The moment they saw Rabbit River take out the pearl, Conan and Amuro's eyes lit up, and they all figured it out.

Since the pearl necklace around Tokiwa Mio's neck is intact, this pearl must have come from another pearl necklace, and it also fell to the ground and left a pearl behind.

Rabbit Chuan handed the pearl to Officer Takagi, who put the pearl in a physical evidence bag.

Rabbit Chuan reasoned: "Simply put, it is a plan to steal beams and change columns.

"Mr. Ruzuki gave Miss Tokiwa a pearl necklace in advance, and instructed her to wear this pearl necklace to tonight's banquet."

"When Miss Tokiwa Mio was waiting on the podium in the dark and standing in front of the painting, Mr. Ruzuki secretly took out another identical pearl necklace and hooked a hook connected to the wire to this pearl necklace."

Then Mr. Ruyue walked behind Tokiwa Mio, untied the pearl necklace she was wearing around her neck at that time, and then just said to the panicked Miss Misu, "It's okay, I'll help you put it on", just like that, Mr. Ruyue stole the beam and changed the pillar and put another pearl necklace on Miss Mei, which is now the deadly necklace connected to the steel wire that Miss Meixu wears around her neck!"

"Then, just wait for the opening cloth to be drawn, and everything will be settled."

Rabbit Chuan's reasoning is over, the scene is silent, reasonable, really reasonable, but....

"But, Brother Rabbit-Chuan." The Twilight Police Department took the lead in asking, "Mr. Rugetsu did have an alibi in the murder

of Hara Yoshiaki..." Rabbit Chuan replied: "The murderer of Hara Yoshiaki is actually someone else, and when Mr. Rugetsu rushed to Hara Jiaming's house, Hara Yoshiaki was already dead.

"According to the characteristics of serial homicide cases, as long as one of the cases has an alibi, it can be cleared of suspicion."

"Mr. Ruyue thought of leaving a small porcelain cup next to the corpse as a symbol of the serial murder case to prove his innocence."

"The fragments of small porcelain cups that fell in the pool of blood of the deceased but did not stain the blood of the deceased are the best evidence that the blood stains had dried up at that time."

"As for the case of Oki

Iwamatsu..." Rabbit Chuan suddenly noticed the time and said directly: "Since it is a serial murder case, then the murderer of Tokiwa Mio's case is naturally the person who killed Oki Iwamatsu.

Rabbit Chuan babbled, saving time and giving almost no chance for others to interject.

After waiting for Rabbit Chuan to stop, Ruyue Fengshui spoke: "However, you don't have evidence yet..."

Tu Chuan directly scolded the person back, "The evidence is now hidden in your cane, which is the pearl necklace that was stiffened by Li Daitao!"

Ruyue Feng Shui's pupils shrank, clenched his cane hard, and asked unwillingly, "How do you know?"

Rabbit Chuan pointed to his ear and smiled slightly: "It's common sense to hide things in a cane, and my ears are very sharp, after Miss Mio's death, the sound of your cane hitting the ground is different."

"So it is, it is worthy of the ears of a detective." Ruyue Fengshui suddenly laughed, "Hahahaha, I didn't expect that I would fail because of this." Ruyue

Fengshui unscrewed the handle of the cane, buckled the body of the cane upside down, and a broken pearl necklace fell to the ground, crackling and shattering, and then angrily threw the cane aside, standing firmly in place.

Rabbit Chuan subconsciously took two steps back to Amuro Toru, and suddenly recalled that Ohki Iwamatsu was directly stabbed to death in the first case, and the old man should always be strong!

The Twilight Police Department looked at the old brother Rabbit River on the left, and looked at Ruyue Feng Water on the right, is this a confession? So the case is over, can they get off work?

"But why? Why did you kill Miss Mio? Maori Kogoro roared, they still did not know the old man's motives.

"It's Mt. Fuji!" Conan's mind flashed, and he suddenly remembered that when they went to visit Ruyue Peak Water's studio, they did not see Mt. Fuji.

The house specially built there like Yuefeng Water should have been the best angle to observe Mt. Fuji, but now Conan has built in his mind the studio like Yuefeng Water, the twin towers skyscraper and the orientation of Mt. Fuji, they are actually in a straight line!

Ruyue Feng Shui frowned and told his story.

"More than ten years ago, I found a small hill with a great angle on the outskirts of Nishitama City in order to depict the majesty of Mt. Fuji, but now that I am too old to climb, I bought the top of the mountain and built a studio, wanting to paint Mt. Fuji for the rest of my life."

"But that woman did such a thing!" Ruyue Feng Shui was filled with grief and indignation, "She actually split my Mt. Fuji in two, I can only let this unfilial disciple die in front of my painting, and now I also want to..."

After saying that, Ruyue Feng Shui took out a small bottle of potion from his cuff and was about to pour it into his mouth, he had already prepared the poison and planned to end everything.

Rabbit River blocked Conan's anesthesia gun, and the Twilight Police Department and Shiratori rushed forward to block it, seeing that it was too late, fortunately, Amuro was fast enough, knocked over the poison with a punch, and took down Ruyue Fengshui, who was afraid of crime and committed suicide.

Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief, and then they should arrest people, those who should leave work, and those who should go home, and the police department began to arrange for all people to evacuate the scene.

Only Rabbit River knows that the matter is not over, but has just begun, and it is too late....

With a loud bang, the building began to shake, and the venue fell into darkness.

"What's wrong?"

"Was there an earthquake?"

The guests talked and trembled.

At this time, Hidehiko Kazama received a call from the security room and shouted in shock: "What did you say?!" Burst, explosion?! There

was chaos in the security room, and the security captain shouted: "The motor room and power generation room on the 4th basement floor, or the computer room on the 40th floor have exploded, and there is still a fire on the inside of the 40th floor, so please evacuate immediately!"

Rabbit Chuan also heard the voice on the phone, and muttered in a low voice: "It turns out that the bomb is on the 40th floor, I thought I wouldn't encounter the bomb this time, alas..." Amuro

saw that Rabbit River looked really unlucky, and he didn't know what to say, and recalled the words of his friend Matsuda... It seems to make some sense.

The computer room on the 40th floor contains the main computer of the Tokiwa Group, and if it is blown up, all important materials will be missing.

And just in case, Gin Jiu blew up the motor room and the power generation room at the same time, unplugged the power supply of the computer, physically cut off the possibility of data transfer through the network, and strangled everything possible in the cradle.

Hidehiko Kazama hung up the phone and said to the Twilight Police Department in a panic: "Twilight Police Department, we must evacuate here as soon as possible."

Shiratori Renzaburo frowned and analyzed: "Now that the motor room and the power generation room have been blown up, the elevator cannot operate normally, we just need to take the escape stairs, but this is the seventy-fifth floor..."

Hidehiko Kazama tried to recall the escape plan made in the plan when he built the building, and shouted: "By the way, there is also a sightseeing elevator, which is specially provided for VIPs, so the generator is located elsewhere, and we can take the sightseeing elevator to escape!" "

It's a pity that this time the work of cutting the grass and removing the roots of the gin wine is too good, because there is no need to snipe Shirley, he even let go of the backup power supply, in other words....

Hidehiko Kazama did not press open this step-by-step door to heaven as usual.

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