Māori Kogoro's party did not go well, and the organizer of the party was shot dead, and the murderer used newspaper as a fishing rod, and then used a fishing line to pull a trigger gun at a long distance, shooting him.

Although there was an unfortunate murder, at least the newly bought sports car of the police department was lucky to return.

In the garage of the Metropolitan Police Department, the Twilight Police Department sweated and checked the beloved sports car from start to finish, from the bumper to the taillights, and it was good, except for ordinary wear, the rest of the screws were not missing.

The Twilight Police Department wiped the sweat from his forehead, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, exhaling ~ scared him to death.

Although the police department was ready to sacrifice when the Maori brother borrowed the car, the safe return of this car is enough to prove that it will not die, and there will be blessings in the future!

At this time, a Matsuda Jinpei who passed by: "Then you should be glad that a certain little rabbit cub did not go, otherwise your car will definitely be !!"

Matsuda Jinpei hooked the shoulder of the police department with one hand, and made a very artistic gesture with the other, and said with a hippie smile: "Crackle, it's gone!" Hahaha! The

twilight police department was angry, and it was a kick in Matsuda Jinpei's ass: "You know what, I'm not here to let you have a good vacation!" "Do you understand, he is sacrificing himself to complete everyone!

Matsuda Jinpei nimbly flashed to the side: "Then thank you!" Twilight Police Department! "

Swoosh, got into his car, and ran.

Hiding in the shadows, Falling Valley Zero smiled, it was so good, his friend was the same as before, unlike he still couldn't avenge Jing Guang.

He lurked for three years and three years, obtained a code name, became a cadre, and now has access to the core mission of that organization, but a voice in his heart tells him, no, it is not enough, what is the purpose of this dark organization that secretly controls the economy and politics of the entire country and even half the world?

Control the economy? Rigging elections? Finally rule the world?

No, it always feels like something is wrong.

The public security undercover agents have a headache, what are they for?

And the officers of the Metropolitan Police Department are enjoying a rare leisurely vacation, because Dr. Agasa takes Rabbitagawa and the juvenile detective team to start a new journey towards Izu!

Tokyo: It's a holiday! This time it's really a holiday!! ⸜(๑'ᴗ'๑)⸝⋆*

Izu: You, why are you still here?! /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

Because this is a tour, Rabbikawa did not choose the Shinkansen limited express train, but chose the sightseeing train, which took two hours to reach Izu.

The sightseeing train has more space than ordinary trains, the seats are more comfortable and spacious, there is oversized glass, soft light spills on the skylight, clear blue sky, slowly drifting clouds, making people drowsy.

Haibara held his chin and complained, "So, what's the point of him having to take the sightseeing train?"

Conan smiled awkwardly: "Haha, after all, it is tourism, and enjoyment is the most important."

Haibara was speechless, obviously knowing that he couldn't get up in the morning, why did he have to get up early and take a slow train, it was better to sleep at home for an extra hour, can't he take the shinkansen directly?

The most excited were the children, who were riding for the first time on a train with large glass inlaid on the ceiling.

Ayumi: "Wow, the sky in Izu is so beautiful!"

Mitsuhiko: "Haha, Ayumi, we haven't arrived at Izu yet!"

Yuan Tai sniffed: "It's so fragrant, there is a fragrant smell in the dining car!"

Mitsuhiko: "Genta, didn't you just have breakfast?" Two

hours later, the rice flower tour group arrived in Izu smoothly.

The hotel housekeeper has been waiting on the platform for a long time: "Mr. Rabbitagawa, hello, welcome to Izu, I am the housekeeper of the Empress Hotel, please take care."

Rabbit Chuan nodded slightly and said, "Well, butler Nakamura, please take more care." "

Huh? Chamberlain? "The guys were stunned.

Rabbit Chuan took his friends to sit on the extended Bentley, and the limousine like a mobile palace made the friends marvel.

Ayumi's eyes were full of stars: "Wow! Feel like you're in a prince and princess car!

Motata clenched his fingers and calculated: "How much eel rice can this car buy?"

Mitsuhiko said excitedly: "So, is Brother Rabbit Chuan also a wealthy and noble son?"

Rabbit Chuan quipped, "Why use 'also'?"

Ayumi complained with a serious face: "Because brother Rabbitchuan, like Sister Sonoko, doesn't look like Michoji at all."

Rabbit Chuan laughed loudly and joked: "Haha, people can't just look at the surface, don't look at me like this, maybe my home may be more luxurious than Sister Yuanzi's family!" "

Really?!" The friends were shocked, "Brother Rabbitchuan's family is richer than the Suzuki Foundation?!"

Rabbit Chuan raised his head and laughed: "Haha, I lied to you!"

"What, it turned out to be a lie, brother Rabbit Chuan is too bad!" The guys were furious.

Conan held his chin, smiling and not speaking, the ancestor of the old brother was indeed prominent for a while, when the Suzuki family was still fishing for black pearls in the sea, but now, just look at the shabby appearance of the Dusk Mansion, alas, things are people and wrongs, and only leave a golden dream for future generations.

Rabbit Chuan laughed enough, and calmed his friends: "Quietly tell you that I have a secret mission this time!" Hearing

the secret mission, the friends immediately lowered their voices and asked cautiously: "What secret mission?"

Rabbit Chuan whispered: "Actually, this hotel was opened by a friend of mine, and he wanted me to secretly experience the quality of the hotel's service."

"Isn't that just... Microserver private visit?!" The friends looked excited.

Haibara and Dr. Agasa were confused, and turned to secretly ask Conan: "Hey, Shinichi, what the hell is going on?"

Conan said, "The queen hotel we are staying at today belongs to the Yuanyue Group, and One, Two, Three is a consultant for the Chinese Cuisine Research Association of the Yuanyue Academy, and recently they opened a new restaurant in the Queen's Hotel.

"So it is." Dr. Agasa learned that the hotel's culinary consultant, according to the concept of putting Yuanyue cuisine first, can indeed get the highest courtesy from the hotel.

Arriving at the hotel, Rabbit Chuan and his party stayed in the luxurious presidential suite on the top floor of the hotel, with three large and small rooms with four beds, Rabbit Chuan lived in the master bedroom, two girls lived in the second bedroom, and Dr. Agasa and three little boys lived in a double room with two beds.

Rabbit Chuan sat on the sofa to fill out the form, staring blankly at the sun, sand, waves, cacti, and many old captains outside the floor-to-ceiling window~ There are really many people!

"Brother Rabbitchuan! We're leaving! "Luxury hotels are not as attractive to little ones as a bright shell, and the friends have changed into swimsuits and are ready to do a big job at the beach.

"Okay, here it comes." Rabbit Chuan's voice was weak, "Alas! "

Going to the beach to swim in the summer, Rabbit River was originally very happy, but the people in this sea are like dumplings, Rabbit River is very suspicious, can it really swim here?

Alas, sure enough, it's a holiday, and the scenic spots everywhere in the world are the same, all people!

Rabbitokawa: I really want to go back to Tokyo.

Tokyo: Don't come back!!

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