"Oh, Brother Rabbitchuan, you're there too!" Twilight Police Department smiled, great, generally there is Rabbit Chuan brother, he will be able to leave work immediately.

Maori Kogoro protested on the side: "Twilight Police Department, you are treating this differently, doesn't this kid always appear at the scene of the murder, why do you only treat me as a plague, this is too unfair!"

The police department said: "How old are you, how can you still see like children." "

Rabbit Chuan nodded, that is, he is not a plague who walks and dies, he is a wise and kind, loved, flowers see flowers, ghosts reincarnate the god of wisdom ~

Maori Kogoro's heart is cold, twilight police department, am I not your favorite brother?

Twilight Police Department: No, never loved.

The Twilight Police Department didn't want to look at Maori Kogoro's funny old face anymore, and turned to Rabbit Chuan and asked, "Brother Rabbitchuan, what do you think?"

Rabbit Chuan said, "When Mr. Kenzaki went to the bathroom to find Miss Kaoru, Conan and I were there, and when we saw a lot of blood on the ground, dripping all the way to the door, I opened the door, and I saw that the pile of things was thrown outside the door.

Rabbit Chuan pointed to a pile of debris piled up in the doorway, including a blood-stained raincoat, a pair of torn gloves, a handkerchief stained with lipstick prints, and an eye drop bottle.

Māori Kogoro said, "The things were piled outside the door because it would prevent emergency personnel from getting in and out, so I took them inside.

Twilight squatted on the ground, picked up a raincoat and gloves and said, "There is blood on it, it seems to be what the murderer wore when he committed the murder."

Officer Takagi looked through the handkerchief and the eye drop bottle and said, "If the eye drop bottle contains a drug, the murderer should have covered her nose with a drug-stained handkerchief to stun the person, and then committed the murder, and then threw the raincoat outside the door and fled."

Mao Lilan's mood was very low: "Who did such a poisonous thing to Miss Xiao Kaoru?"

"It must be that crazy fan!" Kenzaki said, "Kaoru said that someone was frantically harassing her recently, and that person ran away without a trace after ringing the doorbell, but every time he left a strange letter at the door.

Twilight asked, "Oh? What is written on the letter?

"Will come again", "Will come again next time", "Will come again when I die", the contents of the letter are more and more terrifying, although it is printed, but it still feels creepy." Kenzaki Shu frowned.

Mao Lilan hugged his father's arm in fright, Mom, isn't this hell?

I will be back!

I will be back!

I will definitely be back!

Rabbit Chuan muttered, "It's familiar, well... It feels like a gray wolf.

Conan looked up: "Huh? What Taro?

Rabbit Chuan turned his back and said, "Nothing, nothing." Twilight

ordered Takagi to ask neighbors if he had seen a man in a raincoat wandering around the apartment building.

Seeing that the direction of the search was off track, Conan immediately reminded them: "I think no one may see the murderer, because the murderer is very careful." "

Be careful?" Twilight looked down at Conan.

Conan pointed to the floor and said, "You see, there are no traces of blood on the ground that have been stepped on, which shows that the murderer was very careful when escaping and tried his best to avoid stepping on the blood."

Conan clasped his hands to his chest, bowed his head and said, "But it's so strange! If the murderer is such a careful person, then he should have noticed that there were many pairs of shoes at the door, why not wait for us to leave, but pick such people to come in and commit murder? "

The Twilight Police Department also feels very strange, how can you understand so much at such a young age?

Conan felt the gaze of the Twilight Police Department and looked up at Maori Kogoro, forget it, feel that he will be beaten, or change someone.

"Right, Brother Rabbit-Chuan?" Conan smirked.

Rabbit Chuan does not want to take over the stubble, as the saying goes, the people do not raise officials and do not investigate, Kusanofu will take the initiative to withdraw the case and settle it after waking up, and now it is all for nothing to say much.

But the Twilight Police Department looked at Rabbit Chuan with a strong gaze, brother, you help, occasionally want to leave work!

Rabbit Chuan had to cooperate: "Maybe the murderer deliberately walked around the raincoat house, let the blood drip on the ground, and then threw the raincoat outside the door, pretending that he had escaped."

The Twilight Police Department nodded, and what the old brother said made sense.

With the encouragement of the Twilight Police Department, Rabbit Chuan continued: "Also, Miss Kaoru was killed while taking a bath, if a stranger suddenly breaks in, she will definitely shout for help before being stunned, but we didn't hear anything, and there was no trace of struggle at the scene, that is..."

Kenzaki Shu, who was still nodding, suddenly reacted: "Wait!" You don't mean to say..."

"The murderer is among us." Hoshino turned his head calmly, "Am I right, this little detective?

Rabbit Chuan nodded slightly: "Yes, it is obvious that it is done by acquaintances, the kind of acquaintances who can meet frankly in the bathroom." "

Huimei!" Yoko Okino panicked, secretly glanced at Rabbit-sama, bad, she forgot that Rabbit-sama's eyes can't rub sand, adults shouldn't want to send Koyuki in, right?

"Then let's take notes first, shall we?" The Twilight Police Department picked up the progress, very good, and now it became one of the five choices he was familiar with.

Hoshino said calmly: "Mr. Officer, before you suspect us, should you look for that thing first?" "

That thing?" The Twilight Police Department was a little confused.

"It's a murder weapon!" Hoshino Terumi was calm and calm, "If you find the knife that cut Kaoru on us or in this room, it means that the murderer is one of us, if you can't find it, it means that the murderer is someone else, I think the murderer is unlikely to hide the murder weapon at the scene and escape."

"Blood can't be wiped off, and even if it is wiped, you can detect it with luminol reagent, right?"

Terumi Hoshino looks like a detective.

But this is really strange, Officer Takagi can't help but say, "You know very well."

Hoshino said frankly, "Because of the influence of someone, I like to read mystery novels very much.

Rabbit Chuan nodded Conan's little brain melon: "What a guy who attracts bees and butterflies."

Conan covered his head, wondering why, what happened to him?

The Twilight Police Department ordered, "Good! Start the body search now! Takagi was in charge of Mr. Osamu Kenzaki, the girl was handed over to the female police officer, and the others searched the room carefully to see if there was a murder weapon.

Officers: "Yes!"

Officer Takagi said, "But what about Kumato in the hospital?"

Conan said, "Don't worry, I asked the ambulance staff to help keep an eye on Mr. Ma Xiong to see if he was acting strangely."

Twilight said, "Oh, that's great.

Rabbit Chuan saw that the search personnel were busy, and said to the Twilight Police Department unhurriedly: "I said Twilight Police Department, have you forgotten one thing?"

Twilight asked, "Huh? What's going on? Rabbit River brother.

Rabbit Chuan said, "Well, Miss Kaoru should almost wake up." "

Twilight Police Department" huh? "Who woke up?"

Rabbit Chuan said word by word: "Grass, wild, smoked!"

Twilight Police: "Who is that?"

Rabbit Chuan: "Victim, victim, people are not dead yet!"

"What?! No dead this time? The Twilight Police Department was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted, yes, the person is not dead, but why does he always feel that the person is gone?

Grass field smoke in rescue: ... Listen to me, thank you!

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