Sakura got her little head out of the quilt, her big eyes flashing strange light.

"Can I?"

It's done!

Tomoyo's big eyes flashed with a playful look, and now the brainwashing has been successful.

Chapter 1008: Take Sakura's first baby away

In the bedroom, the sun has poured in and fell on Simmons.

Guanyue Gefan huddled in Heiji's bed like a little rabbit, her beautiful eyes were tightly closed, and she slept very sweetly.

And Haibara Mi had already got up to make breakfast.

As for the other girls, Ilya and Qiuyue are already up and are helping Miihara to make breakfast, while Yui, Erina, and Vivio are also up and are preparing tableware in the living room.

As for Tomoyo and Sakura.

Sakura had woken up a long time ago, but this girl, Tomoyo, wouldn't let her get up.

"Xiao Ying, Xiaomei's mother, Sister Ya and Sister Yueyue are preparing breakfast. There are tableware and Sister Yiyi. Sister Nana and Sister Weiwei are preparing. Let's go to sleep."

Tomoyo hugged Sakura and was reluctant to let go.

Sakura looked at Tomoyo helplessly, and could only go back to sleep.

Tomoyo opened those moving eyes with a hint of sleepiness, and suddenly she woke up suddenly, her small mouth pouted: "Sakura really got up first."

Suddenly, Zhishi's eyes lit up: Dad hasn't come to call me, he must have not woken up yet.

Tomoyo abruptly lifted the sheets and ran out of the bedroom in the orange cartoon nightdress.

"Mother Xiaomei is early."

"Morning sister Ya."

"Sister Yueyue is early."

"Good morning, Sister Yiyi."

"Morning Sister Nana."

"Mr. Sister Weiwei."

"Morning Sakura."

The girl passed through the kitchen and living room, leaving a crisp greeting, but it didn't stop at all.

"Mama Xiaomei, sister Zhishi went to disturb Dad's sleep again."

"Sister Yiyi, you are jealous every day, and you are about to become the king of jealousy."

Vivio glanced at Yuyi.

"Yo, Weiwei, aren't you jealous? I saw you always get up secretly and run to Dad's bedroom, kiss his lips, and give him a light bite."

Yui's words made Vivio's face turn red and muttered, "Sister Ya, Sister Yiyi bullied me."

Illya pouted: "Those who steal food should be condemned."

Vivio immediately pouted and looked at Qiuyue beside him: "Sister Yueyue, can you help me?"

Qiuyue's face flushed, she quickly hugged Yui, and gently licked Yui's thin lips: "Sister Yiyi, stop teasing Weiwei, she's blushing."

Yui looked at Qiuyue strangely, and looked up and down with her big eyes: "Yueyue, you are very abnormal now."

Qiuyue's face was flushed, and she lowered her head, not knowing what to say.

"Could it be that Sister Yueyue also sneaked into Dad's bedroom, kissing Dad?"

Erina suddenly looked at Qiuyue in surprise, her big eyes full of disbelief.

This time, Qiuyue's face turned even redder. She lowered her head and twisted her slender and fair fingers together. She hesitated even more.

This girl also often does what Vivio does.

"Nana, don't look surprised. Don't think I don't know, so do you."

Illya rolled her eyes at Erina.

Erina's face was flushed, and she muttered, "It's only when dad and mom are sleeping. My mom doesn't mind anyway."

When Heiji and Yukiko were sleeping, usually after the battle, this girl would sneak over and squeeze into the duvets of the two of them, wearing only pajamas and nothing.

Yukiko is so fond of Erina that she doesn't care at all.

As for Heiji, he even ignored him.

Xiao Ying sat quietly beside her, her big eyes flashing with longing, thinking that Chiyo would let her kiss Heiji, her face flushed.

【If you kiss Uncle Heiji, can you not like Brother Snow Rabbit? 】

[But, I seem to really want to kiss Uncle Heiji. 】

[What should I do, what if my mother doesn't let me? 】

[Should I ask my mother? 】

This cute god's mind is full of random thoughts, very messy.

Tomoyo trotted all the way to Heiji's bedroom. Just as she was about to open the door, the door opened on its own, but she couldn't brake in time, and threw herself into a soft, fragrant hug.

Guanyue Gefan carefully hugged Zhishi, with a helpless expression on her face: "Zhishi, why are you running here in such a hurry?"

Zhishi put his face in the trembling peak of Guanyue Gefan, took a sigh of relief, looked up at her, and asked in a low voice, "Mother Guanyue, is my father awake?"

Asking for flowers...Guanyue Gefan lowered her head to Zhishi's ear, and said mysteriously, "Is Zhishi planning to play tricks on your father?"

Tomoyo shook his head: "No, I want to massage my father. I like to massage my father when he is sleeping. He must have been very tired last night."

Guanyue Gefan's face turned red, she let go of Zhishi, and gave her a blank look: "Go in by yourself, I don't care about you."

Last night, Heiji was not tired, she and Haibara were tired.

Zhishi pouted and carefully pushed open the door and walked in.

The bedroom was quiet, and Heiji seemed to be sleeping soundly while lying on Simmons.

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