When Conan met Conan Yingli, Conan was still Mrs. Māori,

although she is also Mrs. Māori now, but at that time Fei Yingli was a full-time wife.

Therefore, Conan, or Kudo Shinichi, used to address Concubine Eiri as Aunt Maori.

After the woman here gets married, under normal circumstances, the wife will change to the husband's surname, and in the second case, the husband will change the wife's surname, in short, the couple has the same surname after marriage.

Take my surname, crown the name of Ru.

After Princess Eiri married Maori Kogoro, she was naturalized in the family register book of Maori Kogoro, and the family register book naturally became Maori Eiri.

Changing the surname may not have much impact on full-time wives, but it has a great impact on women in the workplace.

Documents signed with the old surname before marriage, after marriage may not be numbered, as well as previous academic certificates or something, how to prove that you are yourself, it is also very troublesome.

Therefore, in the workplace, women are allowed to use their original surname before marriage, and it is also recognized in law.

For example, Yukiko, her fans now call her Yukiko Fujimine, if you accidentally mention Kudo Yukiko, you may think for a while, who is this person?

Miss Kuriyama continued the case: "As far as I know, one day three years ago, the victim got drunk and pushed Mr. Usami's child down the stairs of the station. "

It's miserable." Mao Lilan also couldn't care about his little emotions.

Ms. Kuriyama added: "Mr. Pyeongtaek was convicted of manslaughter, but he was drunk and did not commit the crime intentionally, so the judge sentenced him to a suspended sentence at his discretion.

"So the police believe that Mr. Usami killed Mr. Hirasawa in order to avenge his son."

"Probation? Killing a child without going to jail is a cruel reality. Rabbit Chuan wasn't too surprised.

After all, the mainstream of this world is procedural justice, legal high, law is justice, in the court, winning is justice.

Maori is deeply sympathetic to this.

Conan asked again, "So what did Mr. Usami say himself?"

Speaking of this, Miss Kuriyama was also helpless: "He said he was drunk at the time, so he doesn't remember anything."

Rabbit Chuan put down the water glass: "So three years ago, the victim was drunk and accidentally killed Mr. Usami's child, and now Mr. Usami is drunk, and in turn, he killed the victim while drunk?" "

These three years of Hedong, three years of Hexi, how it feels like a plot in a novel, no wonder it makes the police hard to believe."

According to the law, defendants in criminal cases will appoint a defense lawyer by the judicial organ if they do not have a defense lawyer.

Therefore, this case was not taken by Concubine Yingli on her own initiative, but was sent down from above.

And Concubine Eiri is in the detention center at this time, facing the suspect Masaharu Usami who refuses to cooperate.

Shinji Usami said that at about 8 p.m. on the day of the crime, he and the victim happened to meet at a family brewery near the scene of the corpse, talked about the previous events, and had a big fight.

But as for what happened between 9 and 10 o'clock, when the victim was killed, Shinji Usami said nothing, only saying that he was drunk and did not remember anything.

In the process, he talked about Masako Kameda, the ex-wife of Shinji Usami, and after the child's accident, the Usami couple divorced.

Concubine Eiri called Masako Kameda several times, but could not reach her.

"Did you call her?" Shinji Usami was stunned.

"She is your ex-wife after all, and if something happens to you, she will definitely be worried." Concubine Yingli is also pushing herself and others.

Shinji Usami snorted coldly: "Hmph, that woman wants me to die, what will happen to me, she is too lazy to care about me!" "

Although Shinji Usami doesn't seem to have a good relationship with his ex-wife, who can say for sure about things between husband and wife?

Concubine Eiri got Masako Kameda's current address from the police, hoping to find any clues there.

Masako Kameda now has a shop called Mikaku, and the address of that store happens to be not far from the place where the crime occurred, and Eiri decides to go there to find her.

Concubine Yingli walked out of the detention center, it was very late, she took a taxi to Meifeng Restaurant to meet the assistant, but she never expected that the assistant was followed by one, two or three little heels.

The weather in February was still very cold, Rabbit Chuan put on a woolen coat, and even Conan put on long pants.

Concubine Yingli stepped on her nine-centimeter combat boots, walked over with slender and white legs, and said imposingly: "You children, it's so late, why are you still here?" Conan

was thrilled, and he felt like he was going to be beaten.

Rabbit Chuan held Conan, who was about to run, and quickly pointed to the shop next to him and said, "Aunt Yingli, you see that this store is the store you are looking for, right?" "

Tuchuan feels that it is not good to call Aunt Maoli, after all, it is also familiar, and it is not good to call a concubine lawyer, and if you compromise, it is better to call Aunt Yingli."

In fact, he can also be called sister, but he has always called Aunt Yukiko, in case Aunt Yukiko knows that he is called sister Concubine Yingli, I am afraid that this year's pocket money is in danger.

Conan glanced at the name of the restaurant: "Meiji? What a strange name. The

five walked into the restaurant and sat in a row at the counter.

Masako Kameda was as cold as Shinji Usami and completely uncooperative, served them a glass of water, and then washed the dishes in the pool with a cold face.

Concubine Eiri is persuading Masako Kameda to help Masaharu Usami.

Masako Kameda lowered her head and said while washing the dishes: "Masaki will die because of you?" Why wasn't it you who died at that time? As long as he is drunk, he will hang these two sentences on his lips. The

scene was silent, and the three small ones did not dare to squeak.

Concubine Eiri and Miss Kuriyama are still trying to persuade Masako Kameda that since the crime scene is nearby, if Masako Kameda knows what happened at that time, please be sure to tell them.

Kameda Masako really had nothing to say to the man: "If you only want to say this, please go back!" Seeing

Kameda Masako's tough attitude, Concubine Eiri decided to leave for the time being.

Rabbit Chuan also felt that a few of them were sitting here, and they didn't order anything, which was indeed a bit hindering people's business, and they couldn't be scared away in case they came in.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a man stepped into the store and retracted his feet again.

"Yingli?! Why are you here? "

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