As the carriage entered Baker Street, Conan overheard the conversation of two detectives at the intersection.

"In the alleys of Mitter Street, it seems that there are victims again."

"Oh my God, there are two murders in an hour, this is already the 4th, right?"

"Oh yes, may God bless us."

"Hell, what kind of world is this."

"It's terrible!" The three little ones shivered, "We seem to have arrived in a not very good era. "

London at the end of the 19th century, although it is called the last golden age of the British Empire, is actually a huge gap between the rich and the poor.

Tuchuan took over the conversation: "The nobles, who account for only 3% of the population, occupy most of the resources, and use their power to oppress the commoners, and the people at the bottom are full of complaints, no matter how much they pay, they will not be rewarded, and finally embark on the road of crime, in short, it is an era of personal panic." "

Brother Rabbitchuan, are you awake?" The people in the car looked at Rabbit River.

Rabbit Chuan stretched, he had just successfully crossed the Sahara Desert in that Toyota AE86, and if the carriage had not arrived, he would have continued to play.

But no matter how real it is, the feel of the game world and the real world are still not the same, Rabbit Chuan shook hands, forget it, concentrate on solving the case, he still wants to know, the next expression of the old brother.

The carriage stopped in front of Gate B at 221 Baker Street, and Maori Lan stepped out of the carriage and said: "I remember Shinichi saying that if Sherlock Holmes is the light of this era, then Jack the Ripper is the shadow of this era."

Conan raised his hand, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Then let's quickly knock on the door of the light of the times!"

221B Baker Street, the house rented by Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, was about to knock on the door when a homeless man playing an accordion suddenly appeared behind them.

To the sound of the accordion, he chanted to the tune: "Watch out Jack the Ripper, he is waiting for you on the road at night, what if you don't want to die?"

The homeless man took a deep look at Conan and said meaningfully, "You also have to be covered in blood." "

The homeless man sang gloomy, Rabbit Chuan felt that the air around him had dropped by two degrees, no, it was really cold, artificial cooling, Noah's ark was enough to fight."

"What does he mean?" Kiyoichiro Kikukawa didn't understand.

"Do you mean to kill someone before you get killed?" Stars Hideki said casually.

"Covered in blood?" Conan silently noted down this keyword.

After the homeless man left, Maori Lan walked up the steps and knocked on the gate of 221B Baker Street.

Not long after, a lady in a dark green dress came out of the door, and Mrs. Hudson, the landlord of 221 Baker Street, asked, "Who is it so late?"

"Well, that, my name is Mauriland, and we're looking for Mr. Sherlock Holmes." Mao Lilan was slightly embarrassed, it was almost dawn, so late, it was so embarrassing to disturb a stranger.

Mrs Hudson said, "Oh, my girl, it's such a coincidence, that Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a business trip. "

Travel, business trip?" Mao Lilan did not expect to get such an answer, is Mr. Holmes not their helper?

Mrs Hudson said: "Yes, that's right, they went to a place called Dartmoor, where Mr. Holmes went with Dr. Watson.

Mao Lilan moved: "Excuse me, what day is today?"

"It's September 30th."

"September 30th, Dartmoor?" Sherlock Holmes Level 10 player Conan immediately thought, "It's the case of the "Hound of the Baskervilles"!

Mao Lilan, who had studied the Sherlock Holmes level exam with the bamboo horse, affirmed: "Yes, today happens to be the day they leave." "

Rabbit Chuan looks up at the starry sky, okay, this timeline is quite right, anyway, Sherlock Holmes will not participate in the Jack the Ripper case, because the real helper is someone else."

"Oh, by the way, you're helping Sherlock Holmes gather intelligence, right, okay, come in quickly, I'll go and prepare hot milk tea for you." Mrs. Hudson warmly invited them through the door.

Mao Lilan looked at Rabbit Chuan uneasily: "Did she confuse us with whom?"

Rabbit Chuan looked down at the Young Detective Group and the Tokyo Four Majors: "Mrs. Hudson must have mistaken them for the Baker Street Squad, right?" The

four young masters of Tokyo paddled the whole process, and the stars Hideki asked directly: "What is the Baker Street team?" "

I know!" Ayumi raised his hand and said, "Uncle James said that they are children who live on Baker Street and collect intelligence for Sherlock Holmes. Although

they did not see Sherlock Holmes, they still entered Holmes' residence smoothly.

Inside and outside the game, two lines forward.

Kudo Yusaku walked around all corners of the venue, and finally stood in front of the bronze statue, looking at the short knife in the bronze statue's hand, he seemed to understand how the murderer brought the murder weapon into the well-guarded venue, and why he had to wipe the murder weapon clean and take it away from the crime scene, and there is still a conclusive evidence.

Kudo Yusaku suddenly remembered that a few naughty children accidentally kicked off the short knife of the bronze statue while playing football, and this is it.

Kudo Yusaku came to the security room and asked the security guard to call up the monitoring of the venue before and after the crime, suddenly the phone rang, Kudo Yusaku picked up the phone: "Hello? Dr. Agasa, what's wrong?

Dr. Agasa said, "Yusaku, we think of Noah's Ark too simply, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are not on Baker Street.

"Is that really the case?" Kudo Yusaku's tone was not alarmed, because he had expected it.

Kudo Yusaku has long predicted the prediction of Noah's Ark, whether it is to stop Dr. Agasa's call, or to do tricks here in Sherlock Holmes, it doesn't matter, these are his tricks, the real plug-in has been by the children's side from the beginning, except for him and the child, no third person knows about it, so as to hide from Noah's Ark.

"By the way, a strange Toyota AE86 suddenly appeared in the Dakar Bay off-road race in Paris, and there was an extra tramp playing the accordion on Gram Street." Dr. Agasa was a little hesitant: "Yusaku, let's not talk about cross-country racing, I suspect that the current Jack the Ripper case is not a one-week plot." "

Huh?" Kudo Yusaku was stunned and frowned, "No, this can't be." "

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