Thanks to Rabbit River's intervention, today's trip ended smoothly.

On the return trip, Rabbitagawa thought that they might not have come to Yokohama for a long time, so why not stop by and visit Yokohama Ocean Tower, and maybe encounter some unexpected surprises.

Rabbit Chuan turned on the car radio, and the radio was broadcasting the murder of the most popular novelist Kanedaichi, and Conan listened with relish.

"Hasn't the prisoner been caught yet?" Conan asked strangely, "Yokohama, Mr. Random Walk is here, it should be easy to catch!"

Rabbit Chuan looked at the scenery outside the window and said, "Random steps have been very busy recently, a while ago, the president of their family and Councilor Mori were poisoned by terrorists, and the detective agency needs him to preside over the overall situation... Forget it, don't mention this, the matter is over anyway.

Conan opened his mouth wide in shock.

What parliamentarians? What terrorists? Why had he never heard of such a big case?

Could it be secrecy, did the murderer catch it? Wait a minute, it won't be related to those men in black, right?

Conan's brain is constantly burning, in short, Mr. Random Step is really powerful, worthy of Mr. Random Step!

Although the communism event arrives late, Mori Ogai and Fukuzawa Yukichi both poison and fall to the ground, unless the poisoned psychic is found to disarm the power, only one of the two dies, and the other can survive.

The Siberian rat wants to do something to the current Hong Kong black leader, but Zhongyuan Zhong is not the weak and uncontrollable brain power of the previous two terms.

You can fool him, but if you want to attack the Central Plains, sorry, don't say what doors or windows, the whole building can be raised for you, and there are people behind him in the Central Plains, Wei Erlen, the irascible brother is still there, the European Intelligence Agency is not eating white rice!

The rat can only poke and poke outside Sen Ou, although the person has retired from the throne of the leader of Hong Kong, but secretly, who doesn't know that he is the person over there, and there is still a banner outside the building of Nakahara Nakaya to pull votes for Sen Ouwai to run for mayor!

What's more, Zhongyuan Zhong also has a heavy feeling, no matter what the truth of the Wild Bully Spit and Sheep incident was back then, one yard to one yard, Zhongyuan Zhong has always received the favor of Sen Ou in recent years.

In short, I haven't fought for a long time, and Zhongyuan Zhong also wants to see, in the territory of Hong Kong, who dares to move his former former leader!

However, Zhongyuan Zhongye is now the leader, representing Hong Kong Hei in every word and deed, and he can't let his own nature come nonsense, and can only personally support Sen Ouwai in his personal name, but even so, his own strength alone is enough to smash the entire armed detective agency!

Armed: Don't come here!

Detective: Hey!

Society: Don't mess around!

In this way, Nakahara Nakaya swaggered out of the Hong Kong Black Building, encountered the weak Edogawa halfway, and was directly replaced by his limit and fell into Poe's supernatural novel.

Nakahara Nakaya: ... Yes?

Edogawa Random Steps: Hehe~

In Poe's mystery novel, the supernatural cannot use the supernatural ability, and only by reasoning out the murderer can the supernatural ability be dissolved, so Nakahara must also find the real murderer among 500 suspects to come out of the novel.

Reasoning about this thing, he will not be in the Central Plains, then don't talk nonsense, it's all raised!

As a result, Zhongyuan Zhong also turned all 500 suspects into the brightest stars in the night sky, and finally got out of the novel world, and the communist incident ended.

Nakahara Nakaya: ... Tease Me (╯‵□′)╯(┻━┻That's

what happened, in order to divert Conan's attention, Rabbikawa talks about the murder of novelist Kindaichi who shocked Yokohama.

"A few days ago, a novelist named Kanedaichi died mysteriously in his home, and the murderer's method of killing turned out to be exactly the same as that written in the mystery novel that the novelist is serializing."

"That novel has been serialized in the magazine for three chapters, and the deceased was killed after completing the original manuscript of the fourth and final chapter."

"Not only that, the original draft of the fourth chapter of the completed novel has also disappeared, and it can basically be determined that it was stolen by the murderer, because the original draft of the fourth chapter contains the truth and method of covering up the evidence."

"So the answer is simple, who is now in the hands of the original manuscript of the fourth chapter of the novel, who is the murderer of Kanedaichi."

"Why? The murderer has already destroyed the manuscript, right? Conan was completely captivated by the case and tried to learn more details about the case from Rabbitikawa Mouth.

Tuchuan replied casually: "Because this matter is making a lot of noise now, the manuscript is very valuable, and the murderer is now in need of a large amount of money to escape, so he is reluctant to destroy it!" "

There is no evidence left at all at the crime scene, because the murderer is the exterminator Oguri Worm Taro, whose supernatural ability is perfect for crime, able to change reality and eliminate evidence of his own or others' crimes.

If Conan is present, it can suppress the effect of the alien ability, but it cannot change the abnormal energy results that have already occurred, and correct the distorted reality back, so now even Conan cannot find clues from the changed reality.

Hearing Rabbit Chuan's speculation, Conan looked confused, opened his mouth and asked: "Can things still be sold?"

Rabbit Chuan said seriously: "Of course!"

Conan subconsciously said, "Who will buy it?" "

Poe! I bought it for 20 million at the underground auction, and it was in US dollars!!

By the way, his boss is bankrupt and is now begging for fifty cents.

Saying that, the group came to Yokohama's landmark building, Yokohama Ocean Tower.

Yokohama Marine Tower is one of Yokohama's emblematic buildings, standing 106 meters tall, making it the tallest land lighthouse in the world.

The tower features a rotating observation hall with a capacity of 3,000 people at a height of 100 meters, and standing on the observation deck, the entire port has an unobstructed view.

If someone fell from such a high place, there was no chance of him surviving.

And now, such a corpse appeared in front of Rabbit River.


This scream, never late.

"Alas, it's unlucky!" Rabbit Chuan couldn't help sighing, and he didn't know if he was talking about the corpse or himself.

Rabbit River grabbed Conan, who wanted to run, and followed the surrounding tourists back, Dr. Agasa also escorted the other three imps to retreat into the crowd, and Haibara followed behind in amusement.

Conan struggled and said, "Brother Rabbitchuan, don't you go to see the corpse?"

Rabbit Chuan made a silent gesture and whispered in Conan's ear: "Shh, I just seemed to see random steps, let's not disturb random steps to solve the case." Hearing

the name of the idol, Conan immediately stopped struggling, turned his head to look at the corpse, and sure enough saw Mr. Random Steps!

However, Mr. Random Walk was accompanied by a young man wearing a black coat, white clothes, heavy bangs, and a raccoon on his back.

Conan guessed, "Could it be that he is... Mr. Allan Poe?!

"yes, yes." Rabbit Chuan held down the excited Conan, "Don't make trouble, Conan, don't go and make trouble for the teachers."

"I can go and help the teachers!" Conan crooked his eyes with a smile, and the corners of his mouth reached the back of his head.

Rabbit Chuan held Conan in front of him with his cane and said generously: "It's okay, as long as you stand here obediently, it will be a big help!" "

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