"Why should you care, my father has so many women, and my mother is just one of them. I like to have more mothers. Because of this, I have a group of good sisters and sisters."

Tia was lying comfortably in Heiji's bed, as if it were a matter of course.

Heiji smiled, lowered his head and kissed Tia's little mouth, his face full of doting: "It's really worthy of being Dad's little padded jacket."

"Hmph, I'm the same as Sister Xiaoya and the others. I definitely like Dad the most."

Tia's face was full of attachment, and her big eyes flashed with a hint of anxiety.

Obviously, she was still a little hesitant in her heart, and she still felt a little unreal about the current situation.

Pingji felt distressed and held this girl in his arms. Among the daughters, she really received too little care.

Huan Ben Xia Jiang was also very distressed, and couldn't help holding her daughter's jade hand, her beautiful eyes were full of apology.

Tiangong Nadeko was completely stunned.

Is Homoto Xiajiang just one of Hattori Heiji's women?

Hattori Heiji and other women helped him give birth to a daughter?

Hattori Heiji has many women?

These messages made Nadeko Tiangong blindfolded. Could it be that during the time she was sleeping, the outside world had changed?

Are women not jealous that their men have other women?

"Xia Jiang, go outside with your daughter. I have something to say to Miss Nadeko."

Tia kissed Heiji's lips abruptly, took Huoben Xiajiang's arm very obediently, and walked out of the small villa.

Heiji looked at Nadeko Tiangong lightly: "Miss Nadeko, if you want to go back to Sakura, there is only one way. You appear beside her in another identity, and then use your identity to guide her slowly."

"Another identity?"

"Well, you will be a teacher at Youzhi Elementary School in the future."

"Do you want to be a teacher?" Nadeko Tiangong's beautiful eyes flickered with stars, and she was eager to try: "This is a good identity, but what should I be called?"

"Watching the Moon and Gefan!"

Chapter 986 Leaving the Island

The small cruise ship began to slowly leave the island, and the fog was still shrouded in this sea area.

On the deck, Tiangong Nadeko leaned on the railing and bent slightly, the long white dress fluttered with the sea breeze, the long straight legs that were white and snow were looming, and the long silver-gray hair hanging down to the waist fluttered in the wind, peaceful and quiet. Quiet, like a snow lotus.

There was a sound of footsteps on the deck.

"Miss Nadeko, do you want coconut milk?"

Huoben Xiajiang was also wearing a long white dress, bare feet, and holding two cups of coconut juice in his hand, walked to Tiangong Nadeko and handed her a cup of coconut juice.

"Thank you, Miss Xia Jiang."

Tiangong Nadeko took the coconut milk and smiled politely.

"Miss Nadeko, is it true that Heiji said you have a son and a daughter?"

"Really?" Huo Ben Xiajiang looked at Tiangong Nadeko in surprise: "Miss Nadeko's figure is so good, she doesn't look like a person with a son and a daughter at all."

Tiangong Nadeko smiled sweetly: "I got married very early."

"Heiji told me that Miss Nadeko is so amazing that she actually fell in love with your teacher."

"Will Miss Xia Jiang laugh at me?"

"Laughing at you?" Huo Ben Xiajiang gently shook his head: "Actually, I and Heiji have been together in twists and turns."

Immediately, she recounted her experience with Heiji.

The sea breeze was whistling, Tiangong Nadeko covered her small mouth, her beautiful eyes widened, and she stared blankly at Huben Xiajiang.

I didn't expect that the woman in front of me would not only help him give birth to a daughter, but also insist on it for ten years for the man whom he had just met. How much courage does it take?

"So, Mr. Heiji has many women?"

Looking at Tiangong Nadeko's curious look, Huben Xiajiang nodded lightly: "Well, there are many, there are more than a dozen daughters."

"A dozen or so?" Nadeko Tiangong's eyes widened: "My God, did other women help Mr. Heiji give birth?"

"Well, we live together now, we are all a family."

Looking at Xiajiang's eyes full of happiness, Tiangong Nadeko was completely stunned. How could he be so happy living with his rival in love?

"Miss Xia Jiang, can anyone tell me about Mr. Heiji's daughters?"

Nadeko Tiangong suddenly wanted to know about Heiji's big family. She wanted to know why so many women were so harmonious and happy together.

"Heiji's daughter?"

Huanben Xiajiang was stunned for a moment, then nodded, just as she could also take care of the current family situation.

"Heiji's eldest daughter is a pair of twins, called Hattori Ilya and Hattori Yui, a pair of very cute girls who are twelve years old this year. Then there is the second daughter Hattori Akizuki, who is a gentle lady, she Her mother is determined to raise her to be a lady. And then there are Erina Hattori and Vivio Hattori of all ages, they are ten years old, just like Tia, they are all lively and naughty girls.”

Tiangong Nadeko's eyes widened, she counted, and now she has six daughters.

Huoben Xiajiang ignored Tiangong Nadeko, and told the situation of the big family like a family treasure.

"Then, there are two two-year-old girls now, one named Hattori Ria and the other Hattori Kumiko. These two girls are the pistachios in the family, making the house full of laughter. Then there is Hattori Yukino, This little girl is only a few months old, and the next thing is two little babies who are still in her womb."

"It's eleven already."

Tiangong Nadeko couldn't help covering her mouth tightly, her beautiful eyes full of shock.

"Oh, yes, there is another little girl named Hattori Tomoyo. However, this girl is a bit special, and I forgot for a while."

The women in the family are also a little helpless for this girl named Zhishi. The growth rate of this girl is really terrifying. She was only born for two months, and now she is comparable to a little girl of five or six years old.

The family saw this, but no one was too surprised, but they were very tacit understanding and did not tell the outside world.


Nadeko Amamiya was completely shocked. She was shocked by Heiji's ability of twelve daughters. How powerful is this to make so many women in the same family so harmonious?

"Miss Xia Jiang, are you really not jealous?"

"Jealous?" Huo Ben Xiajiang pursed his lips and smiled: "If you are jealous, we won't be with him."

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