"Uncle Pingji?" Xiao Ying turned to look at Pingji, came out of Nadeko's house in Tiangong, walked on the floor with her delicate jade feet bare, came to Pingji, and bowed to him with a serious face: "Uncle Pingji , thank you for saving my mother."

Nadeko Tiangong sat up and gave Heiji a playful wink.

Heiji looked at Sakura, smiled faintly, reached out and touched Sakura's head, her short golden hair was as soft as water.

"Congratulations to Sakura for finally being reunited with her mother."

Xiao Ying was stunned for a moment, then she looked up at Heiji suddenly, tears suddenly poured out, she threw herself into Heiji and cried, "Thank you, Uncle Heiji, thank you for sending my mother back, thank you."

To make Meng Shen cry, this incident has obviously touched her heart.

Nadeko Amamiya sat on Simmons and thought for a while. Suddenly, she stood up and walked over barefoot, hugging Heiji's waist lightly, and sandwiching Sakura between her and Heiji.

Heiji was stunned for a moment, and looked at Tengu Nadeko suspiciously.

Tiangong Nadeko pursed his lips and smiled, leaned up to his face and kissed his lips.

"This opportunity, tell Sakura about our relationship, otherwise she will be even more uncomfortable in the future."

Heiji looked at Tiangong Nadeko's tightly pursed lips. Although the woman said it lightly, the trace of worry flashing in the depths of her eyes still showed her inner restlessness.

She didn't know what Sakura would think of her.

Unqualified mother?

Still a reserved mother?

Sakura looked up at Tiangong Nadeko's Kin Heiji blankly. Suddenly, she remembered that at that time, her mother, who was Guanyue Gefan, was with Heiji, and the movements and postures were only for people who were very close.

Tiangong Nadeko looked down at Sakura, pursed his lips and smiled, his long legs bent slightly, and half-squatted in front of Sakura: "." Sakura, mom tells you a secret, if you don't like it, you can be angry, but don't scold Uncle Heiji Oh. "

"Mom, are you with Uncle Ci?"

Although Xiao Sakura is only ten years old, she is already very old at ten years old, and many concepts have already taken shape. She knows what is going on now.

Nadeko Tiangong nodded, her beautiful eyes flashing with lustre: "Because my mother likes him very much, I want to tell Sakura, hoping to get your blessing."

"But what about Dad?"

Xiao Sakura's tears couldn't help but flow out again, she clearly came back, why can't her family be reunited.

Tiangong Nadeko was stunned for a moment, then pursed his lips and smiled: "Silly girl, your father and brother didn't know that I was back, and I didn't plan to let them know. Because my mother has a special mission to come back this time, she can only follow Xiao Ying. Say."

"Mom, are you going to leave after you finish the task? (The money is good

Sakura suddenly turned around and hugged Nadeko Tiangong, her body trembled a little, she was afraid of losing.

Tiangong Nadeko stroked her daughter's hair lightly: "Well, then my mother will go with Uncle Heiji, because my mother is already his woman and can't leave him."

Heiji looked at Tiangong Nadeko strangely. This woman's skill in humiliating her daughter is also top-notch.

Nadeko Tiangong sensed Heiji's gaze, and couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him, muttering with a small mouth. Is it easy for her? In order to make my daughter accept her relationship with him, that's all I can say.

And, it's all true.

Sakura hugged Nadeko Tiangong tightly, buried her head in her pocket, and remained silent.

"Mom, what is your mission?"

Chapter nine hundred and ninety seventh seal lifted

"Take the Clow card?"

Sakura looked at Tengu Nadeko suspiciously, her big eyes full of confusion.

"Well, Mom is going to teach Sakura how to take the Clow card."

Nadeko Tiangong hugged Sakura's small waist and whispered in her ear, reluctant to exert any force.

"Mom, what is the Clow card?"

"The Clow card is a magic card with magical power. They can display a lot of magic power that ordinary people can't even think of. For example, the heavy snow this time was caused by a Clow card called Xue."

Listening to Nadeko Tiangong's words, Sakura was stunned for a moment, her delicate eyebrows furrowed, "Is the Clow card very dangerous?"

Nadeko Amamiya caressed Sakura's short blond hair, her face full of tenderness: "They are indeed dangerous, but if Sakura conquers them and tries to influence them, they will be as kind as Sakura."

"But, how should I conquer them?"

Sakura was moved, mainly because of the role of Nadeko Amagiya. After all, her mother's words must have had a huge impact.

Tiangong Nadeko pursed his lips and smiled, turning to look at Heiji, who was already sleeping against the wall.

"You go and ask Uncle Heiji, he will tell you."

Sakura came out of Nadeko's house in Tiangong, walked in front of Heiji with her delicate jade feet bare, tilted her head, and looked at him quietly.

[Zhi Shi's father is also not very handsome at 530? 】

[However, Tomoyo's father seems to be getting better and better. 】

Sakura tilted her head and looked at Heiji quietly, a little light flashing in her big eyes.

Nadeko Amamiya sat on Simmons, with her white jade feet on the ground, her delicate chin supported by her hand, and her beautiful eyes looked at Heiji and Sakura with a smile.

I have no opinion on Sakura looking at Heiji so seriously.

"Is uncle good-looking?"

Heiji suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Sakura with a smile.

A blush appeared on Sakura's face, and she shyly retreated to Nadeko Tenguya, her big eyes full of shyness.

Tiangong Nadeko rolled his eyes at Heiji and muttered, "Why, do you still want to accept the mother and daughter together? You actually molested my Sakura."

Heiji was speechless, turned around and found a cup to fill with water.

Sakura's face turned even redder, and she leaned against Tiangong Nadeko's shyness with a shy face.

"Look at my sakura, she's more shrewd than yours. So, don't hit my sakura's idea, she's still young and can't stand your torture. I want Xiao sakura to be your woman. , at least let her be fifteen years old, when it is almost ready to pick."

Heiji directly sprayed the water out of his mouth, looking at Tiangong Nadeko stunned.

Sakura was also stunned. She even wondered if the woman in front of her was her mother.

[Didn't your father say that your mother is very gentle? 】

Tiangong Nadeko rolled his eyes at Pingji again: "Is there any need to be so surprised? Isn't it good to have a mother and daughter together? How comfortable will it be to hold you up and down?"

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