In the bedroom, Heiji stood beside Simmons, his hands were enveloped in a strange energy, he held Tengu Nadeko's hands, and kept pouring that strange energy into her body, repairing the flaws in her body.

The reason why Nadeko Amamiya fell into a state of suspended animation was that her body was enveloped in magic, preventing her physiological functions from dissipating. However, it can only be prevented. The longer the time, the lower the chance of resurrection.

Heiji just helped Tengu Nadeko regain his vitality, and then he didn't need to worry about it.

There is a trace of magical energy in this woman, although not much, but it is estimated that the strength is almost the same as Koizumi Hongko.

Gradually, the vitality of Nadeko Tiangong became stronger and stronger, and the magic energy of her own gushed out from her body, and began to slowly merge the energy of Heiji.

Soon, Heiji discovered that his energy was actually integrated with Tengu Nadeko's magic, and slowly merged into Tengu Nadeko's body, restoring her vitality more quickly.

Nadeko Tiangong's long eyelashes trembled gently, and then he opened his dark green moving eyes.

At first, I was a little confused.

But soon, her eyes became clear.

"you're awake?"

As soon as Tiangong Nadeko woke up, a gentle and gentle voice came from her ear. She slowly tilted her head to look over, frowning slightly: "Who are you?"

"Your savior."


Tiangong Nadeko frowned deeply, and after a while, she was completely awake.

She wants to sit up.

I don't know how long I've slept, my body just recovered is weak and I can't do anything about it.

At this time, Heiji sat next to Simmons, put his hand on Tengu Nadeko's back, and brought her up.

Tiangong Nadeko's face turned slightly red, she turned her head and smiled politely at Heiji: "Thank you."

Pingji smiled lightly: "Don't be so polite, I have a purpose in saving you."

Tiangong Nadeko was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I still want to thank you, it's the same thing that I thank you for saving me."

Heiji was noncommittal, stood up, and looked indifferent: "Do you know what happened?"

Tiangong Nadeko was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and a bit of bitterness flashed in his beautiful eyes: "When Tenglong put me to sleep, he told me everything. It turns out that he is a man who has survived for a long time. Magician. Because of a strange disease, he didn't want me to die, and he sealed me without my consent."

Heiji frowned: "When he sealed you, he should have known how long you could live, right?"

Tiangong Nadeko nodded: "Three years, at that time I could still hold on for three years. I originally wanted to wait for my daughter Sakura to grow up, and then leave her. Because, I was afraid that I would really not wake up, and even give my daughter a little memory. no."

Crystal tears dripped down, with a sadness.

If she really can't wake up, then for Sakura, her existence is zero. This is definitely a very scary thing for a mother.

"How old was your daughter when you were sealed?"

"Three years old!"

Heiji knew that the anime was a lie. Nadeko Amamiya died when Sakura was three years old. It was obviously a deception by Takashi Kinomoto to Sakura.

That being the case, it seems that Taoya also knows about this. After all, he wasn't too young at the time.

"Who are the two of them?"

Tiangong Nadeko saw Huoben Xiajiang and Tiya.

Heiji walked between the two women and sat down, hugged them into his arms, his eyes softened: "They are my women and daughters."

Tiangong Nadeko was stunned for a moment, then smiled gently: "You are so happy."

Heiji smiled lightly and glanced outside the door: "Ellio, come in."

As soon as Elio came in, he knelt down not far from Amagiya Nadeko, and burst into tears.

Tiangong Nadeko was stunned for a moment, moved her slender legs, and landed on both feet, stepping on the floor with her delicate jade feet bare, trying to stand up.

Still can't make it work.

Pingji smiled lightly. Although he didn't have any gentlemanly demeanor, but...

He waved his hand.

A wave of energy enveloped Tengu Nadeko, making her float slightly in the air, and making her feel effortless at all.

Nadeko Amamiya was stunned, nodded gratefully to Heiji, stood up with his energy, frowned slightly, and walked in front of Elio.

"I know your name is Elio. Tenglong asked you to protect me here. Did he say anything?"

"Mistress, the original owner's original words. If someone can save the mistress, please be sure to follow him, because only he can keep the mistress alive."

Tiangong Nadeko was stunned for a moment, and a trace of bitterness flashed in his eyes: "Does he have nothing else to say?"

Elio said very calmly, it was originally a mass of energy without any emotion.

Tiangong Nadeko suddenly pouted: "I knew he would do this. Every time he makes his own decisions, I'm not happy."

Heiji was stunned for a moment, Tiangong Nadeko's mood became too fast, but this seemed to be her character, cheerful and innocent, she didn't know what sorrow was.

Amamiya Nadeko motioned for Elio to leave.

Elio looked directly at Heiji. Now, Heiji is his master.

"You go out first."

"Yes, Master."

Nadeko Amamiya looked at Heiji in surprise, with a hint of surprise flashing in her beautiful eyes: "You subdued Elio so quickly."

Heiji smiled lightly: "It doesn't need to be subdued. Although it is not a human being, it has no human feelings. But it has its own way of thinking, and it does not need to be like a human heart."

Tiangong Nadeko was stunned for a moment, nodded, turned and walked towards a cabinet in the corner of the bedroom.

"I wear shoes."

"This is not your real home, how do you know where there are shoes?"

Tiangong Nadeko turned to look at Heiji with a hint of helplessness in her eyes. She walked to the cabinet and opened it. There were several pairs of shoes in it. Since she was wearing a dress, she simply changed to a pair of fleece Martin boots. Impressive breath.

"He built it according to my old house. Almost everything here is exactly the same as my old house. The shoes must be the same."

Speaking of Takashi Kinomoto, Nadeko Amagiya's eyes flashed a hint of softness.

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