Seeing this, Maori Kogoro immediately jumped onto the podium and instructed the secretary to activate the instrument to put the person down and pull the curtain.

Conan ran up with him, and Mori Kogoro put Tokiwa Mio on the ground, unfortunately the person was no longer saved.

Conan stepped forward to look and found that the pearl necklace that Tokiwa Mio wore around his neck was connected to a steel wire, and the other end of the steel wire passed through the beam and was attached to the "Spring Snow Mount Fuji" hanging in mid-air, and once the painting was lowered, the steel wire would hang Tokiwa Mio up.

Maori Kogoro exclaimed, "What? That's not!! Conan

looked down and saw that there was a small porcelain cup at Tokiwa Mio's feet, which means that this case is also one of the serial murder cases?

Rabbikawa and Amuro also walked up to the podium.

Amuro first surveyed the scene, and then offered his courtesy to Maori Kogoro, intending to find out the details of the detective.

Rabbit Chuan did not go to see the body with Amuro Toru, but circled the podium, and sure enough, he picked up a pearl at the emergency escape door.

Now that the evidence has been found, Rabbit Chuan decided to wait for the Twilight Police Department to come up this time and make a quick decision.

The Twilight Police Department quickly arrived at the scene of the crime, which was definitely the fastest he had ever been able to go to the police, but... There is one.

After surveying the scene, the police department said, "So, Miss Tokiwa Mio was hanged on the podium because the pearl necklace was hooked by a wire hook, so who was standing on the podium at that time?"

Hidehiko Kazama replied, "It's just me, Miss Tokiwa Mio and Sensei Ruzuki Minesui, Chinami Sawaguchi is operating the machine over there." "

The police department asked them to restore the position they were in when the crime occurred.

According to the indicator light on the floor, Officer Chiba stood in the center of Tokiwa Mio's position, Ruzuki Mine Water was standing to the left of Tokiwa Mio, and Kazama Hidehiko was standing on the right, each 1.5 meters apart.

At that time, Chinami Sawaguchi was on the side of the podium, responsible for controlling the lifting and lowering of the curtain and paintings.

The Twilight Police Department asked the secretary Tomami Sawaguchi who sent the pearl necklace, and Chinami Sawaguchi replied that he did not know.

The police department asked her how the painting was shipped, and Sawaguchi said that the painting was transported by their group under the supervision of Master Ruzuki.

Maori Kogoro pointed the finger at Ruzuki Fengshui, who was the most convenient way to arrange the wire mechanism, and said, "Mr. Rugetsu, I heard that you are very angry that Mio bought out your painting and sold it at a high price.

Ruyue Fengshui said indifferently: "How can I kill people because of this kind of thing, compared to this, I heard you say that this is a serial killing..."

Rabbit Chuan interrupted Ruyue Fengshui's words, "Can you say it to let us see for a long time, ah, no, is it for us to learn?" "

Brother Rabbitchuan, what does this mean?" The police department was pleasantly surprised, as if hearing the sound of leaving work.

Rabbit Chuan was now in the center of the stage and said resolutely: "I mean very simply, the murderer of Tokiwa Mio is you... Mr. Ruyue Fengshui! "

How could it be... Master Ruyue?! Everyone present was shocked.

Amuro was equally surprised, it was the first time he had witnessed Rabbit River solve a case.

Amuro has seen the stack of tall files of the Metropolitan Police Department, which shows that this Rabbit River detective has real talents, and what he says is by no means untargeted.

But really fast, Amuro Toru himself has not yet discovered the truth, this kid has been acting with him, how did he find the murderer?

Even if he is identified as the murderer, Ruyue Fengshui is still calm and calm, he has survived a nail, can he still be scared by a hairy boy.

Ruyue Fengshui calmly retorted: "I just heard that this is a serial murder, so how can I be the murderer if I have an alibi in the second case?"

Rabbit Chuan asked suspiciously, "The second case?" Which case is it?

"It's Yuan Jiaming's case, at the time of the crime, I and these little ghosts..." Ruyue Fengshui suddenly stopped speaking, and he looked at the smile on the corner of Rabbit Chuan's mouth in horror.

Rabbit Chuan smiled slightly and said, "Strange, did we just say that there were a total of several dead people in this serial murder case?"

Everyone looked at Ruyue Peak Water in disbelief, and Ruyue Feng Shui quickly calmed down, it was just a slip of the tongue, and it was not evidence.

Ruyue Fengshui said arrogantly: "Hmph, because I only know that Ohki Yanmatsu and Yuan Jiaming are dead, and it is natural to think that Yuan Jiaming's case is the second case, can't it?"

Rabbit Chuan sighed and said, "Well... Of course, there is nothing wrong with it, and I didn't mean to scam you, isn't this a rush? Oops, you took it all off-track, and I'm not talking about this, but about pearls.

Rabbit Chuan pulled out a round and plump white pearl from his pocket, as if it had been removed from the pearl necklace of the deceased Tokiwa Mio.

The Twilight Police Department asked, "What is this pearl...?"

Rabbit Chuan replied, "When I went on stage, I picked it up on the ground next to me." "

The police department and Maori Kogoro immediately went to check the pearl necklace around Tokiwa Mio's neck, which was intact and quite durable.

Tu Chuan shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "The murder weapon, of course, must be strong and durable, but the rest of nature cannot be too strong, otherwise, how can it be replaced by the murderer as a murder weapon?" "

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