Belmod was so angry in her heart. Although she had been prepared for a long time, she was still unhappy. She had created a rival in love for herself out of thin air, and it was not caused by her. That was why she was unhappy.

"Sharon, do you think someone is snickering in their hearts?"

Yukiko narrowed her eyes and stared at Ping (King Zhao's) closely.

"I think so."

Elena nodded.

"It's not like, it definitely is."

Kuroha Chikage nodded very seriously.

Feiyingli had a pretty face, but there was a smile in her beautiful eyes. Although she was a little confused, she was already prepared. After all, Xiaolan was also her daughter.

Heiji looked helpless: "Okay, I have a stomach, when will I cook?"

"Are you hungry? I'm going to cook."

"Xiao Lan, I'll accompany you."

"Wait, me too."

Hearing that Heiji was hungry, Xiaolan, Kazuha, and Aoko immediately went to the kitchen, while Haibara Mi and the others went to prepare the dishes. Qianying, five daughters of Belmod.

The five girls looked at each other, and they all gave Pingji a blank look.

"You rock!!!"

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-six chapters come from the daughters' interrogation! (for a reward and automatic subscription)

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In the living room, Fei Yingli and the others also left, and went to help Xiaolan and the others to cook. There are many sisters in the family. It is impossible for Xiaolan, He Ye, and Qingzi to cook alone. Just get on the line.

Heiji breathed a sigh of relief, and finally escaped.


Footsteps came from the stairs, and an elegant fragrance came. Heiji was hugged from behind, his lips softened, and he was sneaked.

"Dad, old lady asked me to call you."

Yui's long hair fell on Heiji's face, her pretty face was against his, her beautiful eyes were full of teasing.

Heiji's face was a little embarrassed: "That... Yiyi, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable, so why don't you go now?"

"Dad, Xiao Ying is a doctor, just let her take a look if you are not feeling well."

Yui hugged Heiji's neck, smiling beautifully, but with a hint of anger.

Heiji coughed dryly and turned to look at Yui: "This minor illness won't bother Sakura anymore."

"Dad, you can't escape, let's go."

Yui was too lazy to talk nonsense with Heiji, she hugged his neck and rolled over and sat directly in his bed. Her graceful figure was so light that it seemed to have no weight.

Heiji supported Yui's small waist and met her eyes helplessly.

"Yiyi is already a twenty-year-old girl..."


"Even so, I want to be my father's good daughter."

Yui was snuggling in Heiji's bed, and since she was sitting, Qiaofeng was completely pressed against Heiji's face, that feeling...

Suffocation is accompanied by happiness.

Heiji smiled slightly, lifted Yui gently, stood up and put his arms around her waist.

"Let's go."

This day will come sooner or later, let's see what these girls want to do.

Yui smiled sweetly, hugging Heiji's arm, almost leaning against him.

"Yiyi, where have you been as a lady outside?"

"Mother Yuanzi, don't bully us all the time when you have a big belly. Be careful that my sister is as naughty as you are, then Dad will have even more headaches."

Yui rolled her eyes at Yuanzi.

Yuanzi's face turned red, her jade hand stroked her stomach lightly, and gave Yuyi a stern look: "I tell you, my daughter is of course like me. You girl was even more naughty when she was a child, so you have the nerve to speak of me."

"Hmph, I'm not naughty now, I'm the flower of the Metropolitan Police Department, the dream goddess of all male police officers."

"Really? It turns out that Yiyi is a goddess. Well, it seems that I need to arrange a blind date for you."

"Mum Sonoko, be careful that we occupy Dad and don't let him go to your bedroom."

Yui looked at the garden unhappy.

Sonoko's face changed, and she looked at Yui in a pleasing manner: "Don't, I know I'm wrong."

Although these girls have grown up, their occupation of Heiji is still not to be underestimated. If a few girls come to disturb her in turn, then she will not be able to follow Heiji's good you and me.

Yuyi smiled smugly: "That's almost the same, Dad, let's go, or Mama Yuanzi will call her over, and I'll be finished."

She quickly pulled Heiji away.

Heiji shrugged helplessly at Sonoko, looking unwilling.

"Heiji, don't give in to Yiyi."

Sonoko shouted, fearing that the world would not be in chaos, and then a pleasant laughter sounded.

Heiji was taken to the second floor anxiously by Yui, and then entered into Illya's bedroom. Although the girls grew up, they still slept together. Anyway, they were very familiar with each other's bodies, and there was no embarrassment.

Looking at the wide, round Simmons, Heiji looked helpless, nothing else, the grown-up daughters in the family were sitting there, showing the perfect long legs of fair-skinned Shengxue, blinking smart eyes, looking at him calmly .

That look...

Heiji felt a chill.


Yui closed the door, leaned her back against the door, crossed her long legs, and stood there pretty, not letting bdfi regret leaving.

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