Heiji is convinced, is Nadeko Tenmiya cute?

It's silly.

With a wave of Heiji's hand, the sealed book in a corner of Kinomoto's mansion instantly appeared in his hand, exuding a faint halo.

"Sakura, come here."

Sakura was stunned for a moment, then turned her head to look at Nadeko Tiangong.

Nadeko Tiangong bowed his head and kissed Sakura's little face, and looked at her encouragingly: "Go, Uncle Heiji won't be so mad at you. Even if he wants to, he will raise Sakura."

Xiao Sakura's face instantly turned red, and she quickly came out of Nadeko's house. Although she was only ten years old, a ten-year-old girl already knew a lot, especially in Japan.

Nadeko Amamiya looked at Sakura's budding figure, shook her head and sighed: "What should I do, it will be impossible for Sakura to escape from Heiji's palm in the future."

Heiji ignored Tiangong Nadeko's words, looked at Sakura who was approaching, smiled lightly, and stretched out his palm: "Sakura, put your hand on mine."

Sakura nodded shyly, and put her jade-like hand in Heiji's big hand, her body trembling with nervousness.

Heiji smiled lightly, grabbed Sakura's jade hand in his hand, and at the same time shattered the seal on the Book of Seals, allowing the energy from it to merge into Sakura's body.

(bibc) Gradually, a halo shrouded Sakura's body.

Heiji let go of Sakura's jade hand and looked at the scene in front of him indifferently.

Xiao Sakura was completely shrouded in a golden halo, her jade feet lifted off the ground and she was actually suspended in the air.

Nadeko Tiangong came over, snuggled up in Heiji's house, and watched this scene quietly.

She knew that Heiji was helping Sakura pass on the magical energy of Clow cards, so that Sakura could conquer these Clow cards.

Heiji wrapped his arms around Tiangong Nadeko's waist and watched this scene quietly.

A dazzling light bloomed in the bedroom.

"The key that hides the power of darkness, please show your true power in front of me, and Sakura, who made a promise with you, orders you to lift the seal!"

As Sakura's sweet voice came from the halo, a huge dark magic surged and oscillated around.

The golden halo was reflected in Tiangong Nadeko's eyes, and he hugged Heiji's arm tightly, a little bit of luster flashed in his beautiful eyes.

Heiji tilted his head and glanced at Nadeko Tiangong, frowned, and suddenly a possibility flashed in his mind.

"Is there anything you haven't told me yet?"

Tiangong Nadeko was stunned for a moment, then leaned in front of Heiji, her beautiful eyes were very serious.

Pingji smiled lightly, hugged her directly, and lowered her head to cover her thin rosy lips.

Tiangong Nadeko's arms directly hooked Heiji's neck, stood on tiptoe, and responded earnestly.

The halo dissipated.

Sakura held the Sealing Staff in her hand and stared blankly at the scene in front of her.

Inexplicably, she felt a little sad.

Nadeko Tiangong let go of Heiji, a look of shock appeared on his face, and looked at Sakura blankly.

"Why is the inheritance so fast?"

Heiji was speechless for a moment. He thought that the woman was guilty of kissing in front of his daughter, but he didn't expect her first sentence to be this sentence.

It seems that Nadeko Amamiya should have also been the owner of a Clow card.

"Mom, you won't leave again, will you?"

Sakura held the sealing stick in her hand and stared blankly at Nadeko Tiangong in her nightgown. Seeing that her mother was so close to another uncle, she had a feeling that what was gained would be lost again.

Tiangong Nadeko pursed his lips and smiled, walked over and hugged Xiaoying in Yanli.

"Mom won't leave Xiaoying in the future. However, Xiaoying has to promise her mother not to tell your father and brother about her existence."

"Mom said it before. Mom will be Uncle Heiji's woman in the future. I don't want to hurt your father's heart."

Sakura nodded sadly: "Well, I see."

Heiji came over and hugged Sakura in his arms. With a flash, he appeared outside in an instant, suspended in the air.

"Sakura, take your first Clow card tonight."

Chapter nine hundred and ninety-eight teach Sakura to use Clow cards

Sakura was hugged by Heiji, her face flushed red, the orange pajamas and pajamas were blown against her small body by the wind, and her budding body actually had a graceful outline.

Tiangong Nadeko floated over, the long white dress fluttered in the wind, and hovered beside Heiji. Looking at his daughter, he pouted, "Sakura, you have to hold on to it, this uncle is very bad."

Sakura blushed, and subconsciously hugged Heiji, she can't fly now.

Snowflakes flutter.

"Okay, don't make a mess." Heiji glared at Nadeko Tenguya, then lowered his head to look at Sakura in Dali, waved his hand, and a Clow card appeared in his hand.

"Sakura, this is the only Clow card that doesn't need to be captured. Her name is Xiang. Now, you have to learn to use her, and then fly in the air."

"Sho?" Sakura took the Clow card handed over by Heiji, her big eyes flashed with curiosity: "Then how should I use it?"

Heiji put his arms around Sakura's waist and smiled lightly: "The Xiang card can be attached to any object through your magic, so that the object has the ability to fly. Now you try to attach the ability of the Xiang card to you. on top of the Sealing Rod."

Sakura was stunned for a moment, and looked at Heiji with her small mouth open. The rosy watery luster had a hint of girlish temptation.

Heiji smiled lightly, his figure flashed, and he appeared directly above the sky. After covering Xiao Ying's body with a layer of energy isolation, he directly released the big hand around her Xiaoman's waist.

Sakura's whole body fell directly.

Sakura's face instantly turned pale, struggling in the air in horror, and even the sealing rod was released directly.

Heiji hugged Sakura and looked helplessly at the pale girl who was frightened: "Didn't I tell you all the methods?"

Sakura hugged Heiji's waist tightly with both hands, tears suddenly burst out, and weeping, "I'm scared."


Tiangong Nadeko flew over and glared at Heiji fiercely, his eyes full of distress: "Oh, you don't feel bad about your daughter, but she will be your little girl in the future, so you can't feel bad about it."

Heiji's feeling of guilt disappeared, but looking at Xiao Sakura's pear blossom and rainy expression, he still felt a little guilty.

"You watch me do it once."

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