Tomoyo quietly took off his slippers, bare delicate jade feet, quietly leaned over to Simmons, and blinked his eyes at Heiji.


Carefully climbed up, got into the bed, and squeezed his little body into Pingji's bed.

Heiji naturally didn't fall asleep, he stretched out his hand and hugged his daughter's small waist, letting her lean against her comfortably, and lowered her head to smack those thin rosy lips.

"Little girl, wake up so early?"

Tomoyo bit Heiji's lip and looked at Heiji sweetly.

Heiji smiled dotingly, and hugged Tomoyo tightly: "Are you still sleepy? If you are sleepy, sleep in Dad's bed."

Tomoyo shook his head: "I'm not sleepy, I came here to give Dad a massage, and there's one more thing to discuss with Dad."

Heiji looked at Tomoyo suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

Tomoyo rolled over and rode on Heiji's body, pinching his shoulders with his small hands, and began to massage vigorously.

Heiji let his daughter move, feeling helpless: "Little girl, I'm suddenly a little afraid of being sold by you."

Zhishi murmured, "If I sell my father, Sister Ya and the others will ignore me. I love my father, so I won't sell my father."

"Then tell me, what do you want to discuss with me?"

Tomoyo lay on Heiji's body and leaned close to his ear, his big eyes flashing with excitement.

"Dad, I want you to take away Sakura's first child."

Pingji was stunned.

Chapter 1009: Sakura's first child

By the time Heiji and Tomoyo got up, the table in the dining room was already filled with breakfast.

"Morning Dad!"

Seeing Heiji come out, several nizis were in high spirits, and their big eyes filled with attachment when they greeted him.

Heiji hugged a few girls in his arms, lowered his head and kissed their rosy lips, and smiled dotingly: "Why do you get up so early?"

"Dad, let's help Xiaomei's mother make breakfast."

Vivio was the last to pounce on Pingji, she raised her head from Pingji and said with big eyes.

Heiji couldn't help but lowered his head and kissed Vivio's little mouth again, with a doting smile: "It's so cute."

Vivio's big eyes turned into crescent moons. Usually, she doesn't feel any praise from a group of people, but Heiji's just casual praise made her elated.

Yuyi murmured, "Dad, I'm also very good at "Three Three Zeros"."

Heiji smiled dotingly and stroked Yui's long smooth hair: "Well, Yiyi is also very good."

"Dad, dad, where's me, where's me."

Erina ran over, squeezed into Heiji, and looked up at him with big eyes full of anticipation.

Heiji lowered his head and kissed Erina's thin lips, and smiled softly: "Nana is also very good."

Erina pursed her lips and smiled, her face flushed with excitement.

Illya and Qiuyue pursed their lips and smiled, staring at Heiji with big eyes, full of attachment.

"Xiaoya and Yueyue are also very good and sensible. Dad's lips are covered with your saliva."

"Anyway, I heard from mothers that it's not the first time that Dad always ate our saliva when he was a child."

Yui giggled.

These girls still have some impressions of when they were young. The rest of their food was stuffed into Heiji's mouth. Anyway, they were not full when they were young, and Heiji was definitely full.

Heiji smiled helplessly: "At that time, Dad was miserable."

Erina kissed Heiji's lips again and giggled.

Sakura sat quietly by the side, looking at Erina and Vivio in Heizi, her big eyes flashed with envy.

"ate breakfast."

Haibara Mi came out of the kitchen with the last plate of food in her hand and looked at Heiji tenderly.

"He's probably full."

Guanyue Gefan hugged Yukino and looked at Heiji helplessly.

The nanny of a few girls is sweet, and only Heiji can enjoy it.

The girls immediately smiled happily.

"Sakura, you can do it now."

Tomoyo leaned over to Sakura's side and said mysteriously.

Xiao Ying's face instantly turned red, and she shook her head sharply: "I don't dare."

Tomoyo murmured, "Xiao Ying, kiss my father at this time, Sister Ya and the others will encourage you."

"Sister Ya?" Sakura looked at Illya, feeling a little moved: "But, I'm afraid Uncle Heiji won't like it."

"Sakura is so cute and beautiful, my dad will definitely like it."

Zhishi continued to bewitched.

Sakura blinked her big eyes and looked at the smile on Heiji's face. She suddenly gathered up her courage and stood up and walked towards Heiji.

Guanyue Gefan blinked her beautiful eyes, looked suspiciously at her daughter who was walking towards Heiji, and then looked at Zhishi, her mouth pouted: What bad thing is this girl thinking about Zhishi?

"Ping... Uncle Heiji, good morning."

Heiji looked at Sakura in front of him and smiled slightly: "Good morning, Sakura."

Sakura is a little sad: Uncle Heiji can't treat me like sister Ya.

Heiji was stunned for a moment, looked at Xiao Sakura's sad eyes, suddenly thought of what Zhishi said last night, and suddenly understood, he couldn't help sighing: It seems that Zhishi didn't say it suddenly last night, it was clearly talking to Xiaoying Just find me.

Heiji let go of Vivio and Erina's small waists, walked slowly to Sakura, looked down at the first-generation cute god, smiled slightly, and hugged her directly.

Smell her delicate fragrance.

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