"But, they are also quite Sailor Moon."

Tomoyo murmured with a small mouth.

"No, just be your sister's little fan girl."

Heiji didn't plan to let Tomoyo be Sailor Moon, there's no need, this girl's strength is not much weaker than him.

The light disappeared, and all the girls were transformed, looking at Heiji in unison.

Ilya representing Sailor Moon, Yui representing Sailor Jupiter, Qiuyue representing Sailor Mercury, Erina representing Sailor Mars, and Vivio representing Sailor Venus, a few girls transformed and stood in front of them, it was a temptation of uniforms. .

Delicate and lovely face, slender and straight legs, and a sizable sailor costume...

Heiji was a little proud that these Sailor Moons were all his daughters.

Chapter 1114 Magical Logic

In the living room, Kanyue Gefan and Haibara Mei were chatting, and every time you said a word, a sweet smile came out from time to time.

Xiao Sakura sat aside, hugged Xiao Xuenao, blinked her big eyes, and looked at this little guy curiously.

Yukino bit her little finger, blinked her big eyes and looked at Sakura, she looked so cute.

Sakura liked it very much, she kept her head down and looked at Yukino with a thick smile on her face.

Xuenuo, this little girl, was not afraid of life, so she just looked at Sakura.

One big and one small stared silently.

Guanyue Gefan turned her head to look at the two girls, she couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled: "Xiao Ying, you can kiss Xue Nao."

Sakura looked up at Guanyue Gefan, eager to try, but she was a little worried: "Is mom really okay? What if there are bacteria?"

Guanyue Gefan smiled helplessly at "593": "Sakura can't have germs now, and don't you see Xiaoya and the others kissing Xuena?"

"Sister Ya is so beautiful, there may not be any problems."

Sakura, this girl has become Illya's little fan girl, as long as Illya is right, there is no flaw.

Guanyue Gefan was stunned for a moment, then giggled and shook his head helplessly: "Xiaoya is of course perfect, but Sakura is not bad, and as his daughter, Xuenai will not be so easily infected with bacteria. Besides, Sakura is so cute. , how can there be bacteria?"

Sakura was very moved and looked at Haibara Mei: "Auntie Xiaomei, is it alright?"

Mi Haibara pursed her lips and nodded, "Of course, Yukino will definitely like it."

She knew the magic of Heiji. Sakura had already kissed Heiji, so there would definitely be no problem. Besides, as Heiji's daughter, she has never seen any Nizi get sick, which is very strange.

Xiao Ying pursed her lips and smiled, looking down at Xuenai, her eyes full of anticipation: "Xue Nao, can Sister Xiao Ying kiss you?"

Yukino blinked her big eyes, her face innocent and grinning, her little hands grabbed Sakura's face, she looked very happy.

"It seems that Yukino likes Sakura very much."

Haibara Mei smiled softly.

Sakura smiled sweetly, lowered her head and carefully licked Yukino's thin lips.

Yukino stopped immediately, looking at Sakura curiously, suddenly the little pacifier opened, and she directly bit Sakura's lips, sucking like a breast.

Sakura was stunned for a moment, then she was a little overwhelmed, and looked at Mei Haibara for help.

Haibara Mi was stunned for a moment, then she pursed her lips and smiled: "Sakura is the one who was bitten by Yukino except for Heiji."

Xiao Ying was stunned for a moment, but suddenly she was no longer afraid, but her heart was sweet.


Yukino quickly let go, holding up her little hand very happily.

Xiao Ying smiled sweetly, looked down at Xuenai, her big eyes were full of love: "Xue Nao, thank you."

At this time, the door in the bedroom opened, and a few girls came out.

"Mama Xiaomei, Mama Guanyue, look at our outfits, do you look good?"

Yui threw herself into Yueli Guanyue Gefan and looked at her expectantly.

"Mama Xiaomei, do we look good?"

Erina couldn't be idle either, sitting next to Haibara Mi with a smug look on her face.

Illya, Qiuyue, and Vivio stood there pretty, with a hint of pride on their faces.

Guanyue Gefan and Haibara Mi were surprised to see the dresses of the girls, all of them were sailor suits.

"Xiaoya, is the upside-down crescent moon sign pasted between your eyebrows?"

Hai Yuanmei frowned, a little resentful: "That would be bad for your skin."

Illya was stunned for a moment, then touched the crescent moon sign on her forehead, pursed her lips and smiled: "Mama Xiaomei, does it look good?"

"It's good-looking, but if Sister Yingri finds out, you'll be scolded."

Haiyuan whitened Illya's eyes and couldn't help snickering when she thought of Feiyingri's serious expression.

Elijah didn't have the slightest worry, but instead giggled: "Mom won't scold me."

Hai Yuanmei was stunned for a moment, then rolled her eyes at her: "Did Dad help you stick it on?"

Only in this way, Illya won't worry about Feiyingri's feelings.

Concubine Yingli is also talking about Heiji. A few girls are still happy to see their father being taught by their mother.

Ilya smiled proudly.

"However, it's too revealing for you to wear such clothes."

Haibara shook her head helplessly. She doesn't care how she wears the girls at home, but if she goes out, she is absolutely not allowed to wear slouchy clothes...

Not only a few girls, but also all the girls. This is a custom made by the women in the family.

Their beauty only blooms for Heiji.

Of course, you can still wear shorts and shorts, but you can't wear suspenders or the like. Even if you do, you have to wear a coat.

Illya looked down at her long legs of snow-white yingyu, and Liu Ye frowned: "It seems, oh, it's easy to be seen by a pervert when you go out like this."

"Aren't you afraid of being watched at home? There is a standard big pervert at home."

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