Tiangong Nadeko stared blankly at Heiji, feeling a little dazed in his heart. Thinking about it, too, when a pair of lovers parted and died, it was not the person who died, but the person who was still alive who suffered the most.

"So, it's time for you to figure out how to explain your appearance to me now."

Heiji lowered his head and glanced at Tiya in Linli. As his daughter, this girl obviously woke up much earlier than Hunben Xiajiang.

Tiangong Nadeko took a look.

Sure enough, Tia's long eyelashes trembled, and she opened her big bright and clear eyes, glanced at Tengu Nadeko, and then arched in Heiji.

"Dad, who is that aunt?"

Although Tiangong Nadeko is absolutely beautiful, and there is no trace of time, but at first glance, you can tell that he is not a girl or a royal sister.

Tia hugged Heiji's neck, her eyes were full of drowsiness, her whole body was clinging to Heiji, as sweet as a little lover.

Tiangong Nadeko looked at Tia in surprise. She didn't expect Heiji to have such a good relationship with his daughter. This little girl 5.0 looks to be fourteen or fifteen years old, and she is well developed, but she doesn't avoid suspicion at all.

[Will Sakura and Tenglong be so close? 】

The answer is obvious, absolutely not.

Heiji lowered his head and kissed Tia's thin lips, looking at Nadeko Tenguya: "Let this aunt explain to Tia."

When Tiangong Nadeko heard this, he immediately looked at Tiya, and there was a hint of pampering in her beautiful eyes: "So you are Tia, your father often mentions you to me, I am your father's distant sister, you can call me aunt. "

"Aunt?" Tia's big eyes flashed strangely, she looked up at Heiji, and she couldn't help but pouted: "Dad, you have to find a decent reason for us to find our mother, okay?"

Tiangong Nadeko's expression froze, with a cute look on his face.

Chapter 985: The new identity of Tiangong Nadeko

Hunben Xiajiang also woke up, and together with his daughter, he stared straight at Nadeko Tiangong.

The eyes of the mother and daughter made Nadeko Tiangong feel very strange.

"I admit that my excuses are a bit bad, but you don't have to look at me like that, it's a bit strange."

A trace of doubt flickered in Xiajiang's beautiful eyes: "Sister Nadeko, why do you live here?"

Tiangong Nadeko looked at Huoben Xiajiang with a helpless expression: "I am trapped here."

"Being trapped here?"

Huoben Xiajiang couldn't help but look at Heiji, she thought it was Heiji doing this.

"Dad, did Nadeko's mother steal a man, so you're going to arrest him here?"

Tia sneaked up to Heiji's ear and asked.

Heiji's face turned dark, and he couldn't help lowering his head and pinching Tia's little Qiong's nose: "Do you think there are men better than Dad? You actually suspect that your other mothers will steal men."

Tia grabbed Heiji's big hand suddenly, hugged Dali, and muttered, "People are joking, Dad is the best man."

Pingji smiled lightly, lowered his head and kissed his daughter's forehead.

"Hmph, 18 Dad is not allowed to kiss his forehead, he wants a small mouth."

After speaking, Tia turned over and hugged Heiji's neck, her rosy mouth kissed Heiji's lips suddenly.

Tiangong Nadeko stared blankly at this scene.

The relationship between the father and daughter is also very good, right?

Huoben Xiajiang took it for granted, and looked at Tiangong Nadeko softly: "Sister Nadeko, what are you going to do in the future?"

"I don't know in the future, anyway, I don't plan to stay here any longer."

Tiangong Nadeko wants to go out, she wants to meet her daughter and son.

"Going out?" Huo Ben Xiajiang looked at Pingji and pursed his lips: "But, if you want to go out, you also need to see what the parties think."

Tiangong Nadeko looked at Huoben Xiajiang suspiciously: "Why do I need his permission to go out?"

Huo Ben Xia Jiang's beautiful eyes also showed strong doubts: "Aren't you a Heiji woman?"

"Who is Heiji?"

Hunben Xiajiang was taken aback by Tiangong Nadeko's words, and looked at her blankly.

Tiangong Nadeko reacted and looked at Heiji: "Your name is Heiji?"

Tia suddenly widened her eyes and looked at Heiji with admiration on her face: "Dad, you are so amazing. It's amazing to let this new mother get overwhelmed without knowing your name."

Heiji was a little helpless, blocking Tia's little mouth that she wanted to kiss: "Okay, don't always make excuses to take advantage of Dad."

When Xiaosi was discovered, Tia suddenly pouted and lay unwillingly in Heiji's bed.

"Hmph, Dad hates it the most."

Heiji smiled, put his arms around Tiya's waist, turned to look at Xiajiang and explained: "She is called Tiangong Nadeko, not my woman, and it is the first time I have seen her. However, she is here. Master, you just inhaled some strange pollen and fainted, she saved you."

Then, he looked at Nadeko Amamiya: "Let me introduce myself again. My name is Hattori Heiji. This is my woman, Homoto Xiajiang, and this is my daughter, Hattori Tiya."

"No, no, Hattaya Tia is my real name. But I also have a nickname called Eben Tia, hee hee, I'm my father's first pre-ordered concubine."

Tia rolled over and sat on Heiji's back, giggling towards Nadeko.

Huoben Xiajiang smiled apologetically to Tiangong Nadeko: "I'm sorry, I thought you were a Heiji woman, so I made my daughter talk nonsense. I'm sorry."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute."

Nadeko Tiangong was a little confused, and his thinking couldn't keep up.

"Miss Xia Jiang, did you think I was Mr. Heiji's woman?"

Huo Ben Xia Jiang nodded.

"Huh?" Tiangong Nadeko was even more shocked by Huoben Xiajiang's answer: "Miss Xiajiang, if I am Mr. Heiji's woman, then he is cheating, don't you care?"

She felt a little confused about Hunben Xiajiang's logic.

Huoben Xiajiang was stunned for a moment, then smiled, thinking it was something, but he didn't expect Tiangong Nadeko to ask this question.

She didn't know how to answer this question for the time being.

It's not that I can't wipe my face.

Instead, she didn't know what Heiji thought about Nadeko Tengiya, so it was difficult to explain directly.

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