Yue Ye Xue thought that Yoko was saying Huimei's blessing words, looked at the signature board and said, "Huh? Hui Mei actually wrote: "I sympathize with your sadness", and also buttoned a cigarette print, worthy of Hui Mei, really her style.

Yue Yexue picked up the signature pad and wrote down the blessing: "Since Huimei left a cigarette print, then I... Chirp! "

Lips, lip prints?! Mao Lilan blushed, worthy of being a big star, every move is so sexy!

Yoko Okino secretly asks Rabbit-sama for help, Rabbit-sama! Help! Weddings and funerals marry a dragon!

Rabbit Chuan gave her a slightly reassuring look, steady, don't panic, you can also rescue it, it's not a big problem.

Rabbit Chuan counts the time, and when Hoshino Terumi returns, the agent will definitely go to the bathroom to find someone, and then let's talk about it.

Sure enough, before Ma Xiong Du finished writing a sentence, Hoshino Terumi returned, this kind of social death costume, it is better to end early, die early and surpass life.

Xiong Du burst into tears, it was useless for him to give Kaoru happiness.

Makuma saw that Hoshino Terumi was back, said that he went to find Kaoru to come out, and then buried his head and ran away.

Yoko Okino wants to go with Makuma-atsu to save the murdered Kaoru, oh, Kaoru, you must hold on! If you can't hold on, then we can only ... It's time to be sisters in Hades.

Yoko Okino wanted to leave, but seeing that Lord Rabbit gave her a gesture to wait for a moment, Yoko Okino forced herself to resist leaving and stayed in the living room, she believed that Lord Rabbit must have other plans.

Rabbit Chuan does have a small plan to lose it.

Someone said well, people's temperament always likes to reconcile and compromise, for example, if you think the house is too dark and want to open a window for the house, everyone must not allow it, but if you say that the house is too dark and want to tear down the roof, they are willing to open the window.

Just like now, Kusano-Smoked said that he would give up his career and be with Makuma-Atsushi, Makuma-Atsu would definitely not agree, but what if Kusano-Smoked was dying?

Life is almost gone, what career and future are still considering, of course, together now! Together! Together!

After a while, Xiong Du returned to the living room alone.

Yoko Okino turned around and asked, "What about Kaoru?"

Xiong Du said helplessly: "I called her several times outside the door, but she didn't reply to me."

Mao Lilan was worried: "Will she soak in the bath until she passes out?" Yoko

Okino and they were already dressed up and there was no way to go, so Mori Kogoro turned to Kusano's fiancé and said, "Mr. Kenzaki, why don't you go and take a look."

Kenzaki got up and went out, but he didn't think that Kaoru would faint, Kaoru must be angry with that nerd, so he ignored people.

Rabbit Chuan saw Conan quietly following behind Kenzaki Shu, it seemed that he planned to collect someone, after thinking about it, Rabbit Chuan still decided to follow Conan's side, don't rush to collect people first, in theory, it should be possible to rescue it.

From the living room to the bathroom will pass the entrance, Conan looks down and walks, and accidentally sees a little blood on the ground, and the blood drips all the way to the door.

Conan realized, difficult, difficult, is it...

Conan quickly ran to the bathroom, and saw Kenzaki calling the door, Conan shouted: "Open the door quickly!" Hurry up!!

Kenzaki Shu hesitated and pushed open the bathroom door: "Then I'm coming in, Kaoru, Kaoru?!" What happened to you? Kaoru!!

Kenzaki Shu was stunned, and saw Kusano's neck bleeding continuously, lying unconsciously on the edge of the bathtub, bright red blood flowing from the edge of the bathtub and spreading into a river on the floor tiles.

Conan ran into the bathroom and grabbed Kusano's wrist: "She still has a pulse, now we must hurry up and get her to the hospital."

Rabbit Chuan came over and called out to Shu Kenzaki, who was standing at the door: "Why are you still stunned, go in and save people!" "

Oh, oh!" Osamu Kenzaki walked into the bathroom, saw Kusano's smoked appearance, and hesitated to quit, but it was important to save people, and hurriedly pulled a bath towel from the shelf to wrap the person.

Probably hearing Kenzaki Shu's call, everyone in the living room ran over: "What's wrong?" What happened?

When everyone saw the miserable state of the grass field, they exclaimed: "Xiao, Xiao Kaoru?!"

Filled with grief, he jumped directly into the bathtub and hugged Ji Ye Yan, shouting: "Kaoru, cheer up a little!" Hurry up and call an ambulance, quickly save Kaoru! Conan

saw the crying Kuma-tuk in front of him, and secretly observed the silent Kenzaki Shu beside him, there is a problem, there is a big problem!

Yoko Okino secretly used demon power to stop the bleeding for Kusano, protecting her heart, until the ambulance sent the person away, Yoko Okino breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, Kaoru should be fine.

Yoko Okino looked back at the miserable situation of the bear in her eyes, it seems that there should be no problem here, Lord Rabbit River is really powerful, she can finally drink happy wine~

The police car followed the ambulance to the scene, and the police department rang the doorbell, the door opened, and three brightly colored tentacle girls opened the door.

Twilight Police Department: "... Sorry for the interruption.

"Twilight Police Department, you're finally here." Maori Kogoro jumped out from behind, "We've been waiting for you for a long time. The

police department "ah" sounded, an old man looking at his mobile phone, what are the things in this room?

Officer Takagi was excited, wow, all big stars!

"The three of you left the living room once during this period, then Mr. Agent went to call someone, but there was no response, and finally Mr. Kenzaki, the fiancé of the injured, went to find someone, and found the injured person lying in a pool of blood.

"Yes." Osamu Kenzaki did not leave the living room alone, and was basically not suspicious.

"And just like the devil's arrangement, it just so happened that this misfortune was..." Twilight squinted at someone.

Maori Kogoro scratched his head and said, "Oh, Twilight Police Department, how can you say such a thing?" I just came to the party and just happened to have a murder. The

police department complained: "It's not 'just' to encounter a murder, it's 'again' a murder, right?" "

Really, he has only lived a good life for two days, how did he encounter this plague again?

Rabbitakawa : Of course, because we came back from a tour~

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