"Dad?!" Maori Lan stood up propped up on the table.

"You, why are you here?" Maori Kogoro walked in tremblingly.

Concubine Yingli asked unceremoniously, "Then why are you here?" "

I, I, I usually come here and have a drink or two." Maori Kogoro Aba Abba, his eyes drifted upward, but he didn't dare to look at Concubine Yingli.

A small inn in Cupoto Town from Yonaka Town just for a drink?

Rabbit Chuan glanced at the lady who still had the charm, who would believe it, no wonder the uncle was weak-hearted and was caught by his wife.

The proprietress Masako Kameda looked at Maori Kogoro, then at Concubine Eiri, and said in surprise: "So you are friends?"

"Uh... It's not anymore, haha, that, I'll come back another day..." Maori Kogoro slipped, numb.

Rabbit River almost laughed, and Maori Kogoro's stunned appearance was really rare.

I originally wanted to find a beautiful lady to have a happy drink, but I was actually arrested by my wife who had been separated for many years, and it was still in front of my daughter... Oh, this infarction feeling!

Uncle Maori had to flee and go straight to the next shop to appease his careful liver, which really scared him to death.

Concubine Yingli's face did not show, but she just asked casually: "Does he often come to your store?" "

Oh hey~ Whose vinegar jar is this overturned.

"Yes, Mr. Maori is a frequent visitor here." The hostess Masako Kameda saw that they really knew each other, and no longer hid anything, "Actually, he came here that night, and Mr. Mori was there at the time. "

Rabbit Chuan suddenly realized, it turned out that Uncle Maori was also there, this is right, no wonder there will be murders nearby.

When Masako Kameda said about him, he was obviously referring to her ex-husband Shinji Usami.

However, Masako Kameda said that she could not remember the exact time when Shinji Usami came to the tavern, but said that perhaps Mr. Mori still remembered.

At this time, Mao Lilan's eyes were a little more vigilant, divorced, single, and charm remained, and every point poked at Mao Lilan's defensive target.

Mao Lilan took the opportunity to get her mother and her home to ask her father in person.

I don't know what kind of psychology, it should be the heart to solve the case, Concubine Yingli actually agreed.

But Mao Lilan was excited, this was the first time that Fei Yingli had returned home in ten years of separation, and she couldn't wait to buy a lock now, then lock her parents together, and swallow the key.

Next, Rabbit Chuan wants to leave, Qing officials are difficult to break off family affairs, Maori family affairs, he can't go to make that lively, anyway, the next day, he will also know what he should know, what he shouldn't know... Hehe~

Miss Kuriyama is also very discerning and said that she should leave work, this leader's family affairs, she still doesn't know too much.

It's a pity that Miss Kuriyama didn't make it, because Concubine Yingli wouldn't let her go.

Concubine Yingli pushed her glasses, she went to talk about business, how can a woman go to a man's house alone in the middle of the night, it is too unsafe.

Miss Kuriyama was speechless, but for overtime pay, for promotion and salary, she endured.

By the way, Concubine Yingli also brought Rabbit River back, after all, the Maori detective agency and Rabbit Chuan's family are close, but it is a passing thing.

Rabbit Chuan thought about it, then let's go back together.

A few people took a car back to Yonekacho and got off at the detective office.

Rabbit Chuan thought that they were coming, and also followed up to the third floor.

After drinking three cups of tea in the Maori detective office, everyone finally waited for the drunken Maori Kogoro.

"Uncle Māori, what do you think this is?" Rabbit Chuan stretched out three fingers and dangled in front of Maori Kogoro's eyes.

Maori Kogoro deliberately gulped at them, and Rabbit Chuan pinched his nose in disgust, and the smell of alcohol stinked to death.

"Hmph, my measurements are secret~secret~oh~" Maori Kogoro smiled proudly.

Concubine Yingli asked straight to the point: "Do you remember the murder that happened on the construction site in Beihu Town a month ago?"

"It seems to be a murder." Maori Kogoro was vague.

Concubine Yingli reminded him expressionlessly: "On the night of the crime, you also went to Meifeng Na Family Wine House, right?"

Maori Kogoro remembered what had just happened, a little stunned, turned his head and muttered in a low voice: "How can I remember that kind of little thing clearly?"

"Then have a cup of coffee to clear your head!" Maori Lan smashed the coffee in front of his father.

Maori Kogoro curled his neck and said, "Hmph, I saw her face, even if she didn't drink coffee, she immediately sobered up." "

Oh, that's great." Concubine Eiri mocked, took out a photo of Shinji Usami from her bag and placed it on the table, "Then do you remember this person?" "

Huh?" Maori Kogoro picked up the photo and held his chin to take a closer look, "I seem to have seen this guy at Mikaku's."

"Tell me the details." Concubine Eiri became serious, and Maori Kogoro recalled the scene.

Maori Kogoro remembers that he was drunk and sleeping on the table, suddenly the phone rang, the hostess woke him up, he took the mobile phone from the hostess, the signal in the house was not good, he took the mobile phone outside, just in front of the store and bumped head-on with Shinji Usami, who was about to come in.

Concubine Yingli asked, "Is this true?"

"What's wrong? Is what I say so unbelievable? Maori Kogoro was upset.

Fei Yingli retorted: "I didn't say I didn't believe what you said. "

Here it is again, here it is again, and there is a quarrel again, and Rabbit River and Miss Kuriyama are quiet as chickens.

Only Conan pounced on the case: "Uncle, can you remember so clearly just by looking at him?"

"I, a detective, will never forget it if you look at it." Maori Kogoro grinned proudly, "Actually, it's more than that, because when I returned to the store after the call, I saw him already sitting at the counter." "

The suffocating atmosphere of the store at that time was so familiar to Maori Kogoro that it was like returning home 10 years ago.

Therefore, Maori Kogoro has a very deep memory of that time, and even wants to pull out his legs and run.

However, because the hostess warmly retained, he drank a few more drinks.

"The guy sat for about half an hour before leaving, and when I left, I heard sirens saying that someone had been killed at a nearby construction site." Maori Kogoro finished speaking.

Concubine Yingli immediately asked, "Do you remember what time it was when this person entered the store?"

Maori Kogoro actually said without hesitation: "It's 9:25."

"How can you be so sure of the time?" Fei Yingli asked continuously.

Maori Kogoro said unashamedly: "Because I am a detective Maori Kogoro."

Conan came out and said, "Uncle must have looked at the call history on his phone."

"Less mouth!" Maori Kogoro was embarrassed.

Before, Concubine Eiri and Maori Kogoro came and went, and when they asked and answered, Rabbit Chuan felt that he was not a guest at Maori House, but was observing in court.

Fortunately, with Conan pretending to be a fool on the side, the atmosphere became much better.

Rabbit River is like this, and Maori Lan is even more worried.

How so?

Mao Lilan was crazy, she just wanted her parents to stick it, how could it be so difficult (╯'□') ╯ (┻━┻

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