldness flashed in the depths of her beautiful eyes: "Speak politely, coldly, did my Pingji offend you?"

Heiji was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly, and put his arms around Belmod's waist: "The captain of the skateboard should be such a person, he is not serious, he is not targeting me."

Belmod pouted, slightly proud: "It's hard to say, some people just envy you for having a beautiful girlfriend like me, and are jealous."

Heiji's mouth twitched a few times: This witch.

Officer Hyuga was extremely embarrassed by the side: Mr. Hattori's ex-girlfriend really has a personality, but are they back together now?

The security guards didn't react much.

Heiji doesn't care either, people who do extreme sports always have a weird personality, it's not surprising.

"What building is this?"

"This is Building No. 3."

"Building No. 3." Heiji nodded: "Please open the door for me, Mr. Speed ​​Climbing."

Speed ​​Climber took out the key, walked over and opened the iron door.

Although it is the same community, each building will have its own private small garden, and you have to go through this iron gate to enter and exit.

At this moment, Officer Hyuga's phone rang.

"Hey... um, okay, okay, I understand, I'll be there soon."

Police Officer Hyuga hung up the phone with a serious face: "Mr. Hattori, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you on the way up. There is a new case that needs to go there."

The tone was full of apologies.

Heiji smiled politely: "Officer Hyuga, go to work if you have something to do. I'm here tonight just to see the crime scene."

"I'm really sorry, then I'll leave first."

Officer Hyuga left in a hurry. Obviously, this case is not small.

"Mr. Hattori, we have also returned to our respective posts. We just need to look for speed climbing if we have something to do."

Heiji nodded politely.

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