After returning from Gunma Prefecture, a brand new summer vacation began.

Rabbit Chuan slept until he woke up naturally....

Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong!

However, no, alas, early in the morning there were bear children who came to ring the doorbell, so annoying, covered their heads and continued to sleep.

Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong!

"Brother Rabbitchuan, are you awake? Here we are!

Rabbit Chuan couldn't bear it, closed his eyes and picked up the video phone on the bedside table, and said in a daze: "Oh, come in..." The

door outside slammed open, and the children standing outside the gate looked surprised.

Mota pushed the door and entered: "Wow! I actually came in!

Ayumi: "That's awesome!" Is this the legendary remote control door?

Mitsuhiko nodded and said: "Yes, you guys see that there is a display screen and monitor on the door, and you can make a video call, so you can see the situation outside in the house, and then press the switch to open the door automatically, but Ayumi, your family lives in a high-rise apartment, and it is also an automatic door, right?"

"Yes, but that's the door to the apartment, not mine!" Ayumi walked in excitedly, and did not forget to greet Haibara behind him, "Haihara-san, come in quickly!"

Haiyuan clasped his hands to his chest with a cold expression: "I won't go in, you guys hurry up and call that lazy bug out, if we don't leave, we'll be late."

"I can hear it! Haibara-san! Rabbit's voice came out of the loudspeaker at the gate.

Haibara said indifferently, "Then please hurry, Rabbit-kawa-san!"

Dr. Agasa laughed and said, "I think he probably went to bed late yesterday and couldn't get up today."

"Got it, got it." Rabbit Chuan quickly washed and took out the speed of military training.

Haibara sighed and said, "It's not good to sleep well at a young age, so get used to him!"

Dr. Agasa smiled awkwardly: "But Xiao Wei, you didn't sleep early!"

Haibara narrowed his eyes and glanced at Dr. Agasa, can that guy's body compare with her?

I went to Kanazawa City a few days ago, and I was able to get a fever, and she also took it, and she saw that the guy's immunity might be a decoration.

Rabbit Chuan got dressed and walked out and said, "Okay, I'm out." The

three little ones said hello obediently: "Brother Rabbit Chuan, good morning!"

"Good morning!" Rabbitikawa turned his head to look at Haibara Mour, "Good morning, Komour, Dr. Agasa."

Haihara mourned: "Good morning."

Dr. Agasa glanced at his watch: "The time is right, let's go." "

Oh, let's go!" The three little ones walked in front with great interest.

Tuchuan followed behind and said: "Let's go to check in first, and then go to Chinatown for breakfast, yesterday opened a new soy milk fritters shop, I don't know how it tastes?" "

Although Rabbitagawa can basically solve the three meals at Kuga Teruki, in fact, their restaurant does not operate breakfast and supper, only for dinner on weekdays, and early on days off, and lunch and dinner are available.

"What are soy milk fritters?" Motsucha, who was concerned about breakfast, touched his stomach, and the three rice balls he ate before going out were gone.

Rabbit Chuan held his chin and explained, "Soy milk is a drink made from ground soybeans into juice, and fritters are dough fried in an oil pan, which can probably be understood as such?"

"It's fried food! It sounds delicious. Genta snorted, his stomach screaming uncontrollably.

Rabbit Chuan touched Genta's onigiri head: "Child, you are too naïve, not all fried foods are delicious, do you know carrot tempura?" Yuan

Tai was in disbelief, his eyes widened, big brother, do you know what you are talking about?

Although Yuan Tai doesn't hate carrots, carrot tempura is also too against the sky, right?

Which genius came up with this, Motata decided in his heart to blacken that restaurant.

Rabbit River they walked all the way to the park, in the park men, women and children neatly arranged, one meter apart, front and back, right and left, and then ready, start!

"One-two-three-four, two-two-three-four, three-two-three-four, one more time!"

"One, two, three, four, raise your hand, two, two, three, four, stomp your foot..." With

the familiar melody, everyone did morning exercises together!

Rabbit Chuan: Today's workout, the check-in is successful!

Rabbit Chuan ate soy milk soaked fritters: "Exercise, feel that you have become healthy."

Haibara said ruefully, "Dr. Agasa can't eat fritters, the oil is too big, I'll go get you cornmeal tortillas."

"But soy milk doesn't go well with cornmeal flatbread!" Rabbit Chuan put down the soy milk in his hand, stood up and said, "Let me go and order a few vegetarian stuffed buns for the doctor!" "

Rabbit Chuan brought back a few drawers of buns, which are more popular than fritters, especially beef xiaolongbao, Yuan Tai ate five drawers in one bite, and said that he could eat another drawer.

"It's delicious!" Ayumi prefers to eat sweet bean paste buns, "If only Conan was there." "

Ayumi little loli thinks about Conan, next time bring Conan with her.

Yuan Tai wiped his mouth, suddenly found that there was one less person, and asked suspiciously: "Yes, where did Conan go?"

Mitsuhiko said, "Mottota, you forgot, Mr. Mori took Conan and Sister Xiaolan to dinner today. "

Dinner? Where to go? "Motata thought that Conan was so good, he often had dinners, participated in parties and banquets, and would definitely be able to eat a lot of delicious food.

Rabbit Chuan finished drinking his soy milk and said nonchalantly: "They went to Xiyi Dou, and it is said that it is an open-air barbecue." "

And barbecue, Uncle Maori borrowed the new car that the police department just bought today, and I don't know if I can return it."

"Izu!" The three little ones only showed a longing expression.

Seeing this, Dr. Agasa immediately asked, "Do you want to go to Izu too?" The

three little ones nodded sharply.

Dr. Agasa smiled and said, "Then we won't go camping this week, and when Conan comes back, let's go to the beach in Izu, how about it?" "


Rabbit Chuan blinked: "Huh? Still going to Izu? "

Izu: Don't come here!!

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