Tia couldn't help but exclaimed.

Huoben Xiajiang was also attracted, and there was deep exclamation in his beautiful eyes: "Heiji, shouldn't this be the mausoleum of an ancient imperial concubine, it's so magnificent."

Heiji was also stunned, the magical energy in this place was very strong, it was almost terrifying.

Could it be that the meaning of this island is this cemetery?

The energy on Heiji's body vibrated gently, directly suppressing the strong magic energy, and he came to the door of the cemetery, reaching out his hand to open the door.

Suddenly, Hunben Xiajiang and Tiya fainted in Heiji, and all kinds of creatures appeared in front of the gate, including women in tall dresses, and elves, some with mist all over their bodies, and shadows hidden in the darkness.. .

Without exception, they all bowed to him.

At this time, the magical energy in the crystal cemetery suddenly surged, surging with incomparably tyrannical energy, and gradually formed a ball of magical energy that floated in front of Heiji like a water polo.


With the cry of the water polo, all those strange creatures knelt down and shouted their master.

Heiji frowned: "What's the reason"?"

He could actually stop the magic that dazzled the mother and daughter of Huanben, but he didn't do it. There are some things that even Feiyingli and the others don't know about, so naturally they won't let other women know.

This point has always been the bottom line of Pingji.

It's not that they don't trust them, but it's unnecessary.

"Because only you can break into this place, you are the master."

The sound of the water mass was very ethereal, as if it came from all directions.

Pingji smiled lightly: "Who are you?"

"Clow Card!"

"Clow card?" Pingji smiled lightly: "Then the cemetery is sealed by your creator?"

"No, this is our mistress."

"Mother?" Heiji was stunned for a moment: "Crollrido's wife?"

"It's the creator's wife."

"If that's the case, what's the point of you accepting me as the master?"

Heiji was a little strange. What did Crowley want to do, and he actually sealed his wife here. What is the purpose of this?

"Because only the new master can save the mother-in-law."

"So, how early does Crowley count for me coming?"

"The creator didn't say it, he just said that those who can come in here have stronger magic power than him. As long as they are stronger than the creator, then the mistress will be saved."

Heiji understands that Cullorido is simply a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but in the world of Clow cards, who has more magic power than him. Therefore, until the end of Magic Card Sakura, or even the end of the second part, this so-called mistress was not seen.

If it weren't for the fusion of the world of Conan and the magic card world, I'm afraid Heiji would not know about these secrets.

Heiji shook his head, hugged Hunben Xiajiang and Tiya in his arms, and the whole person was suspended in the air, floating in the air: "Open the door, I'll go in and have a look."

He was curious about what this so-called Clow card mistress looked like.

The other Clow cards left immediately, each doing their own thing.

The water mass trembled violently, and suddenly, the gate of the cemetery slowly became illusory, and then the entire cemetery also became illusory.

In the blink of an eye, the splendid crystal cemetery disappeared.

Heiji looked at the small house in front of him speechlessly. It was a modern two-story villa at all, but why did he feel that the villa was familiar.

Heiji floated directly to the second floor and landed on a balcony. He could see a woman lying on Simmons inside, very quiet.

This is a very beautiful woman, with a delicate and sweet face, she seems to be laughing even when she is sleeping, her facial features are perfectly blended and kneaded into a dreamlike face, with long dark gray hair curled like a wave down to her waist, she is surrounded by The tall and graceful body was pressed underneath, her beautiful legs were slender and straight, and a long skirt wrapped her body.

"This woman..."

Heiji frowned. Although he didn't watch too much Magic Card Sakura, he knew the basic plot. This woman was exactly as described by Sakura's mother Nadeko Kinomoto.

"."What's the name of your mistress?"

"Temiya Nadeko!"

The voice of the water group made Heiji's heart relax, and the corners of his mouth evoked a hint of evil charm: "Sure enough, it seems that the so-called Kurorido is basically Fujimoto Kinomoto. There will be magic, no wonder everything revolves around this family."

"It turns out that Crowley didn't die at all."

Heiji put Hunben Xiajiang and Tiya on the sofa beside him and let them sleep soundly. He had something to do.

Heiji looked at the magic group.


Heiji was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "It's getting more and more interesting."

"Master, what's so interesting?"

The magic group asked indifferently. Obviously, he has his own consciousness.

"Well, let's play a game as the price for me to save your mistress."

Heiji (Lee Hao Li) suddenly felt that maybe it would be good for him to dominate the Magic Card world, so let's play with Takashi Kinomoto.

"Master's orders have to be obeyed. Your orders are everything."

Elio said very calmly.

"Okay, I don't have time to listen to your loyalty here." Pingji didn't have time to talk nonsense with Elio: "This time you Clow cards, I will find a new owner for you. However, for this master, you want to Have fun with her and let her subdue you one by one. Of course, you have to pretend to let her subdue."

Otherwise, with the strength displayed by these Clow cards, Sakura's magic power is simply not enough.

"Understood, I will arrange it."

The magic group suddenly trembled violently, and in a flash, a middle-aged man appeared in front of Heiji, not the classic image of Elio.

Of course, this time, it was just to deceive Huben Xiajiang and Tiya.

Chapter 982 Tiangong Nadeko

Outside the bedroom, Elio stood quietly outside the door, with a respectful expression, feeling the boundless energy in the room, he felt a burst of depression, and at the same time, infinite awe filled his heart.

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