The silver sphere sank directly into Ilya~'s forehead.

Elijah's big eyes were filled with a hint of confusion, and suddenly, she frowned.

Heiji smiled slightly, released his daughter, and let her stand in the bedroom.

Slowly, Illya's body vacated, suspended in the air.

Suddenly, a silver light burst out from Illya's body, and her clothes burst in an instant, revealing that green and moving body, and gradually the light enveloped Illya's body, and the light spots converged, slowly on her body. Form clothes and skirts.

The light disappeared, and Illya returned to the ground.


Several girls suddenly exclaimed, staring at Illya with big eyes, full of envy.

Illya has now completed her transformation. The upper body is a sailor's bodice with a blue collar and a white shirt. She wears a red bow in front of her and an ultra-short blue sailor skirt underneath, revealing her long white and straight legs. Wearing a pair of sky blue long cloth boots, she looks like a beautiful little woman.

Illya glanced down at her outfit, her big eyes flashed with surprise, she slammed into Heiji's mouth, and her small mouth kept kissing Heiji's lips.

"Dad, I really like this."

Although she can wear it normally, but this feeling is different.

Ilya's thoughts moved, and her clothes instantly changed back to their original clothes, which was why she liked it.

Heiji held Illya in his arms. The girl switched back and forth between ordinary clothes and battle clothes. Obviously, she had a lot of fun. Seeing this daughter who always taught her sisters in the attitude of a big sister, he was even more fond of her. drowned.

She lowered her head and kissed Ilya's thin lips, and lightly held it.

Illya obediently let Heiji ask for it, her big eyes flashing sweetness.

"Xiaoya, this is the power of the Sailor Moon. When you transform into a form, you use the power of the moon."

Heiji gently stroked Illya's face and explained slowly.

Illya was lying in Heiji's bed, her mouth moist and moist, listening to Heiji's story attentively.

Yui and the others don't have any opinion on Heiji's single favoring Illya this time. In their hearts, Illya has absolute priority.

This is their eldest sister.

"Dad, I feel like at night, the energy in my body really wants to be stronger. But it can also be used during the day, but it's not as strong as night."

Ilya has gradually become familiar with the energy in her body. After all, she has the same gene, and this kind of talent cannot be compared by outsiders.

Heiji smiled lightly: "This is an illusion, your strength will not be weakened at any time."

Ilya said curiously.

Heiji smiled, lowered his head and licked Illya's thin lips, and patted his daughter's pink back: "Okay, go and experience the energy in your body, the other sisters can't wait."

Illya snorted Heiji suddenly, then stood up, looked at the expectant eyes of several younger sisters, couldn't help but playfully turned around in front of them.

"How about it, am I cute?"

Yuyi murmured, "Sister, you've turned bad."

"That's right, Sister Ya is good or bad."

Like Yui's, Erina pouted.

Vivio ran over, hugged Illya's arm, and blinked her big eyes like a little fan girl: "Sister Ya, can this dress become what we want?"

Illya pursed her lips and shook her head: "No, we can only change into the clothes we wore before we transformed."

There was a little regret in his tone.

"Yiyi, come here."

Heiji's words made Yui's eyes lit up, and she jumped into his arms, hugged his neck tightly, and pouted, "Dad, kiss."

Heiji reluctantly kissed Yui's small mouth, waved his hand, and a sphere emitting a green light sank between her eyebrows in Yui's expectant gaze.

Yui also understood very well. After kissing Heiji's lips obediently, she stood by herself and waited for the awakening of her power.

At this time, Heiji didn't wait for Yui's transformation to end.

Qiuyue smiled happily, and with the same action, she threw herself directly into Heiji's palm, and kissed Heiji's lips attached.

Heiji held Qiuyue and guided a blue-blue sphere into her brow.

Qiuyue took the initiative to leave and stood beside Yui.

"Nana, come here."

"Dad, can I have the red one?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Heiji could only gently guide this girl.

When this girl's eyes were hazy, she introduced a red sphere into her eyebrows.

Erina stood beside Yui with a blushing face, but luckily the other party didn't have time to tease her.

"Vivi, come here."

Vivio lay on Heiji's back and pecked Heiji lightly, she was not as bold as Erina.

Pingji lightly pinched Vivio's nose, bowed his head and kissed her thin lips. Among the daughters, this girl was the most lively, but also the most inconspicuous one.

It's not that people don't love her, but this girl likes to be a little follower behind her sisters without making any decisions.


However, if she was asked to make a decision, she would definitely not be worse than a few older sisters.

Heiji waved his hand and drew a golden sphere into Vivio's brow.

Vivio stood with a few older sisters, waiting for the awakening of energy.

In the bedroom, emerald green, turquoise blue, fiery red, and pale golden light flickered and waved alternately.

"Dad, can I have an identity to play with my sisters?"

Tomoyo crawled into Heiji, his big eyes twinkling with sly light.

Heiji held the daughter helplessly and shook his head: "You can use Dad's energy, don't be naughty."

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