It's true that this dance of Hbentia is too bold, and it doesn't match her identity at all. Although it is a formal pole dance, it seems too casual to have a male as the support.

And, always tease every now and then.

I have to say that some people are envious and some people are unhappy.

"That disgusting guy, let go of Miss Tia quickly."

A little boy came out suddenly and looked at Heiji very angrily.

Hubentia's dance stopped instantly, her big eyes flashed with anger: "Who are you calling disgusting?"

Chapter 0963 The gap between father and daughter!

The whole hall fell silent, and Hubentia's shout made everyone stunned, all eyes focused on her, which was a little strange.

Koji Fujino is the successor of the Fujino Group, the successor of the iron and nails, and the Fujino Group is also a top ten group, just one place lower than the Hoben Group.

Now, Huben Tia has no face at all, and is directly angry with Fujino Koji. This is because the two successors of the group are in conflict, and there will definitely be problems in the future.

Huoben Xiajiang was stunned for a moment, and her beautiful eyes flashed a hint of doubt, but she still walked over.

Huo Benwu was even quicker, walking in front of Huben Tiya with a serious face: "Tiya, apologize to Koji."

Huanben Tiya looked at Huan Benwu angrily, frowning: "Dad, it's his fault. Why does he scold Mr. Heiji?"

"You apologize to Koji first, and I will naturally ask Koji to apologize to Mr. Heiji."

This is Hun Benwu's code of conduct. If there is a mistake, he must correct it, and it is his own people who correct it first.

Don't ask right or wrong.

This is a bit similar to Guo Jing, very upright.

Although it is fair to do things, it will cause great harm to the relatives.

Hbentia was very dissatisfied, looked at Hun Benwu stubbornly, bit her thin lips: "I won't apologize unless he apologizes to Mr. Heiji first."

In the past, she might have been afraid of Hun Benwu, but now she will not back down.

In her heart, Heiji may be higher than Hun Benwu.

This point may not have even occurred to Xia Jiang.

Huo Benwu's face darkened, there were so many people around, Huo Ben Tiya was so disrespectful to him, and his anger was rising.

"Apologize, as a member of the Huoben family, you can't be so rude."

He still hurts Bentia in his heart, otherwise he would just slap him down.

"I don't apologize, he doesn't apologize to Mr. Heiji, I definitely don't apologize."

Huben Tia still looked at Huan Benwu stubbornly, tears flashing in her big eyes, she didn't understand, why it wasn't her fault that she had to apologize first.

" really don't apologize?"

Huo Benwu felt that his face was a little overwhelmed. Today's guests are all heavyweights. He felt that his majesty was being provoked, his anger was raging, and his reason suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, the entire hall fell silent.

Everyone didn't react for a while, and their eyes focused on Huo Benwu's falling palm.

Huoben Xiajiang's face turned pale, and his long legs moved to stop him, but he was too far away.

Henben Tia didn't think that Huan Benwu actually wanted to hit her, and stared blankly at the big hand that was getting closer and closer.

Everyone was waiting for that slap to come down.

In fact, seeing his daughter's pale face, Huan Benwu also woke up and regretted it very much. He also loved her daughter very much.

However, the slap couldn't stop.

Huo Benwu's arm was caught.

"Mr. Xiao Wu, you can't be too strict with your daughters. They are our little padded jackets, the little princesses God gave us. Their fault is not their fault, but our father's fault."

Heiji hugged Heben Tia, who had already cried to tears, in his arms, and let go of Hebenwu's arm. The faint voice was very clear in the quiet hall.

It's just that Heiji's words made these bigwigs at the scene disagree.

In their identities, the daughter is to be hurt, but face is more important. If their daughter's actions damage their face, they will not let their daughter go easily.

A statement like Heiji is absolutely inadvisable.

"Tia, are you alright?"

Huo Ben Xia Jiang ran over and looked at his daughter with concern.


Huoben Tia left Heiji's embrace, threw herself into Huoben Xiajiang's embrace, and wept.

In fact, Hun Benwu was also relieved in his heart. He was also unwilling to beat his daughter. He was like a princess in his heart.

It's just that, as the executive chairman of Heben Group, he can't be too partial. The Huoben group is not like the Suzuki consortium. Now the two successors, Suzuki Sonoko and Suzuki Ayako, completely control the entire large group, and no one can object.

However, the Huanben Group is different. In addition to the absolute right to speak, Huan Ben Xiajiang, Huan Benwu did not have this power to directly issue major orders. Therefore, he needs to improve his prestige.

You can't blatantly favoritism.

After all, this time another big group was involved.

Huan Ben Xiajiang also knew Huan Benwu's helplessness, but she still had grievances in her heart. She made her daughter lose face in front of so many people, which made her too wronged.

"Mr. Heiji, the child can't be spoiled too much, it's not good for her in the future." Although Huo Benwu is very grateful to Heiji, these words still have to be said.

Pingji smiled lightly: "My point of view is just the opposite. My daughters are naturally spoiled, and they are to be spoiled as princesses. Since God made them my daughters, I have an obligation to make them a dazzling little princess. That's right. They need to carry it, they just need to be happy."

The whole lobby is very quiet.

Heiji's words caused a wave in everyone's heart, and they stared at him dumbfounded.

What's wrong without them having to bear it?

Does this person mean that even if his daughter makes a mistake, it's okay?

What kind of thought is this?

Too domineering, right?

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