Rabbit Chuan gently hummed a catchy ballad, but in the silent foggy night, it looked particularly strange.

"The London Bridge is going to fall, it's going to fall, it's going to fall, wood and clay will wash away, bricks and plaster will be used soon, iron and steel will bend and bend, silver and gold will be stolen, take the key and lock it, my fair lady~"

A gust of wind blew, Conan was full of excitement, and found that the London Bridge under his feet trembled slightly, hehe, illusion, it won't be so coincidental, it's really going to collapse, right?

"That, let's listen to Brother Rabbitchuan, anyway, let's get out of here first."

After Conan finished speaking, everyone nodded and moved along, this is a famous short-lived bridge in history, and it is sorry for its reputation if it does not collapse.

But at this moment, Dr. Agasa's voice suddenly came from the air: "Hey, Conan, can you hear me?" "

Ding, you have a guide, please check.

Conan stopped and excitedly shouted at Sky High, "Doctor, I can hear me."

Dr. Agasa quickly said, "Listen, in your scene, if you are injured or arrested by the police, you are out, and don't believe Noah's Ark, there are indeed special characters in this game, Zila Zila, he may be able to help you, but... Zi la zi la... Be......

Conan hurriedly shouted, "What's wrong, Doctor, what did you say?" Dr

. Agasa's off-site assistance came to an abrupt end, leaving a piercing blind sound.

Rabbit Chuan felt his feet vibrate violently, and immediately shouted: "It's not good, everyone run, the bridge is about to collapse!" "

The song was sung well, and soon the bricks and stucco were used, and the stone bridge continued to collapse from the bricks in the middle to both sides, and the people standing in the middle of the bridge retreated in a hurry.

The three little ones are worthy of being a group of young detectives who have experienced thousands of difficulties, and when they encounter danger, they run faster than anyone.

Mao Lilan directly carried the Rabbit River, three steps and two steps, one horse in the lead, leading people across the bridge.

Rabbit Chuan didn't even have time to say: Put me down, I can run by myself now, really.

As a control group, the pampered Tokyo Four Young Master all reacted half a beat slower, and Kiyoichiro Kikukawa, who ran at the back, even fell along with the bricks.

Kikukawa Seiichiro is desperate, seeing that he is about to fall into the Thames, he is only 11 years old this year, is this the end of his life?

At this moment, suddenly a young hand appeared in front of Kiyoichiro Kikukawa's eyes.

Conan grabbed Kiyoichiro Kikukawa's wrist, gritted his teeth, and desperately pulled up: "Grab me!" When

Mao Lilan heard this, he immediately put down the rabbit river and ran back, knelt on the edge of the broken bridge, leaned down half of his body, and shouted: "Quick, grab my hand!"

Kikukawa Kiyoichiro struggled to raise his other hand, desperately grabbing Moriran.

The other four members of the juvenile detective team also ran back to help, and everyone worked together to pull Kikukawa Kiyoichiro up from under the broken bridge like a turnip.

Kikukawa Kiyoichiro's face was earthy, beads of sweat fell from the sides of his cheeks, his legs were so weak that he couldn't stand up at all, and he knelt on the ground panting.

"Great, saved." The juvenile detective team rejoices for Kiyoichiro Kikukawa.

And Kiyoichiro Kikukawa's friends watched this scene stunned, not knowing what was going on in their hearts.

Rabbit Chuan saw that Noah's Ark's expression changed, and it was estimated that he would intimidate the bear parents of the bear children again.

Noah's Ark warns Dr. Agasa that cheating is useless and lets them enjoy the children's pain, and Kiyoichiro Kikukawa's father covers his face and tears well.

Everyone stood up again, Ayumi looked at the sky, her eyes full of loss: "The doctor's voice has disappeared."

"It should be Noah's Ark that cut the passage." Conan's expression was solemn, couldn't even Dr. Agasa get this Noah's Ark, it seems that they now only have one way out.

Mitsuhiko was sad: "Then how do we find that special character who can help us?"

"You said that!" Speaking of this Conan is not sleepy, "Didn't that agent say it just now?" Contact Inspector Lestrade . "

Inspector Lestrade?!" Dead memories suddenly began to attack Mauriland, "Isn't that a character from Mr. Arthur Conan Doyle's novel?"

Haibara mourned and said, "It seems that this game blends reality and fiction.

Mao Lilan instantly realized: "Well, isn't the character who can help us be..." "

Yes, the famous Victorian advisory detective who was active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries - Sherlock Holmes." Conan was so excited that he didn't consider any other possibilities at all, and led the team towards Baker Street.

Dr. Agasa in the real world became cross-eyed, and Maori Kogoro immediately asked when he saw this: "Dr. Agasa, is Conan thinking wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong with that, it's just..." Dr. Akasa was about to stop, "it's just that Whitechapel is not close to Baker Street."

Indeed, not close, Whitechapel in the East End of London, but directly in the West End of London, one east and one west, the straight-line distance almost spans the entire London metropolitan area.

Anyway, Rabbit River will not go, real as 88 years of smog in the air, and when they walk to Baker Street, it is estimated that the sky will be light.

"That's what I said, what can I do about this?" Conan muttered, Baker Street is a must, but the old brother can't walk that far, and he can't leave him here alone, time is also a problem, staying here for one more second is more dangerous.

Mao Lilan clenched his fists and looked resolute: "It's okay, I'll carry it."

"No, no, no, you don't have to!" Rabbit Chuan retreated one after another, doesn't he want face?!

"Actually, we can take a taxi." Rabbit Chuan pointed to the carriage parked on the side of the road, "Take a carriage." "

The children and Noah's ark are in a daze, where is the carriage?

Mao Lilan was a little hesitant: "Can we take a carriage?" But one car is not enough for us, right? And we don't have money either.

"Then let the groom find another car." Rabbit Chuan patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I have money." So

when Rabbit Chuan took out the 10,000-dollar bill to hit the carriage, and the horseman accepted it gladly, everyone's minds were blank, it turned out that in London at the end of the 19th century, the yen could actually be used, and it was still a banknote.

Conan can buy newspapers in the game with yen, and Rabbit River can naturally use yen to take a taxi.

Rabbit River and Moriland and the Young Detective Group sat in one carriage, and Tokyo Four took another carriage and headed for Baker Street together.

In the carriage, Maori Lan held Ayumi, and the three little ones were excited, and they actually got into the carriage at the end of the 19th century, which was great.

Maori Land and Haibara are also watching the scenery along the way.

Conan was even more furious, excited, trembling hands, he would soon see Sherlock Holmes alive.

Only Rabbit Chuan is closing his eyes and raising his mind, and it is not too rigorous to say that he is closing his eyes and raising his mind, because Rabbit Chuan is driving Toyota AE86 on the Sahara desert with consciousness, riding in the dust.

Noah's Ark found that the game next door had a bug, where did this Toyota AE86 come from?

Rabbit-Chuan: Please call the next generation of rice flower car god, rush!

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