After doing that, you can always see traces of it.

There is no way, Heiji also eats the marrow and knows the flavor, sigh, it must be a kind of happy pain after returning.

Chapter 1135 The whole family criticizes and fights! (for automatic subscription)

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Parent-child play center.

Heiji was sitting on the sofa, sweating on his forehead, messy. There was no way, the eyes of the girls shot into his heart like a sharp sword, uh...for the first time, I felt a little tormented by sitting and standing.

"Did Dad do something wrong?"

Kumiko was ten years old, and she whispered with Leah beside her.

"I don't know, but mothers are so scary, I don't dare to help Dad."

Leah said quietly.

"Sister, elder sister, my father is so pitiful."

Eight-year-old Yukino came over and looked at Heiji's big eyes full of distress.

"Xue Nao, why don't you go and hug Dad?"

Leah urged Yukino to protect Heiji, but they dared not touch the brows of the mothers.

Xue Nai rolled her eyes at Liya: "Sister Liya, if you are good or bad, I don't dare."

"Sister, elder sister, I want to protect Dad."

Lillian pouted and said.

"I also want to protect Dad."

Ellie came over and said with big eyes.

"Do you dare to go?"

Taylor pouted and said.

A few little girls got together, but they didn't dare to get close at all. The mothers at home are too scary right now, they don't dare to get hurt at this time, after all, it's also very scary for their own mothers to get angry.

"Our great lover, won't you say something?"

Belmod sat on the sofa, with long legs crossed, her beautiful eyes shining with cold light.

Concubine Eri, Yukiko, Kuroba Chikage, and Elena sat on the same sofa. They were all nightdresses or halter tops and shorts, showing their slender and fair legs, which looked impressive.

The women in the family are usually headed by these women, and they organize and make decisions about big and small matters. This is the automatic default of the sisters.

Sato Miwako, Xiaolan, Kazuha, Sonoko, Qiuting Reiko, Tiangong Nadeko, Okino Yoko, Kuriyama Green, Curacao, Haibara Mei, Xiaoai, Aoko, Huomoto Xiajiang, Britney, they are either sitting or Standing, Meimu looked at Heiji with a smile.

Especially Nadeko Tiangiya, this woman was holding a little baby girl, sitting on another set of sofas and teasing her daughter. This is her daughter, Asuna Hattori, who is only half a year old.

Sonoko, Okino Yoko, Kuriyama Lu, Qiuting Reiko and Curacao are all pregnant, some for a month or two, some for more than half a year. Anyway, the family is now a group of pregnant women, and Heiji's status has plummeted.

As for Xiao Ai, she is about to give birth and is lying in the bedroom. Qiuyue, Illya, Yui, Erina, Vivio, Tia, Tomoyo, Sakura, these grown-up women gathered in Xiaoai's bedroom and whispered.

In fact, it was Illya and the others who questioned Qiuyue, and Qiuyue told everything about herself and Heiji without any concealment.

This is the topic between these little women. Xiao Ai just listened with a smile. Those cold and beautiful eyes are no longer cold, and there are flashes of happiness from time to time. She is going to be a mother soon.

It's just, I didn't expect Yueyue to become that bad person's woman...

Xiao Ai couldn't help but complain a little in her heart. Of course, she knew it was inevitable. Seeing Xiaoya's eyes now, it was obvious that these little women's minds were fully activated. Qiuyue gave them a good beginning.

"Zhishi, you have the strongest magic power among us. How could you let Dad look at you in a circle?". "

Ilya used the big sister's aura and said to Tomoyo in an unquestionable tone.

Zhishi pouted, "I can't beat Dad."

"Khishi, Dad must be unprepared for us, and he won't notice if you do it quietly."

Erina came over with a mysterious look.

"I also think Nana is right, Chise just did it."

Yui nodded sharply.

"However, what if your father gets angry like this?"

Vivio was a little helpless, these sisters are adults, and they are still like children when they face their father.

"I see, it's hard for us to replicate Yueyue's experience."

Tia sat on the side with her long legs crossed and sighed. She was already at the helm of the Heben Group. Like Erina, she was a new super upstart in the Japanese business circle and one of the best business queens.

"No, let's let Sakura go first. With Sakura's buffer, then Dad will definitely not have any problems."

Erina's words instantly made Ilya and the others cast their eyes on Sakura, her beautiful eyes flashing with a strong light, and Sakura's face turned red.

Sakura is now a very well-known gynecologist, specializing in treating women. She is almost all pregnant women in the family checking and looking after her.

"Then leave this to Sakura."

Ilya didn't hesitate at all. She might ask her opinion on other matters, but on this matter, she didn't want to. She waited too long and thought she could only be a good daughter by her father's side. Now there is hope. She will never let go.

Besides, Xiao Ying grew up with them, and she has long understood her thoughts. She is a woman who wants to be a father, and there is nothing compulsive or not.

Sakura nodded, but her face was still flushed.

"Sister Ya, I can't guarantee that my uncle will be what we think."

"' "Don't worry, Sakura is a great beauty, my father will definitely not refuse."

Erina came over to comfort her.

"You guys are already such big men. If you let him know that you are plotting against him, be careful of being scolded."

Xiao Ai caressed the bulging belly with her jade hand, and looked at these girls helplessly. It's really speechless to think about his own father.

However, this kind of calculation, I am afraid that men all over the world are very happy, but unfortunately they can only think about it.

Heiji didn't know how his daughters were discussing how to plot against him. At this moment, his scalp was numb from being stared at by all the girls. Those eyes that were usually charming and moving were now as sharp as arrows.

"Aren't you going to explain?"

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