Huo Benwu was also taken aback. The gathering here are all Japanese bigwigs. Heiji dared to say such a thing.

These words may be arrogant and arrogant in these people's hearts, and they don't know the importance. But those who knew Heiji knew that he was not talking nonsense.

Huoben Xiajiang knew, and Huben Tiya also knew that as for Hattori Shizuka, of course, needless to say, there was a strong tenderness in her beautiful eyes, and all the previous jealousy disappeared.

Heben Tia came out of Heben Xiajiang's arms, threw himself into Heiji's arms, hugged him tightly, and didn't care about the gazes of those around him.

Heiji smiled softly, put his arms around Huben Tia and looked at Huo Benwu: "Mr. Xiao Wu, your daughter is the most important at any time, nothing is more important than your own children. Besides, it's not Tia's fault this time."

After he finished speaking, Heiji looked at the kid Koji Fujino with a calm expression.

Fujino Koji's face turned pale, and he took a step back in fear. Heiji's eyes were like sharp swords, which made him very frightened, even more frightened than his grandfather.

Fujino Nakamura is the chairman of the Fujino Group. He is a very fierce and scary person. Suzuki Sonoko once said that he is an opponent who will do anything for his purpose, an old fox.

"Hahaha, it's all the noise between children. Chairman Xiao Wu, don't worry about it."

Fujino Nakamura came out with a smile on his well-kept face, like a fox.

"This sentence doesn't seem right. It doesn't matter if Koji is a child, but as the guardian, Chairman Fujino, shouldn't you apologize for the child's wrongdoing?"

Heiji didn't speak, but Hattori Shizuka spoke first.

Chapter 0964 It's been a long time since I saw someone looking for death!

Everyone quieted down and stared blankly at Hattori Shizuka.

The people present are all leaders in the Japanese business world. There is nothing else, but they still have eyesight. They have never seen the woman in front of them.

Since you haven't seen it before, it proves that you are not from this circle, or you are not qualified to step into this circle.

You don't even have the qualifications to step into this circle, yet you dare to ask the old fox in the business world to apologize.

I heard that the old fox is also very keen on women's lust. The woman in front of her has a delicate and mature appearance, and her body is full of charm. She is definitely Fujino Nakamura's dish.

In fact, Fujino Nakamura's heart beat faster when he saw Hattori Shizuka. It's not that he has never seen beautiful women, and even fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls were lured into bed by him with money, but this one is definitely a rare one. beauty.

In fact, Hattori Shizuka was originally a great beauty, especially after being moisturized by Heiji, her skin was creamy, fairer than snow, especially her face, watery eyes, rosy thin lips, pretty Qiong nose, perfect facial features, The figure seems to be re-developed, with no flaws.

Hattori Shizuka glanced at Fujino Nakamura lightly, she was naturally aware of the old fox's thoughts.

"This lady, you may not know, my name is Fujino Nakamura, and I am the chairman of the Fujino Group."

Fujino Nakamura suddenly became very gentleman.


Seeing Fujino Nakamura's expression, everyone couldn't help shaking their heads secretly. They couldn't control it. Although the people present were either rich or expensive, even the highest status here, the Hoben Group, couldn't stabilize the Fujino Group.

Hattori Shizuka looked indifferent: "I naturally know Chairman Fujino, but it seems that you haven't apologized yet."

"Of course, as the chairman of a group, I will naturally apologize. However, I hope that after the apology, how about this beautiful lady can accompany me to dinner?"

Obviously, Fujino Nakamura is a threat. It is okay to ask him to apologize, but he must stay with him for one night.

Huo Ben Xia Jiang frowned, and came out to speak.

Hattori Shizuka suddenly pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes widening: "Are you sure you can bear the consequences of having dinner with me?"

This smile, like a hundred flowers blooming, is alluring.

Fujino Nakamura couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, Shizuka Hattori's coquettish attitude made his heart beat wildly.

This woman is absolutely superb.

"This beautiful lady is joking, maybe you don't know the Fujino Group, the Fujino Group..."

"Okay, there's no need to be serious with a kid."

Fujino Nakamura was interrupted directly by a male voice.

All eyes focused on the man, and he moved with his pace. In the end, he stopped next to Hattori Shizuka, and stretched out his hand to wrap her waist directly.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and their eyes were a little strange.

He actually hugged his target in front of Fujino Nakamura. Although this person is very familiar with Chairman Huoben, he is too arrogant, right?

The most surprising thing is that the mature beauty is not at all disgusted.

"Sir, my name is Fujino Nakamura."

Fujino Nakamura's voice became gloomy. With his ability and status, it was easy to deal with an ordinary person or a person with energy.

"Someone is going to deal with you."

Hattori Shizuka leaned on the man and breathed like blue in his ear.

This man is naturally Heiji.

Now that Heiji has found out, Shizuka Hattori will naturally no longer hide her heart, but now she has completely opened her heart.

Heiji turned to look at Shizuka Hattori.

Hattori Shizuka didn't flinch at all, her beautiful eyes staring at Heiji.

In those big watery eyes, there is a strong affection, without any concealment.

Heiji watched silently for a while, then suddenly, he took Shizuka Hattori into his arms, lowered his head and kissed her thin, moist and shiny lips directly.

Hattori Shizuka was stunned for a moment, her eyes bursting with tears, she stood on tiptoe and responded enthusiastically.

At this moment, she felt that everything she had paid was worth it.

Seeing this scene, Huben Tiya also forgot her grievances, hugged Huben Xiajiang tightly, her mouth pouted, and she looked jealous.

Huo Ben Xia Jiang watched this scene quietly, with a trace of envy inexplicably pouring out of his heart.

The blue veins on Fujino Nakamura's forehead burst out, and his heart was filled with murderous anger. When he achieved his status, he naturally had human life on his hands, and he didn't mind using tough tactics at all.

Heiji only let go of Shizuka Hattori, with a helpless expression: "Now, I don't dare to go home..."

Hattori Shizuka rolled his eyes at him, leaned into his arms, and pursed his lips and smiled: "I think so too, regret it?"

Heiji shrugged, reached out and caressed Shizuka Hattori's thin, moist lips with a very intimate gesture.

"What's there to regret, anyway..."

"Anyway what?"

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