"Married?! That's great! "The children's eyes were attracted by the sudden happy event.

Dr. Agasa said in surprise: "Congratulations, what a congratulations!" "

Thank you, thank you!" Garner Zhao was now so excited that he could only smile.

"Whew..." Arthur hesitated.

Haibara squatted down, stroked Arthur's ears, and said with a smile: "Silly child, don't worry, no one is angry with you now, well-behaved, well-behaved."

"Great!!" The three little ones suddenly pounced on Haihara's side.

Haibara was taken aback and asked, "What, what's wrong?" The

three little ones chirped: "Because you have been listless lately, we are all worried about death, so we all secretly discuss ways to make you happy!"

Conan finally understood, no wonder these imps were always muttering behind their backs.

"Huh? Wait a minute! Conan suddenly realized, "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

Ayumi said naturally, "Because Conan always loves to quarrel with Haihara-san, so he won't make people happy!" The

three little ones threw themselves on Arthur's body together and cheered: "Great, Arthur, you have done great work again!" Seeing

this scene in front of him, the corners of Haihara's mouth unconsciously evoked a smile.

Conan stood beside Haibara and said, "It's right for you to laugh like this, as long as you laugh like an innocent child, others will definitely not recognize you as an 84-year-old old lady." "

“8、84?" Haihara's face turned black all of a sudden, like the bottom of a black pot, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll tell you again!" I'm ten this year! Eight! Year! "

Huh?" Conan was stunned for a moment, "I asked you before, didn't you say that your real age is..."

Under the knife of Haihara's mournful eyes, Conan was full of excitement and changed his words: "Haha... I know, I know!

Haibara withdrew his eyeknife and snorted, now is indeed not the time to be depressed, even for the sake of these lovely children, it is time for her to cheer up.

In the end, Garner Teruya decided to talk openly and honestly with Tsunashima.

Seeing that the matter was revealed, Yoshio Tsunashima subconsciously wanted to escape, but was pounced on by Arthur and Christine, and the Wangwang team made another achievement.

Tsunajima Yoshio has a chance to escape, but he really can't bear to beat the dog, he can only cry, kneel and confess three times, the content of the confession is the same as Rabbit Chuan knows, in order to raise those skewer dogs that no one wants, he has already been unable to make ends meet, and he has no choice but to embark on this road of no return.

Teruya Kana and Yoshio Tsunajima have known each other for many years, and it is clear that what he says is the truth.

Garner Teruya put the gemstone brand in Tsunajima's hand and said, "Take it, buy something to eat for the dogs, not for you, just give it to the dogs."

Tsunajima Yoshio was ashamed of himself, and he couldn't help himself, and finally said only one sentence, "Thank you!" Seeing

the two shaking hands and making peace, Rabbit Chuan was also very moved, seriously, Garner Teruya is the one who should say thank you, he wants to thank Yoshio Tsunashima for his grace of not killing!

It is said that seeking wealth kills life, seeking wealth kills life, Tsunajima Yoshio only seeks wealth and does not kill life, just rush this, Ghana should also say thank you, really!

You think that's the end of things?

No, there is a follow-up to this event, that is, Christine it is pregnant!!

Arthur was happy, and Arthur cried again because his owner took it to the pet hospital, and with a click, little Arthur was gone.

Arthur:??? Didn't I make a big contribution? Why?

Probably because of Yoshio Tsunashima's affairs, Teruya Garner and Shino Hasunoki knew about the tragic situation of the Kushina dog, and in order to avoid this problem and for Arthur's health, they finally reached a consensus.

In this way, only Arthur's wounded ending was born.

Rabbit River and his group returned with a full load, Dr. Agasa chose a set of tea sets, Conan chose a football, of course, Haibara Mourning couldn't really choose Doyle, and Garner also saw that Haihara Mourning really liked dogs, so he gave her a dog felt.

And Rabbit Chuan found a set of Go in the warehouse, it is said that Ghana's grandfather bought it back on a whim when he traveled overseas, but no one in their family knew how to play Go at all, and just bought it back, he directly entered the cold palace and put it in the warehouse to accumulate ash.

Well, a brand new chessboard, no blood, no grandfathers.

Conan suddenly remembered something, Xiaolan seemed to have said that his brother joined the Go club this year and would represent the school in the competition.

Conan casually asked, "Brother Rabbitchuan, how is the Go game in your club?" "

Go game?" Rabbit Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then like a deflated leather ball, "Now at this time, I have probably entered the capital competition, if we win the top five of the capital competition this time, we can be promoted to the national competition." "

Yes, competitions are seasonal, like some outdoor sports, such as tennis, football and other competitions, are generally played in spring and summer, while indoor competitions, such as karate, Go will avoid the peak period and be held in autumn and winter.

Alternating hot and cold, not only to be careful of the hot cold, but also to be careful that the game is probably only their world.

When Lihai University threatened to win three consecutive championships in the national competition for the third time, Rabbit Chuan almost laughed and cried, because except for the first time, they achieved it both times, and when the next spring, they had to start all over again.

Now it is not a consecutive hegemony battle, but a defensive battle, and less than the last year, no one knows who the champion of "this year" will go to.

This is especially true for Go matches, the rules of the team competition last season are still divided into points, win two games first to advance, do not need Rabbit Chuan to shoot, the next season suddenly becomes the total score system of team members?!

The president of the Go club directly abstained, this is not difficult to be a person, their club can play a total of three, how can it be compared to other schools' full clubs!

The president of the Go club is ready to wait for the next season, and the result is that the next season is a whole team rotation system, a single round robin system, that is, each member of team A has to go down with all the members of team B, and each member of team B will also play with all the members of team A one by one, which is rarely used in various events of Go because the rules are too complicated.

To say that Rabbit Chuan is simply idle, participating in this kind of competition is to panic when you are full and make trouble for yourself.

The organizing committee did this, and other schools were also miserable, so they could only say that they would use the simplest ring format next season.

The president of the Rabbit River Go Club is waiting for this ring match, and when the time comes, bring the Rabbit Chuan brother, and the husband will be a guanfu!

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